Wine Face
Wine Face
Dear Media, Helen Johannesen
Wine Face
Dear Media, Helen Johannesen
Wine Face breaks down the ins and outs of wine: how it’s made, why it’s important, what you should drink, and why people often make it so elitist. Wine Face features thoughtful interviews with chefs, winemakers, celebs, and some exciting enthusiasts, as well as entertaining opportunities to help listeners learn a new fact or two for their next trip to the wine shop, or even to help plan their next dinner party. Helen Johannesen is a partner at Jon & Vinny’s in Los Angeles, and the owner of Helen’s Wines, the gem box retail wine shop in the back of Jon & Vinny's locations. Helen is the Beverage Director for all Jon & Vinny’s associated restaurants. She hosts wine classes, runs a curated wine club, and was named Best New Sommelier by Food & Wine in 2016.
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Available episodes
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Latest episode
8 months ago
September 14, 2023
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