Things We Forgot to Remember
Things We Forgot to Remember
BBC Radio 4
Michael Portillo invites us to look again at our collective memories of great events and characters from the past. Rediscovering forgotten events that challenge our understanding and put the complication back into history. The four half hour documentaries are broadcast every Sunday from Nov 13th.
TWFTR: The Junkers of Woodbridge Airfield
Through the story of a German night fighter captured in Suffolk, Michael Portillo remembers the crucial electronic war waged between the Axis and the Allies. In July 1944 the crew of a Junkers JU88 night fighter, lost and without fuel, emergency landed their plane on an RAF airfield in Suffolk. This gift from the skies provided British Air Intelligence with the latest German radar secrets. Throughout the war a technological see-saw had been underway with each side trying to gain the the advantage in radar detection and evasion equipment. The radar technology in this particular night fighter explained why large numbers of British bombers were being shot down from the rear and the RAF aircraft were quickly modified as a result. Alongside distinguished historians and veterans of RAF Bomber Command, Michael pieces together the story of that fateful night. He also explores how it illuminates the vital - yet lesser known - battle front of electronic warfare
Jul 4, 2012
27 min
TWFTR: The Georgian Facade
Michael Portillo examines the Georgian period. We remember the politeness, elegance, wealth and taste but forget how the Georgian regime supressed political dissent and wrote out of history those opposed to its version of Britishness.
Jun 11, 2012
27 min
TWFTR: The Morgenthau Plan
Michael Portillo discovers an American porposal for post war Germany called the Morgenthau plan. Its punative measures aimed at deindustrialising Germany and making it a 'giant potato patch' unable to wage war. It's very different from the Marshall plan we all remember but it was signed by President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill.
Jun 7, 2012
27 min
TWFTR: Magna Carta and the 1216 invasion
Michael Portillo discovers how we've forgotten that Magna Carta led to a civil war and a French invasion of England.
Jun 1, 2012
27 min
TWFTR: The English Armada
We hear a great deal about the Spanish Armada and how plucky England fought off this maritime behemoth with superior seamanship, English gumption and some helpful weather. But we forget that the very next year 'plucky' England sent an equally immense armada to invade Spain. Michael Portillo discovers the disasterous story of Francis Drake and the English Armada.
Dec 12, 2011
27 min
TWFTR: The French Resistance
Michael Portillo discovers how romantic memories of the French Resistance created an enduring military legend which overshadowed its more important political role in shaping post war France.
Dec 9, 2011
27 min
TWFTR: The Police Strike
Michael Portillo discovers the origins of modern-day policing in the forgotten police strikes of 1918-19.
Dec 9, 2011
27 min
TWFTR: The Boston Tea Party
Michael Portillo discovers what really happened in 1773 when hundreds of crates of British tea were dumped into Boston harbour. He discovers a murkier and more ambiguous tale than we've been led to believe.
Nov 13, 2011
27 min