The Tim McKernan Show
The Tim McKernan Show
TMA STL | Hubbard Radio
via Podcasts
Short Leash
For someone who claims to keep his Facebook page “open”, he will make a point to close the lid quickly on opinions that differ from his. He’ll claim to be open to “all opinions” but don’t you dare post something on his page that goes against his narrative. Listener beware.
Pincer Salad
The salad from Tim Mckernans podcast is pretty good. I would probably put it on my mt Rushmore of salad podcasts. I know Biff would disagree. Anyways, if you get the salad from here make sure to add some fresh table side guacamole. Arrive half an hour early in case there’s a wait. If you see a small hairless man up front in the corner with a twinkish handler just throw down some hosannas bc that is Tim. Thanks, Yearning Salad Little Soppins Boi.
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Prod Joe
Is a little bully. I have a much more colorful description for this individual but I do not wish to have the review spiked. Go find another way to get your jollys you useless piece of smegma. The pick 6 for 09/15/21 is almost unlistenable due to the fact he is being so confrontational.
Tim’s long form interview skills rival Stern.
Also, he is quite tall, his head is definitely not misshapen, and his hands totally do not look like little pincers.
Katessy Chatelle
Action Jackson
This podcast is basically a guy rambling on about random topics forever and little twink producer occasionally chiming in with “yea” “yep” “mmhmm” or some variation of that. So annoying once you hear it, you can’t unhear it
Jose from the buggy whip
Great podcast
Really fun listen
Clem Iddya
Great STL Podcast
Love the show and being able to expand on topics that can’t be discussed on TMA. Great to see GP being given more runway on QFTA and getting to know him more through the podcast. Keep,up,the great work and hope the pursuit of the station goes through so Plowboy can come back.
Came for Tim, stayed for Pete
Sometimes the topics repeat because of repetitive questions so I would love to see the questions timestamped in the description.
The loose structure of the #QFTA’s make for a quick and fun listen. There’s something for everyone, whether it be local to STL happenings, national stories, pop culture, sports, politics, or shenanigans. Keep up the good work.
Timothy A. Montgomery
Great pod. One comment
Any chance you guys could add the time stamps for each segment? A couple topics that I’m not interested in and like to skip
The catchphrase
Good interviews. The only thing that grates on me is “Yes Yes” at the beginning of every podcast. Never been a fan of the catch phrase opening for branding, and something about yes yes makes me cringe. Sorry. I know I am mentioning 1 second out of an entire podcast. Just really bugs me
Great Interviews
Really loving the long form interviews and the guests have been phenomenal.
How boring. Talking about your day to day life. I don’t recommend this to anyone unless you need something help you fall asleep.
The good stuff
Insightful interviews, engaging podcast!
I’ve been listening to Tim McKernan dish out these interviews since this whole shootin’ match started 2 years ago. I’m serious when I say this, Tim is one of the best interviewers I have ever heard. Here’s the don’t even realize you are listening to an interview. What I mean is that it is a 2-way conversation that just flows. Guests are comfortable and they are willing to open up. The guests run the gamut from athletes, to personalities, to local leaders, politicians, and so much more. His Questions From The Audience (QFTA) podcasts are great! You can literally ask Tim ANYTHING. Now, there are some things he won’t answer, understandably so. However, that list is very small. The Pick 6 podcasts are a must for anyone who is into sports betting. Tim is authentic and genuine while still asking difficult questions in a respectful way. Honestly, if more people would conduct themselves in this manner we could have much more productive dialogue between people that hold different views. Tim, congrats on what you have built so far and what you are working towards. Please don’t forget to keep yourself grounded as this endeavor takes off. Remember those pearls of wisdom that Kelly Chase has been dropping. This is a podcast MUST listen for me.
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The Tim McKernan Show
Just starting listening, The Chase interview is Awesome!
Jack the Mayor of Crestwood
Great stuff
The best Stl interviews that are out there
mo digger
Great podcast!
Great podcast! John Costello was a great guest and I’d love to his hear his viewpoint should the Cardinals make the post season
Hard to pick a favorite but its going to be tuff to top Bobby Plager
No/indifferent about any opinion of consequence
I enjoy tma and respect your opinion about most things, but it would be nice to actually hear your opinion vs you always taking the “high road” and just going silent about a certain opinion that is expressed which is factually false when the show delve into political issues...if you want to take the middle on all these issues and not comment I respect and understand that but the don’t bring those topics up. I’m nobody but my opinion is that having a podcast is a format that allows you to express a personal opinion. It feels like your goal is just to not isolate anyone and make everyone happy...I think i know where you are coming from on these issues..i don’t understand why you don’t express those thoughts on the air, unless it’s just all about the sponsors...I understand the business side but then be real don’t try to be credible. I sincerely hope I’m wrong about this because I’ve been a loyal listener for 15 plus years..sure this means nothing in the big scheme of things..and I’ll continue to listen Love the show brother
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Always a great listen
I always look forward to the latest release. The interviews are on point and Tim doesn’t ask questions with a bias.
Fantastic content
Tim is a great interviewer and has a good variety of guests. Would definitely recommend to anyone, especially in the St. Louis area.
Awesome content
Fantastic content every single podcast. Well done TMM and producers.
5 stars
Bad Audio
I think they forgot to turn the mic on for the last podcast?
Great show
Loved hearing the Rizzuto guest episode
If Being A Lemming Is Wrong I Don't Wanna Be Right!
Tim really does a great job on these. The interviews are just the right mix of cerebral insight with a pinch of light-heartedness. I've probably listened to 1/3 of these and there hasn't been a miss yet.
Great Content!
I enjoy this podcast. The content is interesting and has a “local” feel, which is hard to find. Must Listen to the Rich Gould and Rizzuto episodes. They could do weekly episodes and I would tune in. Definitely worth subscribing for humor purposes alone.
Ray Ray Rockafeller
Mark Mantovani
Interview was great, very informative.
I can’t recommend this more!
Thought provoking, funny, in-depth long form interviews with a large array of guests, anyone from Politicians to sports icons to other media. Timmy is the best!!!!
Aron STC
Rene episode
Wow wow wow... best one yet, Rene is my favorite local news/sports personality!
Mark Mantovani
If you’re a STL County voter, I suggest you get to know Mark Mantovani. I had no clue who he was before I listened to this podcast but the guy just gets it and is passionate about fixing, not just the County or City....our REGION. It was great to hear, I hope he gets his chance.
Fantastic Interviews
Whether it's politics, sports, news anchors, radio personalities, or anything in between, this show has fantastic interviews from a broad spectrum of St. Louis related topics.
podcast reviewer guy
Everyone knows Tim from St Louis Sports Talk Radio. Even though I am a huge sports fan, I find the best episodes of this podcast are the ones that have very little to do with sports. His interviews are touching on critical issues in St Louis and Missouri economic and political challenges. Even if you are not from the area you will still enjoy it.
So good
Just an amazing podcast.
Worth your time!
I just listened to the podcast with Kelly Chase. I can’t express strongly enough how good it was. I have heard about ten of the Tim Mckernan shows to date, and I have enjoyed every one. I recommend it, whether you are a sports fan, or simply a fan of thoughtful interviews.
Billy GP
Favorite podcast
This podcast is absolutely PHENOMENAL. The interviews are all outstanding and I could not recommend this anymore.
Very informative
Enjoy listening to Tim and the interviews. #FreeDotem
I look forward to every upload of this podcast. Keep up the great work
A great podcast overall minus the Derek Goold interviews can’t listen to that guy for 5 minutes
The best
I have never reviewed anything like this, but the long form interviews are fantastic. I ran an extra 3 miles on the treadmill during the Claiborne interview and could have listened to you guys talk for 3 more hours. Great cross section and variety in guests.
Enjoying the Show
Long time listener first time reviewer. Big fan of TMA and Tim has really outdone himself here. Great guest and great info.
Tripod stl
Top Shelf for a guy who can’t reach the top shelf
I’ve listened to Tim since he’s started. I enjoy his approach to sports, or any topic. When it’s time for facts, he has them. I enjoy how he tries to see everything from all sides. From baseball, golf, porn, or food, Tim has the hot takes we all crave.
Spin Entertainment
The Tim McKernan Show represents the best of what podcasts can be in our media age: instead of soundbites, it offers substantive interviews with people with a variety of views.
The Tim McKernan Show is OUTSTANDING!!!
I’ve been a big fan of Tim’s on The Morning After radio show. His podcast is as good, if not better. Tim brings in big names and people of interest locally and nationally and delivers riveting interviews. I look forward to ever Monday when the latest interviews drop.
Wow Wow Wow
Tim is a great host and knowledgeable about the wide variety of guests and topics covered. Really truly a wonderful podcast hitting on so many topics both personal and affecting the region as a whole. Keep up the great work sir!
Tim Mckernan Show 👍🏻
I love the in depth interviews and how Tim conducts them. It really seems like he gets the best out of his guests. Admittedly, I am more of a Blues fan than a Cardinals fan, so I really have enjoyed the interviews with Kerber and Stillman.
The Cara Spencer Non-Issue
The best
Tim is the best. Very easy to listen too.
Great stuff!
Great, in-depth, thought provoking interviews.
Awesome Interviews for local sports fans!
So far the Mike Kelly interview has been the best one to date.
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