Why I Hate this Album
Why I Hate this Album
Garrett Harvey and Tim Richardson
#22 - Die Antwoord - Mount Ninji and Da Nice Time Kid
1 hour 20 minutes Posted Jun 19, 2018 at 9:05 am.
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This week we hop in our matte black scooby, throw in our grills and get totally zef on the mean streets of Johannesburg. What the hell does that mean, we’re not sure either, but we learned it from S. African duo Die Antwoord and this week’s album Mount Ninji and da Nice Time Kid. In the episode we discuss Lilo & Stitch, tsunamis, Judge Dredd, mySpace Awards, eyebrow shaving, Hamilton, Tim raps, pajamas, Zef, MTV Cribs, Soviet Russia, aliases and so much more. Hatepod.com | @AlbumHatePod | Inst: hatePod