Warming Signs
Warming Signs
The Weather Company, The Weather Channel
via Podcasts
Bring it back
Kait, come back to us. I seriously loved the podcast and the awesome messages it had.
More please
This is a great podcast but would be better if updated more often
Great job!
Great job! Just keep doing what you’re doing. The planet and is as a species needs people like u that gives us great information in a way we can understand! Great job !
Episode with Dr. Mann
Great episode! Regarding business actions, please consider inviting John Lanier, coauthor of “Mid Course Correction Revisted”
Dr. Kaitlin E. Parker, PhD
When are you going for your Doctorate????
This is a wonderful show
As a climate scientist, I use this show to demonstrate that the climate is changing to the denialists in my family. Facts and evidence only goes so far, and I think Kate does a fantastic job of tying the facts to personal aspects of a person’s life (e.g., political and religious ideologies, etc.). I’ve seen a few one star reviews that say that this is “fake news” or “propaganda.” It’s not. The people that wrote that are part of the very small percentage of people who are staunch denialists. They are not willing to change, and that mentality is selfish and dangerous. Take a listen to the podcast, and let’s solve this global problem!
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Influential Voice
Kate has it all and isn’t afraid to stand up for what’s right. Great job!
Great Podcast!
I love your podcast! Very informative and entertaining!
Typhoon Actual
Eye opening
It wasn’t until I heard this podcast that I’ve had my eyes opened to how much is affected by climate change. I appreciate the different topics and the host’s presentations.
A quiet moment
Warming trend
Why don’t you include the opposing scientific views? You do not seem to be after the truth. True science is!
News that matters
Best informative news I’ve heard in a One time .
Smart conversation
Ha ha, I see global warming denialists on here giving the podcast one or two stars because they think smart, fact-based conversations are political
Fake News
Worst propaganda ever
John Galt Who?
Biased, go figure.
I mean I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that your show has a political angle given your parent company, but I am still disappointed. I am no longer one of your subscribers, I don’t care how relevant the content is to a Sustainability Specialist like me. If I want to hear biased political garbage, I will turn on MSNBC or CNN. Thanks for nothing!
Junk Science
Shame on you people. Stop acting like weather hasn’t been happening just like this for all of our recorded history. Just go work at CNN and he it over with.
When is the weather channel going to stop peddling The global warming fake news? It’s the middle of April and I’m freezing in a blizzard for the second year in a row. As an engineer, I can tell you without a doubt that the more CO2 (plant food) in our atmosphere the better.
Buck Snort
Great job Kait!!
Full of great information! It provides so many facts and stories that put our changing climate into perspective.
This is a wonderful podcast that will educate you on climate change and the realities surrounding it.
This looks exciting!
I'm terrified that climate change is not only real, it's already impacting our lives. Bring on the truth!
Apple Heads
I learned something in the first five minutes. I learned a lot more throughout the first episode, and it just kept getting better. Be sure to subscribe...you'll definitely learn something too!