Why Is This Happening? The Chris Hayes Podcast
Why Is This Happening? The Chris Hayes Podcast
Chris Hayes, MSNBC & NBCNews THINK
via Podcasts
Love but would love more in video
Giving 4 stars for one reason only. I've seen videos clips of this podcast on your show but can't find those videos in any platform - even YouTube. Please publish the videos 🙏
Immigration explained
This is an excellent show that gives the best description, of our immigration issues that I have ever heard. I wish there was someway to get people who do not listen to MSNBC to hear this. Everyone should hear it. Thank you for doing it!
Best episode ever.
Terrific interview with Meir Baruchin. I listened twice once by myself and then with my husband. I sent to all my family and friends as well. Brave man and well conducted interview by Chris. We are Jewish and Meir spoke so eloquently for us on how we feel about our faith.
Immigration debacle
One of the most dramatic and informative looks at what is really going on at the border and why. I learned so much! More Americans need to listen to episodes like this one. Thanks to all of you for putting this out there.
Professor Lobo
The stakes with immigration
I am blown away. That was the most complete and comprehensive conversation on the Southern border I have ever heard. Aaron has a total understanding of the issues and history and is able to explain them clearly. Extremely well done and huge thank you to Aaron and Chris. Bravo!
Another “must listen”
Brilliant episode. Thanks, Chris, for finding people like Meir – they help keep my floundering faith in humanity afloat.
Turn Florida blue
Confronting Christian nationalism
So informative. Love the work that is being done with this group. Thank you I feel uplifted as a christian. Keep up the good work!
ex tepblican
Gender and power
I really enjoyed listening to Judith Butler and that surprised me. I stopped thinking about gender with the idea as a social construction vs sex as biologically established. But what about those that don’t fit into a binary view? Or established norms for gender? Individual freedom, choice, nourishing human potential and possibility provide a different lens to view non-binary youth and transgender individuals that I have struggled to understand.
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seattle cal
A needed and very important discussion
I am so grateful for the podcast discussing Christianity and Trump. It answered so many of my questions. I was raised in a nondenominational church and only in later years did I realize how much I was indoctrinated in a Religious Right attitude. When the podcast was over I made my first of many future contributions on ActBlue to support his work. Thank you.
R David 107
Go further with Doug Pagett
I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation but Doug but you should do a bit more research on the Catholic Church’s stance on abortion. Prior to 1869 Catholic teaching was that abortion prior to “ensoulment “ (at quickening) was not a homicide. And Catholics for Choice was formed in 1973. So the Church’s views evolved and there are deep divisions among Catholics.
Great Show
I loved Chris’s show with Doug Pagitt. I’m not a Christian, but I so appreciated Mr Pagitt’s worldview which really is the best of Christianity. And your show made a difference. I never heard of his work before, but I felt moved to donate some money to his cause. Thank you for giving him a platform to disseminate his worldview of kindness, which even atheists like me share.
Sort of, sort of, sort of
Interesting, but why use “sort of” dozens of times during a single episode? Its nauseating the overuse of unnecessary and incessant “sort ofs” in almost every sentence. Why?
Thank you
I was listening to your coverage of Super Tuesday and you corrected Rachel Maddow that not going to college doesn’t mean that you’re poorly educated. My daughter went to private Catholic schools, including a college prep school. She was not “poorly educated” because she didn’t finish college. College was not a fit for her, but she is more well read than a lot of college graduates. Thank you for correcting the impression that because you didn’t graduate from college means you are poorly educated.
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nonicknameis available
Polynesia in the Pacific
Hi Chris, Next time you're near Oahu, visit the planetarium at the Bishop Museum and specifically attend the show that explains how the Hawaiians navigated the Pacific by studying the stars. It's a highly sophisticated navigation system now being replicated by modern dsy Hawaiians who have built a traditional sailing yacht with the intension on visiting as many islands in Polynesia as possible using the wind and the stars. When they arrive, they are greeted as family. It's the best climate in the world, so I assume you're going back. I discovered the planetarium when I made my second visit to the Bishop Museum separated by 40 years, just last year. I can also recommend the Honolulu Art Museum and a related visit to Doris Duke's former home near Diamond Head. We now split our time between Sydney and SF, stopping off in HNL for 3 nights in each direction. It's a wonderful spotover with perfect weather. Thank you for this podcast. gg
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BBB Australia
Well-produced informative show with expert guests
Love listening to this show. I learn so much and I love that Chris Hayes’ has a way of being a brilliant intellectual but is humble at the same time. Also like how he shares a little about himself and his life. The guests he has on are experts in their fields and the conversations are usually quite engaging. Deep dives into many different topics. Highly recommend.
A gross and cowardly avoidance of the Gaza-Israel conflict and American complicity.
Very much in favor of electric vehicles but how is the electricity to power them being generated? I live in Tennessee; the TVA is proposing new power plants that burn methane!!
TN Mormor
Love Chis Hayes
No matter what he talks about. His mannerisms and positive vibes brings out the best in any interview.
Rachel Maddow
The British Communist Party had virtually the same idea. Why join the army when the British army was part of an evil colonial empire. Fighting fascism wasn’t worth it and neither were Jews. There has always been an isolationist wing on the left that blamed Jews for wars right up to the Iraq war. I’ve become suspicious of peace movements. They almost always avoid the suffering of Jews. Throughout Jews have been blamed by oppressors and the oppressed. A friend told me about an encounter in a Dollor General with a Black clerk who went on a long rant about how all Jews are rich and of course are trying to take control of world. Jews are squeezed from both sides. If he was that rich he wouldn’t be in a Dollar General.
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Life in The West Bank with Sari Bashi
Chris, one of your BEST interviews ever! Sari Bashi is an important voice, especially at this time. Sari’s first hand life experience can be an education for all of us. Sari’s compassion for all human beings comes across and it was an honor to listen to her. Chris, thank you for allowing her to speak and for this interesting, informative and important discussion. Sari, thank you for all you do!
West Bank show
Chris, I love your shows. Why didn’t you challenge your guest’s assertion that Israel is an Apartheid state. You know that is not true. Israel is definitely occupiers, but apartheid? C’mon.
Kinzinger interview
That was an amazing interview with Adam Kinzinger. He has the moral compass so desperately missing in this world. I found him fascinating to listen to and will follow his career forward. We haven’t heard the last of him yet. Good job, Chris.
Sari Bashi interview
Thank you for having Sari Bashi on your podcast. It was a very enlightening interview. She makes clear the war crimes that Israel has conducted for so long against the Palestinian people. I hope more Americans can understand that we share responsibility for these war crimes as well.
Joy Reid…excellent interview. You are both gifts to the world
L. A-G
Survival & Excellence
My respect for Joy Reed just increased from an 8 to 10! Her journey was remarkable and is an inspiration of perseverance and determination for us all. Thank you Chris Hayes and Joy Reed!!
The Making of Joy Reid
Chris and Joy, this is one of the best and most informative Podcast every. Keep up the outstanding work!
Excellent interview. Got to know more about one of my favorite MSNBC host. Chris did great getting her to talk about her life growing up and how she came to be where she is now. Talked about politics and her views. Shows how knowledgeable and thoughtful she is about what’s happening in the country
Sports betting
Appreciate the information but can’t listen to Chris insert all the “like …”. And the “like…”. And the “like…”. Way too annoying. Four or more “likes » per sentence. Good lord. He does it on his show too.
Doppelgänger Episode
How disappointed I was to hear such a cheap shot about carpet bombing. The crowd cheered on the ignorance and antisemitism in a way that made me question my progressive values. On the same day that Israel invites journalists to bare witness to the the truth of the violence of Hamas, this ignorant human makes a remark like that; how sad. On the same day that those reporters were brought to tears, the crowd cheered this ignorant human how; how sad. This war was started by the violent invasion into Israel, and somehow Israel must be restrained; ridiculous. These same people support Ukraine after they were invaded but not the Israeli people; that’s just antisemitism.
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That was outstanding and very informative. Well done 😊
You need ad control
Please, please, do something about the ads breaking in mid-sentence and then resuming later — what are we missing? Why are you so insulting and rude? This is an excellent podcast — why don’t you show more respect for your own work?
Rev. Warnock
Keep presenting the moral approach to dealing with the future. Half of the country has lost its way and is dragging us down the tubes. Someday soon I hope to attend a service at Ebenezer Baptist Church.
from scottsdale
The Reverend Senator
Thank you for bringing the Reverend Senator Warnock to my living room. Your conversations with him show him to be a humble servant to the betterment of the human condition, and especially the American human condition. If we want America to become better, we need to be electing more citizens like Dr. Reverend Senator Warnock to office.
JT Laguna Niguel
Insulin, Warnock
Hi, I also sent this information to Reverend Warnock “ I’m 40 years type 1 diabetic, insulin dependent. What I’m telling you is a fact. I or anyone can go into Walmart pharmacy (for the last ten years) buy a vial of insulin, no prescription, no doctor, no insurance (please pay attention now) for $24. Anytime during the last 10 years. No insurance, no doctor, no prescription, voila. Thus, the hoopla about reducing insulin costs is ? Please let me know you’ve received and understand my communication, Appreciatively, Marco the tucson cowboy
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King of a
Ali Velshi Reading Trump Indictment
Many thanks to you Ali for reading Trump’s latest indictment in full. You have a great reading voice and altho I am often distracted during podcasts, this one was riveting. Keep up the great work ! Sue Clark Ann Arbor, Michigan
Important stories, covered deeply, that you don’t get elsewhere
REALLY enjoying Chris Hayes in this format. (MSNBC feels like its become the Fox News of the left). Each episode digs deep into important topics, posing interesting questions and daylighting important issues/topics. Thanks, WITH crew!
Interview with Dr. Yusef Salaam
That was a great interview. I did not want it to end. His story has a lot to teach us about ourselves and the way we just accept the automatic guilt of Black people, the way we accept what happens to people in prison, and the way we treat people when they return from prison. Good talk.
Bags are the most common items of
Bag is in a box with a yuytytyyyyyyy on it and I just want to say thank you for the compliment and I hope you have a great day too
About your interview with the Anne Case & Angus Deaton!
Very interesting conversation & enlightened , Coming from Argentina ( we do have a similar to Europe healthcare ) And I think it is a very important factor for a reparative healthy society and culture . Thank you for all your fabulous reporting 😘❤️❤️❤️❤️ .
Thank You for +972
Thank you for inviting Edo Konrad from +972 Magazine to discuss the protests in Israel on April 11th episode. It’s so rare for American media to make space for people who speak honestly about the Occupation, Zionism, and the cracks at the foundation of the Israeli state. Seriously, thank you.
Wow Thanks
I just listened to your interview with Jennifer Wright. WOW, very enlightening! thank you!
Florida tourism board advertisements
wow just wow
Yo Yo Yo Fresh
City life
Thanks for your excellent conversation on the future of cities. The energy, clarity, and hope for American cities was palpable and very welcome. I meet so many people who are afraid of city life — a lot of local news and all of Fox News misrepresent daily life. Thanks for needed correctives! And it’s always good to hear people who love cities talking to each other.
I wish you would have an episode on the explosion of positive psychology
The word “like”
As one of your greatest admirers, I suggest that you listen to yourself and consider reducing the number of times you use the word “like”
Can I suggest you interview someone with a left wing two state perspective. I think you wisely pointed out in the course of your interview with Edo, that he advocated a one state solution, and that is clearly a valuable perspective but as your observation suggested, there are other perspectives, Zionist perspectives, that are vigorously opposed to the occupation, and to inquality within Israel that I think should also be heard. There is some evidence that overtime the demonstrators in Tel Aviv and elsewhere have become more tolerant of the view that ther is no democracy with occupation and beyond tolerance have begun to support that perspective as well. Perhaps someone from J St. ,or perhaps Michael Kopolow from Israel Policy Forum, would broaden the left perspective on what is going on and what the future possibilities realistically are.
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SVB Episode
One of the best holistic explainers I have heard! That was very informative. I was an Economics major in college and Chris may know more than I do!
deadline viewee
March 28 2023 Show
I really enjoyed this episode. I only shorted it the 5th star because I am frustrated with obscure Latin phrases that keep coming up on the podcast. Please be kind to the 99% of Americans who never had any Latin in their public school educations.
Love the show.
Idea: apparently folks are fleeing California and New York. 1) why are the really leaving. 2) do they have regrets 3) are are these folks different than those who stay ie are the more conservative?
What ever trudge
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