Whistlestop: Presidential History and Trivia
Whistlestop: Presidential History and Trivia
Slate Podcasts
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Awful and Bias
Awfully biased—they two “things” history should never be
otomn j
John Dickerson delivers these stories with a great sense of humor and has strong ability to relay the core message to be learned.
Very interesting
John’s tells great stories in a unique way.
Interesting, but ...
Interesting podcast, but earlier incarnation was better. A few too many mistakes. Fairly obvious this is recorded in a rush without much editing
Terrific history/politics insights
Always a fun listen to hear John connect the past to the present. I never miss an episode. I just wish he more time to publish more.
It’s like the best history lecture you never had
John Dickerson does a phenomenal job explaining presidential history and spends a lot of time analyzing without leaning one way or another. Just the history and what it means for us today and how we see modern politics mirroring the past. It’s fun to listen to and he covers things I didn’t learn in American History class.
Fun politics/history podcast
Fun politics/history podcast
Bort B. III
I absolutely love this podcast. John Dickerson is an American treasure. Thank you for the entertaining, thoughtful history lessons!!!
Great listen on a long drive
It is a great listen for any fan of American political history. Innovative topics, thoughtful analysis, and that Dickerson humor makes for a great show.
John’s podcast is fantastic. I became hooked during the 2016 race when it was about campaigns. John is a great! That is what it also says in volume 3 of the Whistlestop Listener Guide (which I memorized). Seriously, if you are a fan of our shared American history you will love this podcast. Hey John, when will we get volume 4 if the Whistlestop Listener Guide with redactions removed and exams included? All the best, Steve -
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Whistlestop Review
Fantastic podcast that takes the listener to historical moments most people never knew about (LBJ Hagar pants phone call is awesome!) I also enjoy Jon’s speaking style and vocabulary...he really keeps me engaged. One small suggestion: recently there has been a trend of three and four part episodes. While still fascinating, I prefer the stand alone episodes. However, it’s still my favorite podcast.
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podcast 1355322
Great mix of historical perspectives and current day events
I really enjoy the historical perspective’s and the potential similarities and differences to history in the making today. The podcasts are delivered with that clear bent on understanding history. Are you find them to be balanced and very interesting for people that may be wondering about events of the past and whether we’re living through similar or dissimilar times.
Fantastic show
I listed to two or three episodes a day and never fail to learn something and find myself putting into perspective things that happened 100 years ago plus and applying them to elections in my lifetime. History is a delight of mine, and this show is like the most delicious candy imaginable, and it is healthy!!
Daveworld 1102
Too fast
If he didn’t talk so fast he wouldn’t have to correct himself so much, which would make for a better listen
Informative but also fun
I do like the way John Dickerson sounds like he is enjoying himself and I like the very humanistic side with a sense of humor!
hopeful older lady
Missed attribution
Latest episode says that marketplace is an npr program. It's an APM program
Thank You, John Dickerson
Lots of stuff about American presidents I never knew, presented with humor and erudition.
Excellent, informative and entertaining
This Podcast is wonderful. John Dickerson delivers brisk, fun, detailed and insider-like accounts from Presidential history. Every one I listen to, I learn something worth knowing about our government and how it came to be. Thanks Whistlestop Team!
Fluff Girl
Fascinating Look Back: The Summer of '87
This four podcasts are both fascinating and informative. Undertanding the concerns and experiences of the delegates contributes enormously to my understanding of the difficulties from creating the unique document that is our constiution and puts today in perspective. I urge everyone interested in this aspect of American history to listen to these podcasts. john Dickerson has done a wonderful job of teaching, explaining and educating in a most enjoyaable formqt.
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Expertly connecting the American past to the present
After soaking up every minute of the 4 part trilogy :) on the Making of the Presidency, I've been listening to early Whistlestop podcasts -- the Bricker Amendment, Recording in the Oval Office and the Making of a Presidential Speech this week. It is fascinating to see how John Dickerson has picked out key moments in the last 232 years that trace their significance to central debates which took place during in the 4 months of the Constitutional Convention of 1787. He also picks out poignant moments that demonstrate the changing circumstances and norms which may call for a refactoring of the office. A few that come to mind are the focus on "human nature" in the design of the 3 branches of government, the role of classical virtues in the deisgn of the office of the Presidency, the evolution of communication between President and electorate and the growing burden associated with administering an expanded Executive remit. I first met John Dickerson many years ago, but have come to believe he may be the best American Historian alive today. He also seems to have fun doing what he's doing. Definitely worth a listen.
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Perfect Accompaniment
We took a day trip to Mount Vernon, and I downloaded the 4 part Whistlestop on The Making of an American Presidency. It couldn’t have been a more perfect accompaniment to our road trip. Listen to this exceptional Podcast was an ideal way to build excitement for the day of history delight. Thanks to John Dickerson and the whole Whistlestop team!
Simply splendid!
Says it all
Great Show
Funny, interesting, and sometimes even moving. Whistlestop brings you a detailed and sophisticated look at the interior dramas of those in American power.
John Dickerson is a straight up G, of the most respectable variety.
Sir Knee
The Podcast of His Country
As George Washington once said “It is better to be alone than in bad company.” Although wise words, I ask you this, dear podcast listener, why be alone when you can instead spend your time with John Dickerson in your ear telling the tales of the American Presidency? John Dickerson is one of my favorite people and he brings his charisma, enthusiasm and wit to this podcast every few weeks. I love listening to it. His four part trilogy on Making the American Presidency is John at his best and my reading list has grown a handful of books as a result. Add this to your feed and you won’t regret it! Give me podcasts or give me death! Also thank you to the staff that help make this podcast possible.
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Every school should play this for their students and I’d encourage all fellow citizens to listen. Very well done, thank you!
History comes alive
Mr Dickerson is obviously someone who loves his work. His personality come across in a way that enhances the stories he tells. I’ve learned more about American political history from these podcasts than from any other source. Would recommend these histories to anyone with interest in our country and how we got here. Very strong stuff and a ton of fun to listen to.
John Dickerson is great!
John Dickerson makes me enjoy history! Then he takes time to weave a comment or two in about present day America. I always learn from this talented presenter.
An island of sanity in a crazy political world
Just like it’s author, Whistlestop is an informative, intelligent, interesting, witty and frequently downright funny look at a little-studied corner of American history. Dickerson doesn’t stop with campaigns, and he concentrates on various aspects of the presidency so the topics are fresh and his insights are original. A great way to pass an hour or 50!
Four more years!
It's like reading a book or three in 30 minutes. Then, when the podcast is over, you want to go out and read all three of the books John cited on your own time.
Hits the spot
This podcast is fantastic. It’s definitely for anyone who enjoys US history generally and the founding fathers specifically. It also provides the framework needed to fully appreciate how bizarre and troubling the current president’s actions are and have been during his tenure. Check it out!
Amazingly timely
As always👍🏻
Ginagina Smith
Interesting and Entertaining
This is a great dive into the past and present of the US presidency. There’s no shortage of material to be covered, but it’s not all facts and figures. Context is always important when evaluating historical figures and John and the research team do a great job filling us in. Perhaps he could convince fellow Political Gabfest host Emily Bazelon to start a companion show about the judiciary.
Five stars
John is a word wizard. He masterfully tells stories of years ago that you think are more relevant today than ever. Without a anyone getting angry.
26 Mile Crew
Simply brilliant
Dickerson brings a newsman’s dispassionate eye and ear along with the passion he does carry for the history and politics of the presidency. The real insight and pithy observations ride right alongside smatterings of humor and excitement he tangibly— and infectiously— evinces in the moment.
Dileep Rao
Excellent Use of History in Every Pod
John and his team are master synthesizers of manifold sources and then deftly applies then to the times. The Republic is in the balance and JD knows this as well
Excellence in Podcasting
A well put together and well delivered podcast on the hidden side of presidential history and politics. Funny smart and exceptionally delivered
A meaningful discussion of Presidential history
Thank you for these in depth pieces. As a reader of Presidential history, the various stories that are presented only enhance my understanding of the history of the office. Great research and well done.
Best podcast out there for deep understanding of the fabric of our polity. John please keep going.
Simply Superb
Simply a delight to listen to. John's heaps of wit and grace are so genuiely appreciated while traversing the mountains of vanity and lumps of delusion that plague our current political landscape.
Ghael Fobes
Love it
The only thing better than listening to John Dickerson on slate political gabfest is listening to him on whistlestop. Great job, John!
He had me when he said you can’t have too many books
Mr. Dickerson’s enthusiasm for the subject-the presidency, our democracy, the way we find our political way-is infectious. Keep a notepad handy to jot down some of the books that serve as sources as he wends his way through the rough and tumble of American politics, that ultimately reveals the genius of our political institutions.
Such interesting looks
This podcast always gives me a new way to understand our country, and gives perspective on the political and governmental battles of the modern day. Thoroughly enjoyable to listen to John’s amazing oratory and story telling. The writing is always great, and the only problem with the podcast is that I can’t wait for the next episode to come out.
Theo Davis
Glad I found this one
Terrific explanation of how our history has brought us to where we are now. Really enjoyed it.
I love this podcast!
I have been listening to Whistlestop with John Dickerson for a while now. John Dickerson is so engaging, and smart. I really did enjoy the historical podcasts about former presidents and their presidencies the best. However, the platform that’s more about recent politics and presidents has pulled me in just as much. Keep up the wonderful work! Laurie
Yellow Rose97
Great Podcast
A firehose of presidential history deftly delivered by John Dickerson. It’s well researched and wonderfully delivered. Dickerson’s love of the subject matter permeates every word. My only criticism is they don’t publish enough! If anyone behind the show reads this, please publish a bibliography on the show page, please.
Dickerson at his best
John Dickerson is from the old tradition of newscasters doing the research and using language to present stories that are both eloquently told and factual. I’m so glad I found this podcast.
Polish Rob from philly
Great show!
Everything John Dickerson does is solid gold. Keep it up!
The best podcast series ever!
Dickerson brings the expert research of his team to life with his extemporaneous charm and calm yet zippy style of delivery. I wish that my entire life was narrated by John but I will settle for this highly educational AND entertaining podcast.
Great historical political analysis
I’ve been listening to John Dickerson’s podcast for years, and it’s always informative, funny, and offers an interesting way to view our current times in light of the past.
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