We Dig Plants
We Dig Plants
Heritage Radio Network
via Podcasts
The best
I absolutely love this podcast!! It’s very informative, interesting, nicely paced (so many gardening podcasts drag on...) and has a nice, personal, warm tone to each episode. I just wish they were still recording new episodes!
Come back
Thanks for this pod, come back please.
owen severne
Come back!
Love thus podcast, please come back!
Josh Claridon
Great intersectional podcast
Refreshing take on plants and horticulture in relation to people. This podcast is my favourite plant podcast! It reaches past just the middle class white guy (i am one and recognize how dry the field has been when it comes to diversity) view of plants and gives new insights. Love love love love this podcast! Come back and do 2019 episodes I’m running out!!
Lillllll lõplik
Beautiful Intersection of Gardening and Community
This was not what I expected and I’m thrilled. It fills a much needed space in the gardening podcast community highlighting both technical aspects of gardening and interesting people, communities, and orgs at the forefront of change. Loveeee it.
Shut-up about politics
We come here to hear about gardening and plants. Nobody cares about your personal politics.
I miss you!
Hello! I discovered your podcast last year and have listened to all your episodes, and am now re-listening to a lot of them as the gardening season approaches. Your content is splendid and I have learned so much from you both! I listen to you at my day job, while draiwng, or while gardening. Do you have any plans to resume the podcast? I do miss looking forward to the latest from you. Best and kindest regards-- Claire C., gardener, illustrator, and a big fan!
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This is a wonderful podcast - I wish I had discovered it sooner!
Great anyone interested in plants and history
Carmen and Alice do a great job finding and interviewing experts on plants, history related to plants, and even cuisine.
Thank you for this great podcast. I am interested in plants as a purely introductory hobby - I like to garden and I took 1 plant id class in college. This is a great way to learn more and feel engaged.
🚲 jessica
Fantastic podcast!
I've been listening for 2 years and just love your podcasts. It is very interesting, entertaining and informative. Thanks so much and keep up the great work. I listen while working in my garden and especially loved the last episode #144, of historical garden professionals. Thanks!
Cedar Creek Farm
kinda like the secret life of plants
From growing tips, to history, to culture—Alice and Carmen are so much fun.
Wonderful Show!
These ladies do a wonderful job with their program. I enjoyed it the very first time I listened that I downloaded every episode and began listening from show #1. They cover everything I've ever wondered about plants and more. I learn something new every time. A+++ ladies, keep up the great work. I hope one day to be able to come see your gardens.
Mama's Tunes
For the lay, for the laboring
After searching extensively for "horticulture" podcasts, I, thankfully, stumbled on this gem of a show! Whether a lay gardener, or laboring (professional), this podcast has gobs of useful and interesting information about plants and the industry. History of plants, words, plants in places---- medicinal properties of plants, people who write/wrote about plants, how to design with plants..... These gals dig plants, and if you do too, even just a bit, I think you'll like the podcast.
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Diggin it!
I really enjoy this show! Keep up the great work, ladies!
This is pretty cool :))