The Uplifted Yoga Podcast
The Uplifted Yoga Podcast
Brett Larkin |
Heal Your Subconscious with Kundalini Yoga - Conversation Continued with Karena Virginia [Episode 200]
36 minutes Posted Jul 18, 2018 at 9:00 pm.
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We continue our conversation with Kundalini yoga teacher and healer, Kerena Virginia. She shares with us how she went through a period of devastating loss, which led to an awakening that changed how she practiced and taught Kundalini yoga. She explains how our energetic body, our intuition and our heart, can work in conjunction with one another. She answers common questions many of us have: Like how do we know if we are coming from our head or our heart? How can we ask for guidance when making difficult decisions? And what if we have a triggering or negative reaction to Kundalini yoga? Listen to learn more!




Karena is a motivational speaker, energy healer, kundalini yogi, inspirational mentor and TV personality who loves sharing simple and transformational tools for healthy and inspired living. Karena’s writing includes articles for the Huffington Post, her wellness blog, and her upcoming book, The Essential Kundalini Yoga, to be released by Sounds True Publishing on January 1, 2017. She is a member of Oprah Winfrey’s Belief Team, was recently featured on Veria Living TV, Bravo TV, is the talent in the the highly acclaimed video, ‘The Power of Kundalini Yoga’, and the voice in the App, “Relax and Attract” with Karena Virginia.


Special Guest: Karena Virginia


Creator & Host: Brett Larkin


Sound Engineer: Zach Cooper


Producer: Benn Mendelson


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