Thrillers Old Time Radio
Thrillers Old Time Radio
Radio Memories Network
via Podcasts
Incomplete series commercials
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Loved these so much I had to find the old TV series
As of 12-31-2022 I found the t. Series on CRACKLE for free. All thanks to this broadcast you put out. I loved the radio show. Hopefully the tv series is half as good! Thank you!!!!
Russ Hilton
Don’t mind the historic commercials but the having current commercials is a no go here. So goodbye it was fun while it lasted.
What gives?
Found this podcast about a year ago and I loved it. Now I can not update or refresh. Says I need a Mevio log in? What is that?
Don't Bother
This used to be an ok podcast. But it has gone to the dumps. It is common for episodes to be "Part 3 of 5". But there part 1 and 2 were never posted and the renaming 4 or 5 will never be either. Some episodes are of such bad quality that you know whoever makes this podcast has never listened to the crud he/she posts. Much better OTR podcasts out there by people who truly care about OTR and their audience.
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old time radio
Well so sorry to do this but I love old time radio but can no longer stand any of the podcasts from this Humphrey/Carmadella and here is why. These old time radio broadcasts are old enough to be in the public domain and can be listened to free of the annoying commercials spliced on before each episode. Now I do not mind the historical commercials from that time period for they sponsored many of the shows. But I'll be damned if I am going to listen to petco,dating or even here on itunes another music service! Bet itunes does not know this and also very annoyingly these commercials play twice in a row sometimes. I download them here for conveniance sake since they are already formatted and easily sync right to my ipod. But I notice others are doing this too and I will delete those too for the sake of a clean podcast without being bombarded with commercials. And if that fails I can always go to and download many of these free of commercials and convert them myself then put them on my ipod.
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Terrific Podcast!!
I absolutely love listening to the old time radio podcasts in the car. Please keep adding more as this is a wonderful medium that doesn't exist today. Well written stories plus fine radio acting.
Great listerner
I jus luv dis station, i listen errnite till I falls to sleep. We need more of podcast likes dis one...
Totally worth it!
Awesome podcast - I look forward to each new one. Keep up the great work. (By the way, I haven't heard Inner Sanctum fir awhile and could use the fix.) Glad it's should anyone be who complains about the commercials. They are what keep us from paying.
U idiot!, how do u think these things r supported?, by the commercials, get a life, these r excellent podcast!, loser!
Nothing can beat the Theatre of the Mind!
I absolutely love the OTR programs. U remember my parents telling me about them as a child and how I enjoyed the CBS Radio Mystery Theatre in the 70s. I truly hope others in the younger generation come to see and hear how wonderfully creative these radio programs were and still are.
Three minutes of commericals?
I have to sit through three minutes and sometimes four minutes of ramdom commercials just to hear a radio drama? I'll go back to Suspense Replay. One thing that IS enjoyable is that when the announcer states the podcast promo code sometimes he says ORT instead of OTR.
Thank you
I know that five stars is the most, but I wish I could give it 10. I love the selection on here, always entertaining, all of my favorites...even NIGHTFALL!!! I am so beside myself with joy in getting to hear those shows again. Thank you thank you! xoxo
Well Done!
This podcast really has some of the greatest horror/thriller/suspense dramas that ever existed. Another thing, can anyone tell me who sang the version of "Linda" that comes on in the beginning of the podcast?
Spider Splicer
Love listening to CBS Radio Mystery Theater again
i was so excited to come across this podcast. i've been a fan of OTR since i was a kid, and i'm glad to see itunes bringing this fantastic genre to a whole new generation. the whisperer has always been my personal favorite, it got my husband into OTR too. these shows are fantastic for the whole family, all ages, and ideal for long car trips. enjoy!
Much Gratitude
Thanks for producing such a great podcast. I have always been an avid listener of audio books, so obviously old time radio would be right up my alley. The quality is phenomenal and the stories speak for themselves. I've already started sharing with my friends and plan on checking out the sister podcasts. Thanks!!!!!
These stories are terrific and can be listened to by the whole family. My grandpa listened to these very stories on the radio and got me hooked on these types of things. This is the best thriller series itunes has to offer.
Full of suspense, and crackle!
The rarity nowadays of radio based programming is basically news, music, or talk shows. Having these classic programs in my ear every other day is a blessing. Each week, the listener is transported back in time to amazing stories filled with the hiss older quality radio and thrills. I am on the edge of my seat, just out of pure enjoyment!
Crazy Clees
Fantastic and lots of fun!
I discovered this podcast a little while ago and I've been hooked ever since. Being as old as most of them are, the episodes are of a very good quality and are easy to listen to. My favorite episodes are those of "The Black Museum", which I would definitely like to hear more of. Keep up the good work! muse_ic
Wow, How Great is This!?!?
Elsewhere, there is also the original War of the Worlds broadcast. This is really great!