An Unreasonable Podcast
An Unreasonable Podcast
Patrick Barber
An Unreasonable Podcast
Patrick Barber
Tune in once a month where we interview other parents in our community and around the world about raising kids in today's world. We talk about the daily joys and struggles of working towards a balanced family life. Sometimes it’s just us, having a conversation about what we’re learning about ourselves and our kids, and sometimes we interview other parents to learn about what they’re doing to raise good humans. We love connecting with people, learning about their 'why' and where they’re at in their journey. We love that everyone has different perspectives, seeing the world differently and interacting differently. We don't judge how people live their lives. So if you’re someone who enjoys learning about how other people are parenting, and you’re okay with listening to people who don’t take themselves too seriously and who certainly don’t have all the answers, you might find these conversations comforting. There are so many parents out there on a similar journey, and we think listening to others share their stories is one of the best ways to feel less alone and more connected. Follow along, leave feedback, or just listen for a bit of a laugh! About us: We feel like we are one of the luckiest families in the world! We work online doing something we love for a living, and that affords us the opportunity to travel while spending time with our rapidly growing boys. We want to catalog as much of our experiences and adventures as we can while not missing out on anything! You can follow along on our Instagram account and Youtube channel to see where we are and what we’re up to.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 52 days
Latest episode
3 years ago
June 21, 2021
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