The SuperHuman Academy Podcast
The SuperHuman Academy Podcast
Jonathan Levi
via Podcasts
Awesome podcast!
Jonathan, host of the SuperHuman Academy podcast, highlights all aspects of health, fitness and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
A Must Listen to Show!
Jonathan is great host! His guests are incredible! Highly recommend the listen!
Ima listener
Awesome informative podcast!
I am loving this podcast! Jonathan packs every episode with tons of amazing content, guests, and interviews that will motivate, uplift and inspire you. I highly recommend!
Stacey Shapiro
The Right Questions for a Better Life
I first started Listening to Becoming Super Human when I was in a very difficult time in my life and each episode left me inspired to live just a little better. My career path recently changed allowing me to reconnect with The Super Human Academy when I needed it most. Jonathan never disappoints- he knows how to ask the right people the best questions to inspire listeners to make meaningful changes. Thank you.
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Good Luck!
I’m certainly sad to hear that this fantastic Podcast will be ending after three hundred great episodes but I can’t wait to see (or hear, rather) what Jonathan does next! I wish him the best of luck with the new project and I know I’ll be digging through the Superhuman library for years to come.
Midwest Mama loves this podcast!
I am only 4 episodes into this podcast, but I am really enjoying it! Found it from Ben Greenfield’s podcast! As a mom with toddlers contemplating my education philosophies, I’ve enjoyed the focus on how we learn and how we develop change-makers in this world! Loved the plant based eating discussion about great gut health, keep it up!
Drea from Wisco
My Favorite Kind of Educational Content
I've been listening to this podcast for 2 years (sorry it's taken me so long to leave a review!!!) and it ticks all of the boxes for me. Entertaining *check*! Makes me want to better myself *check*! Introduces me to new experts *check*! That's just to name a few. Jonathan always asks questions that catalyze the best conversations. Because of this podcast, I've tried intermitant fasting and dietary supplements, questioned the products I use, and become overall inspired to do more with myself. Thank you, Jonathan!
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Totally binge worthy!
Thank you for doing what you do! I recently found your podcast as I’ve been exploring memory training and personal development during the quarantine. I’ve been listening to a couple episodes every day (on 2x speed) during my morning dog walk and absolutely love the content with real, actionable take-always! I’ll be purchasing the SuperLearner course once I am able to get back to work. Keep up the outstanding work and I can’t wait to see how far my brain can take me!
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Dan the Nutrition Man
Tim Ferriss Poser
Everything here is Tim Ferriss’s original idea. Best to keep listening to Tim. He even copies his rapid fire questions. Poor interviewer w nervous laugh. I am not convinced he does all the hacks he recommends- which lacks credibility and authenticity. I signed up for his speed demon class- his annoying marketing finally got to me. All stuff I know through a Ferriss...
KD yogi
Autodidactic dream team
As someone who has very little conventional schooling, this podcast has been a staple in my daily life. It provides amazing leads and content to learn as much as possible on multiple subjects. Also as a budding entrepreneur this is my go to for inspiration and book recommendations.
Not sure how the episode on playing piano has to do with Ketosis and Fasting but overall good podcast and content☺️
Really love this show!
Jonathan is an outstanding interviewer and a master of his craft! I’ve listened to his show for a while now and there is so much that he brings to his listeners. I also had a blast as a guest on his show and I’m looking forward to bringing him onto mine in the near future! I recommend this show without hesitation!
Thank you Jonathan
Jonathan Levi's Superhuman podcast, his book, and his courses present innumerable precious gifts for the well being of humanity and for each of us. Thank you Jonathan for your dedication to advancing higher learning and focused awareness in the human family....!
Light for Life
I discovered this podcast when I could have easily gone into a depression about 2 years ago. I searched "positivity" on Spotify and my life has not been the same since. These interviews have the potential to literally turn you into a "superhuman." I've listened to each episode multiple times and I'm truly watching myself grow. Thank you Jonathan Levi and team!
Awesome Podcast!!
Jonathan, host of The SuperHuman Academy Podcast, aims to motivate, inspire and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
Brooke Craven
Don’t Stop!
This is such a great podcast! So many programs or podcasts like this promise that you will be able to live on three hours of sleep and be motivated enough to change the world in a day. I love how realistic but still inspiring your podcast is. Every time I find a podcast I love it is already over or stops creating episodes, so please keep going, don’t stop! You are changing lives.
Hilariously bad Tim-Ferriss-lite
Extra star for some great guests the host has managed to pull in. However, they're almost without fail wasted by a sloppy podcast with a cringe-inducing "EXTREME" intro that sounds like a Dorito's or Old Spice commercial. Somehow the host finds a way to plug his own product at the most inopportune times. Poor interviewer - count the number of times his response to a thoughtful answer by a guest is "definitely" or "absolutely."
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a lot of talking and not much content
Every episode feels like a giant self-promotion or promotion for the guests
My Rock of a Podcast
While other podcasts come and go with changes in lifestyle or mood, Jonathan Levi’s podcast is one that I always return to. I discovered it during a period of immense personal change, and the information caused an explosive passion for growth and learning. With over 200 episodes now, there is something for everyone. The show is a giant pool of expert knowledge gathered and gifted to the listener by someone who has a deep thirst for becoming more. Thank you!
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One of the very best!
I stumbled upon Jon Levi in a previous life and I am constantly grateful for it. Have been meaning to write a review as a small way to impart my gratitude for the incredible quality and depth of content he and his team put out. I never end a podcast without taking on something valuable and actionable to enrich my world and those who are a part of it! Thank you sincerely to the whole team, may your reach continue exponentially.
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Andi Cohen
All about me
This podcast gets me ideas on how to be a better me
Christian Yves
Nothing less than great
Today, in an attempt to convince all of you to adopt superhuman as a regular habit to enhance your life, I want to share a couple of reasons why I love this audio of wisdom. I firmly believe that when you stop learning, you stop growing and that’s when your inner self dies (so to speak). So, if you’re worried about that (or early Alzheimer’s), Superhuman is here to fill that void. As someone who values productivity a lot, podcasts have dramatically increased the productivity of my life. Don’t we all have these time-sucking tasks which we wish we could avoid? Superhuman allowed me to heal my relationship with Depression. Helped me heal my relationship with overcoming anxiety. When you listen to this podcast, it’s like sitting in the room and quietly listening to your heroes having a normal conversation together.
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מדהים ומקסים!! Amazing and wonderful
My very wise teenage daughter turned me on to Jonathan’s podcast and I fill the in-between minutes of my days listening and constantly learning from these amazing interviews. Instead of simply commuting, or brushing my teeth, or running, I’m now also learning about nutrition, memory and fitness hacks, meditation, oral health and SO much more. Jonathan is a penetrating and witty interviewer and each podcast delivers at least one, but usually many, useful and actionable tips. Better than Oprah!! סחטן, אחי, עבודה נהדרת! תמשיך לצמוח ולהצליח, ולעזור ‏למאזינים בכך. ‏אלפי תודות!!!
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Jonathan's material brings together, in a focused way, many of the things I've been interested in during the course of my life but was unable to commit to due to being too busy and doubting that I could achieve these skills. This podcast is addicting and has inspired me to go all in towrds truly developing my potential in life.
Highly Recommend to people focused on growth
This podcast started out good and keeps getting better and better with every episode. Thanks Jonathan for inspiring us and introducing me to so many great, interesting and accomplished people.
Love this podcast!
This podcast was referred to my husband and I from his sister about a month ago and we can’t stop listening! I love the perspectives and the researched backed recommendations by each of the guest speakers, I’ve incorporated some of it into my daily lives. I’ve subscribed to Brain FM (I highly recommend this!), am trying meditation, and am taking a more mindful approach in my everyday life. Thank you so much Jonathan and team, keep up the incredible work on making us Superhuman!
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Jonathon does a great job of consistently delivering high quality and fun podcasts that are applicable. His content has helped me live a happier and healthier life. Thanks! Asa
Asa From Ohio
Always something new!
When you live by the law of “learn something new everyday” Jonathan Levi and his SuperHuman empire makes fulfilling that an easy task! With topics covering memory, productivity, health, fitness, sleep and just about anything that falls under “life hack” this is the go to podcast for anyone wanting to be a SuperHuman.
1st podcast
I never ever finished a podcast episode by others before... however already listened to a bunch from the becoming super human one. Interesting guests and topics and great delivery.
Dudes laughing at their own lame jokes
Interesting topics but these guys take forever and a day going through formulaic banter to get to the point.
Outstanding content
Your podcast has consistently exceeded my expectations. I especially liked the recent episodes with Joe Polish and the one with Brian & Carrie. Thanks for so much for putting in the work!
I love this podcast! Thanks for bringing such in depth content. I appreciate you bringing such leaders and thought thinkers... the best in the world!
SO worth it ❤️
Was just ‘tuned in’ doing some routine tasks but want to pick up a pad & pen and re-listen. Great guests!!!
So many good episodes!
I’ve listened to so many episodes of this podcast and have gotten so much valuable content out of a lot of them. Jonathan provides some great guests. One of my favorites being Joe Polish. I had to listen to this episode many times and rewind so many spots so I could take notes. That’s how good this episode was. Keep up the great work guys!
Very interesting and informative
Awesome show! Learn something new every time
Eye catching art
Haven’t listened yet but awesome artwork!
Max the kid
Life Changing Ideas, Rich Content,
I have learned a truck load fom this show! The guests are wide ranging in topic and aimed at helping you live to a higher potential. You will not be dissapointed. Jonathan does an excellent job at interviewing, and keeping things on topic and to the point. If you have ever worried that "you don't know what you don't know", this is a great place to start.
Check this show out!
Love this podcast! Great topics discussed. Promotes thinking outside the box and improving yourself by doing so. Well done!
Hanya FR
Hooked on learning
This podcast rekindled my love for learning by making some of the most awe inspiring specialists in their field accessible. The way Jonathan engages his guests with insightful dialogue while gearing the focus to ways his listeners can apply the episode to their life keeps me coming back for more. I can honestly say that the episode featuring Sachin Patel has changed my life course, and given me the perspective to re-invest in my mind-body goals, as well as fortify my self belief system as an individual who has struggled with health problems my whole life. Thank you for your commitment to and enthusiasm for learning, I must say, it’s infectious!
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Favorite podcast EVER
I’ve listened to almost every episode—it may even be an issue.
Wow. Just wow
I just finished binge listening to every single episode over the last few months. Safe to say, I am a totally new person. Not only has this podcast helped to pull me out of a depression, it has excelled my commitment to excellence, provided a touch point for my thirst for endless amounts of learning and knowledge, and thoroughly renewed my passion to live and thrive. I still suffer from the same physical distresses that caused the depression in the first place, but I view the whole situation in a new light and have gained valuable resources in helping me overcome my physical and mental challenges. I will also write your team an email because I have several suggestions for new podcasts, superhumans, and even some aspects of a superhuman living that I am genuinely surprised you haven’t dissected yet. Anyway, I just wanted to congratulate you all on amazing, productive and transformational work for a new generation of superhumans, the collective impact to individuals and society is staggeringly and incomprehensibly huge. Be proud of the work you do and I am confident I will one day join you as a teacher of unconventional, health conscious and positively disruptive thinking in this world. I have a big smile on my face as I am finally able to indulge in writing you a review after having ignored your enticing offers several hundred times at least.
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Consistently Valuable
I began listening to Jonathan’s podcast after enrolling in the Superlearner Masterclass. Jonathan consistently delivers value in all of his content. I listen to the podcast on my walks to and from class and I learn something new every day. Through his courses and his podcast he has helped me rediscover my love for learning and made me look forward to my stroll through the tundra that is Purdue in the winter time.
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Collin Jewett
Gets me excited to learn!!
I'm a HUGE fan of Jonathon Levi and his take on many different subjects. I consider myself a generalist and explorer at heart, and this podcast inspires me to be my best self. I just listened to episode 167 about Richard Feynman and I identified with his love to explore many subjects. I would love to see more episodes about SuperLearners, whether they be from the Masterclass or not. I feel like there's always something to be learned, and I am grateful to know there are others who want to learn passionately and with vivacity. Jonathon, thank you so much for creating these podcasts! They open my mind to new places!
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Motivating and Inspiring
I have been listening to this podcast for months now and I love it! Not only does it provide me with exciting ideas and insights, it also provides me with new resources on a variety of topics. For example, this morning, I woke early and looked up Benjamin Hardy's article on "8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 o'clock," and I already have a list of 4 more things I can add to my routine to enhance my life! Listening to this podcast is mind-expanding! I look forward to using the tips and tricks as I become a superhuman myself.
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A Gem in Every Episode
I discovered the Becoming Superhuman podcast about a year ago and it’s become one of my favorites. Jonathan covers an immense range of topics and yet never loses track of the central theme of the program. Virtually every episode leaves me wanting to research the subject more thoroughly, read the book[s] written by the interviewee, or try out something new in my life. For a knowledge-hungry person like me, it’s a dream come true. I especially appreciate that he asks the interviewee for homework and finishes the episode with the most important take-away. Even when I can tell that Jonathan doesn’t agree with the interviewee on all points, he is gracious and open-minded instead of wasting time with arguments. If this podcast isn’t on your radar yet, it should be.
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Coyote Joe 38
Excellent Podcast
Jonathan is a great interviewer, has interesting guests, and runs a fun and informative podcast every episode. I’ve worked some of the practical information into my own life. Keep up the good work.
Awesome show, highly recommend!
Jonathan and his guests provide some incredibly actionable and compelling content, spotlighting the absolute best tactics to help you grow both personally and professionally. Highly recommend listening and subscribing to The Becoming Superhuman Podcast if you want the knowledge AND mindsets to become a better business leader and (more importantly) a better overall person!
J. Barshop
Great despite the "cheese"
It's a bit corny (especially the name), I didn't think I'd get into it, but I really like the content... more often than not I find myself listening to episodes multiple times to make sure I've really absorbed everything.
This podcast should be a default setting for all humanity
This podcast is a goldmine for any and all information you could ever ask for when it comes to improving every aspect of your life! I can always be fascinated by just about anything they discuss on this show and there are so many episodes now with so many applicable tips and life styles changes that it's almost overwhelming! Love the podcast, keep up the good work! Ps. Would love if you could have some kind of hypnosis expert on the show, I've heard so many things that hypnosis can be used for such as breaking habits like smoking, helping with depression, getting people to the gym, creating positive lifestyle changes, as well as self hypnosis, and... I believe I've even heard it can be used for accelerated learning, I would love it if that could happen, thanks again!
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Superb Podcast
I only noticed how good this podcast is when I started listening to other podcasts. Jonathan's team is doing a fantastic job editing the audio and the crystal clear sound quality makes it very comfortable to listen on 2x speed. Jonathan is a great interviewer and brings amazing, inspiring guests on the show. Thanks Jonathan for the awesome work you do!
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