The Torch: The Great Courses Podcast
The Torch: The Great Courses Podcast
The Great Courses
The Great Courses brings engaging professors from the best universities to lifelong learners on audio and video. We create a "university of the best," working closely with our customers to design each Great Course. With this podcast hosted by Ed Leon, you'll meet our fascinating professors and experts who create The Great Courses, listen to their stories and insights, and learn more about the great work they are doing. Discover scientists explaining the latest findings from the fields of astronomy, particle physics, or neuroscience; historians exploring the implications of the latest archaeological findings; medical experts making sense of current health alerts or medical breakthroughs; and literature professors bringing fresh insights to classic literary works. This podcast is available in audio-only format. More information about our courses can be found at
Was the American West as Wild as We Think?
Experience the grit and grandeur of an epic period in American history with a story more thrilling than any Hollywood Western. History professor Patrick N. Allitt dispels tall tales by sharing even more fascinating true stories of the American West. He reveals the facts behind accepted myths around the Cherokee, the Gold Rush, and even beaver fur hats.
Aug 22, 2017
18 min
Delve Into the Grand Drama of Spanish History
Spain has played a unique and pivotal role in Western civilization. It has historically stood at a critical crossroad of geography, of cultures, of religions, of ideas, of trade, and more. Join a seasoned expert on Spain to examine the dazzling unfolding of Spanish civilization: the birth and death of dynasties, the integrations of cultures, and the influence of religion. Professor Joyce E. Salisbury provides you with a deep understanding of Spain’s epic history and demonstrates how it has come to be one of the West’s great cultures. Delve into this majestic civilization to discover the enduring presence of Spain and its impact on the world stage.
Jul 24, 2017
18 min
Discover Everything You Need to Know About What You Eat and Why You Eat It
Eating is as old as mankind but we are still learning so much about food, nutrition, and our own bodies. Examine the evolution of the human diet with award-winning professor and anthropologist Alyssa Crittenden. Discover how what’s old is new—the evolution and resurgence of the Paleo diet—and how people (and even civilizations) have defined themselves through what they make to eat.
Jul 24, 2017
20 min
What is Emotional IQ?
Don’t let your emotions run the show! Learn how to control your emotions and use them to help you achieve your goals with Professor Jason M. Satterfield, Professor of Clinical Medicine at UCSF. Delve into this fascinating topic and discover how being aware of your emotional intelligence (EQ) can help you become more perceptive and avoid knee-jerk emotional reactions.
Jun 27, 2017
14 min
Get Introduced to the Wonders of Birding
Going beyond basic bird identification, birding includes a far-reaching look into matters such as bird behavior, migration, habitats, conservation, and the science behind them. Join James Currie, birding expert, to discover more about this compelling, delightful, and multifaceted field. Even if you don’t plan to travel the country and become a birding professional, you can get to know the exceptional species in your own neck of the woods with helpful tips to make your backyard more attractive to local birds, and by learning how to approach birds without scaring them off.
May 30, 2017
17 min
Discover the Transformative Power of Anthropology
From biology to culture, anthropology strives to gain a comprehensive understanding of humanity’s development from primates to digital citizens. Join acclaimed professor and field researcher Scott M. Lacy to delve into what anthropology has taught us about what it means to be human, where we came from, and what keeps us connected.
May 30, 2017
16 min
The History of Higher Education
When we think of old universities, our minds may go to Cambridge or Oxford, or maybe the University of Bologna. But one of the earliest known universities was established in the Moroccan City of Fez. Join Professorial Lecturer in African Studies at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, Eamonn Gearon, to explore the fascinating story of an esteemed University that was established centuries before Oxford: Karaouine University, founded by Fatima Al-Fishri in 859.
May 2, 2017
26 min
Learn the Secrets of the Plants All Around You
Stepping outside, we can’t help but notice the natural world all around us. Discover how to do more than just notice it. Join Dr. Catherine Kleier, a Professor of Biology at Regis University in Denver, Colorado, to dive into the fascinating world of plants and learn how to see the world as a botanist does. Natural selection has allowed plants to adapt to the widest possible range of environments all around the globe. These adaptations have led to plant adaptations so surprising that they almost seem to have sprung directly from science fiction. Dr. Kleier discusses the ramifications of our changing environment – how we effect the ways plants grow, and in turn, how their new growth patterns affect us. Learn to speak the language of the plants around you, transforming every trip outside into an adventure.
May 2, 2017
18 min
Learn Music Fundamentals with a Master Guitarist
Colin McAllister, who studied guitar with Celin and Pepe Romero, interpretation with Bertram Turetzky, and conducting with Harvey Sollberger and Rand Steiger, and has connections to some of the most influential musicians in history, helps you learn how to play and appreciate music. Discover scales, fingering, and posture as he tells tales of being a rock star on the road. Plus, hear some amazing music!
Apr 9, 2017
18 min
Experience the Formation of America Through the Eyes of the Founders
Take a deep dive into the creation of the U.S. Constitution as it actually happened with New York Times best-selling author and professor Allen C. Guelzo of Gettysburg College. He reveals fascinating secrets behind some of the more famous Founding Fathers, using them as a lens through which to see powerful truths about the early political history of the United States. Discover the harsh lesson George Washington learned about how whiskey can make (or break) an election, how calling James Madison the Father of the Constitution is a misnomer, and how, unlike the musical adaptation of Hamilton, the real man’s performance was met with stony silence.
Apr 9, 2017
30 min
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