The Pit of Ultimate Dark Shadows podcast
The Pit of Ultimate Dark Shadows podcast
Daryl Wor
Episode 8: A Long Awaited Trip To The Passion-Pit
43 minutes Posted Feb 18, 2014 at 4:34 am.
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Show notes
At Wyndcliff, Dr. Hoffman and Professor Stokes visit with Willie Loomis to introduce an added element to his treatment.
Tony and Carolyn arrive at the Evans’ Cottage on to discover there is more to the painting of Captain Gregg than they thought at first.
Peter and Victoria analyze their hosts relationship and its glowing health, however odd their household is.
Nicholas Blair encounters a few surprises in search of Angelique, who he eventually finds. (I believe she wants to argue the point of love versus sex but is too wiped out to bother.)
Tony and Carolyn wrap up the evening in more or less steamy enjoyment.
Meanwhile, Barnabas and Maggie arrive at the Old House after their non-date, with a little trouble of their own.