The Pit of Ultimate Dark Shadows podcast
The Pit of Ultimate Dark Shadows podcast
Daryl Wor
The Pit of Ultimate Dark Shadows podcast
Daryl Wor
A show of darkness with a lot of heart, plenty of chuckles made both of metaphors and bad puns. As Dark Shadows lifted story lines from a zillion old books of the Gothic variety, what would it be like if they shared time with the current classics? And what if these newer characters could help them lift all the curses? (Contains intros delving into the writing process as well as information and commentary about the various programs and key players.) Essentially a condensed Re-write from a particular point, to tie up loose ends and pair up everyone. Positive feedback, including laughter, can be sent to xoiscythe (at) (Send a message for the info to which episodes apply to the different characters if you only want those specific bits. It has gotten rather wildly Multi-fandom. Just leave a comment to the email address listed asking for which you'd like.) So far the fandoms are: Dark Shadows, The Kids in The Hall, Clue (Wadsworth), The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, The Addams Family, Bewitched, The Munsters, Psycho, and cameos with Slimer, Norman Bates, Dr. "Hawkeye" Pierce, and hopefully in the future a large role with Doctor Who. 
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Typical release rate
± 37 days
Latest episode
a month ago
April 2
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