Those Conspiracy Guys
Those Conspiracy Guys
Gordon Rochford
Those Conspiracy Guys
Gordon Rochford
Those Conspiracy Guys is a comedy, history and True Crime podcast based in Ireland and deals with everything from the out-there conspiracy theories like aliens, time travel, and ancient civilisations to the more grounded, historical and provable conspiracies like political and financial corruption, scientific chicanery and secret government agency shenanigans. From the high concept topics like inter dimensional lizard men, complicated assassination plots and future technology like alternative simulated universes to the much more tangible topics like discussing serial killers and mysterious disappearances, exploring religions and cult leaders and examining unbelievable true crime cases. You are brought on a light hearted and hilarious exploration of these fantastic stories by TCG host Gordo and a cavalcade of comedians and fabulously interesting guests.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 68 days
Latest episode
3 months ago
January 30
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