The Three Month Vacation Podcast
The Three Month Vacation Podcast
Sean D'Souza
via Podcasts
Inspiring and Insightful
I was initially hesitant about listening to Sean’s podcast. Because my thought surrounded this question: what value could it provide me beyond the rich information he already provides in his articles? I was mistaken; Sean’s Podcast enables me to absorb information through sensing. Consequently, I can process the textual information in different ways. The podcast music selection and Sean’s narration tends to relax my mind, which increases my engagement and retention of the shared information.
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Sean Allen, Ed.D.
Humble, Thoughtful, Practical, Actionable
I met Sean D’Souza at a conference many years ago when I was first starting my online business and was struck by how thoughtful, humble and helpful he was. He went out of his way to give me concrete practical advice in several areas that still help me today. I read his blog posts, bought some of his materials and found them incredibly insightful & helpful. But then I went on to chase a bunch of other online biz teachers. Now after many years of some hard won lessons, I’m back to the place where I should have stayed all along. Sean is not just a smart, well-informed, exceptional teacher... He’s someone who cares deeply about helping people make the big transformations they yearn for. And so I’m back and diving into his podcast episodes because (as with everything Sean does) these episodes are pure magic, pure gold, valuable beyond measure.
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Consistency of brand through music, pace, and practicality
I love your podcast Sean D’Souza!!! Why? Love the usefulness and applicability of the topics, the music throughout it and pace(which offers some much needed pauses), the summary, the one point to take forward, and the way you end it and then come back right away and say “still here.” Also love the way you start it by saying " isn't some magic trick to work less but about how to enjoy the work you do and enjoy your vacation time." Thank you 🙏💜💪
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Dr. Ruben Perczek
Dump the background music
The advice is logical and worthwhile but not exactly groundbreaking. The music is very annoying and made me unsubscribe.
Charlie Shorkie
Every episode is a great lesson with an entertaining story.
Love this podcast. Thank you for sharing the fantastic business lessons with us.
Scott Clifton
Very helpful and practical voice to help you think and what building a successful business (or anything else actually) should look like and covers topics of work life balance and ways to consider system-building to help you make the most of your efforts.
Great Info, well presented, and interesting
This is a really nice business podcast. It's been especially interesting with regards to writing, understanding my propsective clients and on the other end of the spectrum, time management.
Justin Feral-McWhirter
Learn from the best
What Sean breaks down in 40 minutes may have taken me years to understand had I not discovered this podcast! Every episode is actionable, encouraging and packed with interesting stories. Sean's insight on topics like positioning, talent, time management and copywriting has helped me feel confident while running my first online business and starting a freelance career. If you only want to learn from the best, listen to the Three Month Vacation Podcast.
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Do you know Gary vaynerchuck, Tai Lopez?
Do you know Gary vaynerchuck, Frank Kern, Grant Cardone, Tai Lopez? Well, Sean D'Souza teaches stuff you can use immediately. Sean teaches you how to get into your potential customers mind, and more importantly teaches how to keep customers for life. Teaching you how to teach and sell without selling your soul.
This Is The Best Podcast
I highly recommend this podcast. Every episode is so interesting. But you need to grab a pencil, and something to write on. Each episode is filled with great tips and strategies for business owners, marketers, or anyone who is a life long learner. Subscribe now. You won't be disappointed.
Tom T81
Awesome company during my daily walks!
Thanks Sean for your great work, lovely insights and wise comments on every aspect of what it means to be a new entrepreneur! I totally enjoy your engaging and uplifting messages - they keep inspiring me to reach new heights. Well done!
Susie Verde
Absolutely Magical
I have arrived... And yes, it is absolutely magical. Sean D'Souza's website and podcasts are that online place and space I now call HOME. He is authentic and a true giver of insight and resources that are worth their weight in gold:)
Dr. Robin Kemp
Amazing podcasts
Really good podcasts with some really thought provoking ideas.
Great stuff
Sean does a great job of providing thoughtful, worthwhile content. unlike some other podcasts, Sean's is very well produced and feels like you are just listening to him tell a story (which I am trying to learn to do myself). Anyone in small business or who just wants to learn how to think a little different and better should check it out
Rise above both the forest and the trees
David DSouza brings clarity to everything he writes and talks about. As I read through his book (The Brain Audit) and grow accustomed to his voice, he collates what's been rattling around in this marketer's mind for 15+ years. He reminds me that structure gives intuition and creativity much needed rails. And he offers that structure, often freely in his writings, but most enjoyably, on this podcast. Also check out his videos on YouTube as they are great too.
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Sean is the real deal
Sean knows his stuff, is a great teacher, and has great content. I hihgly recommend this podcast if you want to start a business and get clients.
Super-clear Marketing & Writing advice
I have listened to Sean D'Souza for the past 5 years, and he has been the CLEAREST voice on how to grow from where I was (struggling with wording, positioning, marketing message, etc.) to writing better copy (articles and sales copy) and crafting better messages. I have learned from his techniques and had amazing feedback at live conferences and presentations I have given. His community in 5000bc is one of the most helpful and diverse groups of business owners I have encountered, that actually delight in helping each other instead of just taking away and hogging attention to themselves. Thanks Sean for this podcast, now I can share it with a lot more people.
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Timothy joh
Bikini Principle
I've listend and read several of posts on Psychotactics and I must say they make sense. This is material that can actually be useful both in the present and future.
Fantastic podcast
This is an amazing podcast. Clear, concise, actionable and interesting. I'm a huge fan of this podcast and really enjoy it's format and non-sales approach. Sean gives actionable steps to make yourself and your business better, from insights he's actually learned from doing. Highly recommend!
One of my favourite podcasts!
Sean has a very personable tone, and he is very engaging. The podcast delves into a bunch of topics in internet marketing, and Sean shares tangible, actionable strategies and methods that you can use right away for your online businesses. One of my favourite podcasts!
Adithya Murali00
Excellent Podcast
You have to try this. I subscribed to Sean's Psychotactics newsletter and found this podcast there. I have listened of 30 episodes since then and I like all of them. What makes The Three Month Vacation different from the others is that, Sean talks a wide variety of topics and dig down deep on each of them, and he's genuine and connects with you. Now this becomes my daily routine on the train to work. Definitely try this! -Kai
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Cuts through the noise
I consume enough content as it is. I go through a weekly purge of emails and email subscriptions. I only subscribe to ones that offer huge value. And The Three Month Vacation and Psychotactics is one of those. Superb content almost every time. And a continuous stream. There are no low-quality recordings with cars or noises in the background -- only high quality. Even with music and fades and everything.
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Jacob Berger
Simple, clear, easy to use, insightful, and powerful.
This podcast iis like a wormhole - I got sucked into it and it has transformed the way I think about business. Simple, clear, easy to use, insightful, and powerful. Listen! You'll be so glad you did.
Best "Free" info about business improvement processes anywhere
I started my online journey trying to create a business in 2007. I had several successful brick and mortar businesses before that. I have devoured hundreds of thousands of words of free and paid content. So I consider myself an expert at getting information. This podcast which you can hear and also read transcripts concentrates on improving your skills. Not on informing you. The paid content is a big step up but this free podcast is better advice than some I paid thousands of dollars for. Sean knows what he is doing, and knows what you need to DO! Listen, read and then take the action he suggests. If you only use his free stuff, you will be further ahead than if you paid for advice and courses from 95% of the people selling such advice. I know 3 other people who have advice as effective as Sean, but I follow him exclusively because he has my best interest at the core of what he does. Take advantage of his commitment to excellence and listen to all his podcasts.
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Good enough to revisit old episodes
It's great to listen to Sean's perspective on business development and marketing, filtered through the idea that work and life should go hand in hand. I'm constantly inspired by the way he conducts his business and the stories he uses to teach on each episode. They are so good I listened to them multiple times to transfer them into my own business.
Great marketing insights
I love the Three Month Vacation. This is one of thew few podcasts I never miss. Every episode is packed insights that shed new light business and marketing. This is a must listen if you own a business or market online in any way.
Sick of rambling, random podcasts?
Sean writes and creates his material for people who've been through the round of marketing materials already and want the good stuff. He gives honest, tested, smart and clear advice without hyping everything up and waving his subscriber list around. He's the real deal, and if he's for you, you'll know right away. I feel incredibly grateful for his contribution, wisdom and generosity. Thank you Sean!
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Wonder podcast experience
I've been binge listening since I found the podcast late Jan 2016. It's sage business advice delivered in a fun easy to digest way.
Incredibly entertaining and valuable podcast
I’ve listened to many business podcasts, and this is one of the two I listen to on a regular basis. Sean is a master at calmness and value. I love his choice of music during the podcast, making it not just a dry talk. Very entertaining, and extremely valuable business advice. Keep up the good work, Sean!
This has jumped to the top of my must listen...
I devour Sean’s podcast as soon as a new one arrives. Sometimes I even find myself refreshing my feed, praying there’s a special surprise or something. I love how his podcasts have actionable tips that you can hit pause and go implement. They’re all very simple yet at the same time things that most of us generally overlook. My friends and I rave about The Brain Audit too. I see why his customers never leave. I’m already looking for what can I buy from him next.
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Ms B6
Invaluable advice
There are so many things Sean teaches you through his podcasts that you can extract and immediately implement in your own marketing strategies. I highly recommend!!
Full of wonderful ideas
As always Sean brings it all to this podcast. Everytime I listen, I am entertained, and educated. Thank you Sean for this wonderful podcast!
Beca Lewis
Great Info, Great Presentation
I was doing research for my own planned podcast program, and stumbled onto the 'Three month vacation'. First the title drew me in. Then Sean’s melodic voice and complicated music underlayment. The clincher and what keeps me coming back these many months is both content and presentation. Very smooth presentation, easy to understand concepts delivered in a deceptively simple way, ‘just one, two, three”. Sean delivers meaningful information in ways that I have not heard before which resonate strongly with me. I’ve learned more from his podcast how to build a stable entrepreneurial business AND stay sane, than from any other source!
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Informative AND highly enjoyable!
A great podcast for entrepreneurs, packed with insights presented with brevity (~20min), serenity, humility, and actionable clarity. Plus an extraordinary variety of fun background music!
Simply the best
I listen to a ton of podcasts. So many that I listen at 2x speed to get through them all. The Three Month Vacation delivers the most useful, put into action information of any podcast I've ever listened to - and it's not even close. And it's not the same ole marketing/business stuff you see online. It's unique perspective and style set Sean apart from everyone else. Must listen to for any marketer. Wish this show was more than once a week.
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If you're a new Entrepreneur on the block, then you have to listen to this podcast!
This podcast is amazing. As an entrepreneur running a startup, life tends to get in the way a lot. But the 3 month vacation presents shows that are short enough to be consumed on a busy day, and entertaining enough to actually remember. Most podcasts are full of fluff and 30 minutes of listening will yield a tiny bit of usable knowledge, but Sean's 3 month vaca is mostly usable knowledge with minimal fluff. My favorite thing about this podcast is that it makes everything so fun to listen to, Sean really pours his heart out in his work, and you'll hear it for yourself when you download his first podcast.
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Zachary J. Tan
Amazing! tells you exactly what you need to know and do
Sean's not only putting entertaining content out, he tells you exactly what to do with your business. The thing that gets me is how focused it is on making your clients and customers lives better by making your business easier to run. Everything he puts out is so crisp and he never wastes a sentence. This isn’t your normal podcast of two guys blathering on about the day’s news. This is highly actionable, highly valuable, stuff from the mind of a master.
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Very Fresh and Inspiring
I first started listening to this podcast a couple weeks ago, and I can’t get enough of it! Sean is very genuine and straight-forward, with very useful info and no hype. I especially love his storytelling style, which keeps me very engaged in the topic and helps me remember the concepts much better. He also enhances the story with very effective use of music throughout. He practices what he preaches so you can learn as much from the way he does things as you can from the actual words he speaks. Thank you for giving so much of yourself, Sean! -Adam Dawson
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Amazing Podcast!
Inspirational and amazing ground to earth business advice.
Kai S Davis
Currently Binging Favorite
After following Jarod’s show recommendation on the Showrunner, I now cannot get enough to Sean. He has a unique style that has given me a new way of looking at my writing, my audience, my storytelling. Maybe it is his cartoon’s eye, or just his "indian / english" style of language, but this is worth using some of your very valuable asset, time, on.
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I love this podcast my heart goes for it
To the point! No fluff no bluff! That's Sean's style. His book or any other content of his is worth a ton more than what you pay for. But this is like so much value plus engaging like hell! A must listen business podcast.
Ahmed Muzammil
a must listen
This podcast is packed with actionable items. Episodes are understandable, entertaining, and clock in at right around 20 minutes , so they fit nicely into daily drives. Sean is also a genuine person, and he's extremely accessible - a major plus! If you are an entrepreneur or wear sales, marketing or author hats, Sean's insights into communication and human behavior are priceless. Give this podcast a listen. You won't be sorry.
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Michael Plishka
Professional and practical
This is a solid show with a great host who does a nice job of breaking down concepts and simplifying them in ways that are easy to understand. Sean gives me a different way of looking at things that I deal with on a day to day basis related to my work and my productivity. I've listened to several episodes already and am a new fan. Keep it up!
Danny Flood
Sean’s 3 Prongs Frees You from the Roller Coaster
Sean’s 3-Prong approach to taking a 3-month vacation every year is not only effective, it’s the only way to gain control of your time and your business. Most small business owners wind up on a roller coaster between too much work on the table to do any marketing, followed by so little work on the table that one plunges into marketing in panic mode. Sean’s 3-prong system frees you from that. And yeah, I’ve been there, done that. I am now developing some info products that will sell while I sleep, and start to earn a steady income. I totally recommend Sean’s advice. It’s the best I have encountered on the thorny issues of marketing.
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A fresh approach to growing your small business.
Sean has a wonderful gift for making learning fun, interesting and easy to remember. This podcast is a real pleasure to listen to and it's full of useful tips and actionable advice about how to successfully market your small business and work more efficiently. Wonderful range of topics. Give it a listen and you'll be hooked. Highly recommended.
Why It’s Worth Your Attention
I really like Sean’s new podcast. For, example his ideas about how the true opposite of health and is not sickness, it’s decay: this has motivated me in many ways. As a bonus, the production quality is great. Sean has been helping business owners learn many relevant skills for a long time and he’s very good at it.
Great podcast for writers
This is a great podcast . I listen every day when going to and from work. There is great actioable advice,with a touch of humor and I enjoy it a lot.
No Fluff - Just Great Stuff
Sean's teachings are powerful and practical. Not fluff. Not hype. Grounded. Real. But, that doesn't mean dry or boring. These podcasts deliver fast-paced, actionable principles with music, stories, humor and clear examples. Each deserves several repeat listens in order to mine the gold that's here.
eric tejas
One of the best podcasts I've heard.
This is without a doubt one of the best postcasts I've listened to. Sean has real, actionable advice without the hype. These episodes are packed with real world ideas you can actually put into practice in your own business and your life. It's not the typically how to get rich in X number of steps. This is about working smarter and enjoying your work and enjoying your vacation time. Thanks Sean. I'll keep listening!
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CA sound
Can't wait to hear the next one!
I've never been a "podcast person". Until I heard Sean's "Three Month Vacation Podcast", that is. I came across Sean DeSouza a few months ago and was immediately hooked on his articles ,which are incredibly informative, well organized and easy and FUN to read. When I discovered his podcasts, I was equally delighted! In addition to having the same spot on value that his articles have, they are beautifully accentuated with just the perfect audio -- which changes to reflect the tone and tenor of the points that Sean makes in each episode. I inevitably come away from his podcasts having learned something immensely valuable that I can immediately apply to my business and my life. I always look forward to the next one, and they never dissapoint. I have found the same to be true of all the products I have purchased from Sean as well -- including "The Secret Life of Testimonials", "Chaos Planning", "Website Components", and now, "The Article Writing Course." Sean is a masterful teacher whose passion for his customers, his message, and perfecting his craft are truly impressive and deeply inspiring. I wish everything I read and listen to had the same return on investment of time, energy and money that Sean's work delivers. - Diane Bolden
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Diane Bolden
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