Where the Long Tail Ends
Where the Long Tail Ends
Matt Gamble & James Gillham
Where the Long Tail Ends
Matt Gamble & James Gillham
Where the Long Tail Ends is a website dedicated to finding old, obscure and possibly awful films that are adrift in the sea of pop culture. Helping to fulfill that mission are the three podcasts offered by Where the Long Tail Ends. Spoiler Alert!, which is dedicated to reviewing newer films that catch our interest, the Cabin in the Woods Film Festival Podcast in which Matt forces Angela Fabbrini to watch a horror film and then verbally dodge her rage and of course, High and Low (Brow), which is the signature podcast for the website. It is a themed podcast where Matt Gamble and James Gillham discuss everything under the sun, and sometimes even get around to talking about movies.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 25 days
Latest episode
a month ago
April 7
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Stats, Dynamic Audio
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All content for Where the Long Tail Ends is the property of Matt Gamble & James Gillham and is served directly from their servers with no modification, redirects, or rehosting. The podcast is not affiliated with or endorsed by Podbay in any way.