Working Interferences Dental Podcast
Working Interferences Dental Podcast
Lance Timmerman DMD and Holly
Episode 15: The Dental Oscars
55 minutes Posted Mar 8, 2018 at 5:53 pm.
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It’s Oscar night and the Working Interferences are all dressed up to award the best performance by an actor playing a dentist and best film featuring a dentist. You might be surprised at the winners!   Onto the advice this week! Are you cool with your team members “calling out sick” to go to a concert? What about if they forge a note from you for their friends? A sticky situation ensues, yet Josh and Lance are busy trying to figure out what concert it was.   The next question get a little clinical as we discuss the proper way to dispense bonding agent. A homework assignment ensues.   Finally on to our Reddit question which involves something that gets Josh so worked up, he starts yelling. You’ll have to tune in to find out why!!!