Women Seeking Wellness
Women Seeking Wellness
Dr. Stephanie Maj
Women Seeking Wellness
Dr. Stephanie Maj
Are you a woman who feels not really old, yet not really young-not really sick yet not really well? Most women want MORE in all aspects of their life and this podcast’s goal is to share the real story on how to be well at any age. Dr. Maj is a Chiropractor, a health & wellness expert, a functional nutritionist and an author, She brings her humor and unique outlook to help you in building the life you truly desire. She has been inspired by the works of Dr. Oz, Brene Brown, Danielle LaPorte, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Oprah.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 39 days
Latest episode
2 months ago
February 18
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