The Philip DeFranco Show
The Philip DeFranco Show
The Philip DeFranco Show
via Podcasts
Laughed so hard!
The Michael Oher story and how DeFranco is the real victim, to find a new favorite white female savior movie. Lol
Very loud and quiet - hard to listen to
Phil tends to start sentences at a very high volume and then tapers off into almost a mumble at times. I have to listen pretty hard to make sure I don’t miss anything. Also I hate to say it but holy crap learn how to say “hundred” because y’all say it at least once an episode. Love the show, I wish it was easier to listen to! Also there was an episode that had a part on the end of Unus Annus in November 2021 but I listened to that episode 6 times to try to hear that part but kept thinking my ADHD was making me miss it, but it’s just not included in the episode and I’m so sad that it’s in the title but never actually talked about.
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Great podcasts
I’m watching shows from three months ago but still entertained
The best News podcast
Phil is the best. And a great way to get all sorts of random news stories you wouldn’t hear from most news shows. I love that I can either watch the YouTube show or catch this podcast if I’m on the go.
I knew this would happen
Watching the AOC news story in a few different places about her being harassed. I had a feeling how you would report it and you did not disappoint. You left out that the guy did this since she’s encouraging people to do it to the justices, even after an attempted murder plot. Also, she deleted it to not give him attention? I didn’t see it that way, rather she deleted it after she greatly exaggerated what he said since she didn’t think receipts would be shown. Once he showed the receipts she deleted the content to not be exposed for it.
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DeFranco 2024
Long time DeFranco listener here! One of the best, most interesting places to stay up to date on a wide range of news. 10/10
Daniel Hightower
YES SIR! 😁💪🏼🔥🔥🔥
I love how this show has evolved over the years. Phil and his team always do such a good job at fact checking and giving us a well rounded story. He also seems to do a really great job at corrections when necessary. This is as close to perfect as a podcast can get. Phil, I love you DADDY.
Tyler Durden 99
Love you Phil!
Been a fan for years! I listen to the podcast version on my way to the work. Best way to start the day!
Carl Ick Notts
Philly Dee
Great round up of giving the facts then opinions. Bias has grown over the past 4 years, but then again every news source has, and phil does his best to point out his opinions. A bit weird without the graphics at first but you get used to it quick
Thank you for yo
Thank you for your service schlatt
Draco the Pokemaster
Biased, but who isn’t nowadays?
I’ve been listening to the PDS for over a decade and have always understood that there was a more Liberal bias baked into the cake. After all, he’s a Californian active on social media and YouTube. The last two years, his predominant viewpoints have gone more and more left. I can see his struggle to be fair and down the middle, but it is easily overshadowed by the environment he operates in. Still, he always gives his opinion and asks the audience what they think. I would definitely say he is one of the more objective Neo-Liberals, but has an obvious disdain for anything Conservative or any narrative that cuts against Leftist Progressive nonsense. He’s a well intentioned human being, through and through, and doesn’t disguise any of his beliefs, so you know what you’re getting. Overall, a good source, just don’t rely on the PDS for ALL of your information for sake of context and opposing views.
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Used to listen to it a lot
It’s pretty good, quick news and pop culture catch up. Uses a lot of clickbait and he’s kinda biased.
Your bias gets you CANCELED
Listened to the podcast today for the first time in a long time was SHOCKED by your hypocrisy... “Charlotte, storming of the Capitol… and how conservatives change the story and deflect...” With nothing in between on the violence, bloodshed and coverup which occurred during the summer of 2020 with instigation and legitimization from the Democratic Party. How do you reconcile your rhetoric? Shameful. You are canceled
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Listened to Philip de Franco show on YouTube for about 7 maybe longer years. Stopped listening for a bit and found he’s become disconnected with reality. Not sure what happened maybe wealth? But can’t handle the blind ignorance to the issues of society. Maybe it’s what sells... I suppose I understand just bummed
Good source for specific information
Philip Defranco is an excellent source for the widely ignored internet news. Reddit or YouTube controversies, meme culture, and even some celebrity news, Phil is a great source, since he’s in the day to day internet culture. Philip Defranco is a horrible source for real world and political news. It is obvious that he doesn’t have a wide variety of sources, and is constantly assuming that his sources are completely legitimate and unbiased. Unfortunately if you actually have a variety of sources, you can quickly and easily see where he is, unknowingly, passing on lies to his listeners. This has been seriously exacerbated in the last year, as his TDS has gone full force and he fails to question his beliefs. However, Philip Defranco is an excellent source for what the average uninformed person believes. His passion for what he believes is correct, especially when wrong, is illustrative of what the average person thinks and believes. For any person who wants to help convince people of what is true, I would recommend that you listen to Philip Defranco, just not as a source of real world news.
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He now just regurgitates leftist viewpoints and makes character insults of people on the right.
Ciao bella ragazza twee
Reliable news
I’ve been watching/listening to the show for years now, it’s a great news source
My man
Must watch and listen daily. Love the shirt ideas too.
hermes in Houston
Much too left leaning without any equality for the right
The podcast went from news to cnn
Patrick Aghadjani
5 stars
I’ve loved sxephil since he parodied Ray William Johnson and since he made a video about DO5
Love the PDS!
Thank you, Phil, for breaking down the news in easy-to-understand language with background info and reactions/responses. Incredible work!
Very informative
I’ve been an avid watcher of the Youtube content but since the removal of the behind the scenes content, I’ve settled for the podcast and I really enjoy it . Love how it’s all very informative and well researched even the Youtube drama stuff that I really don’t care about got me listening in. Keep up the awesome work
Love it!
I’m probably not exactly the target demographic, being a teenager, but I absolutely love the way he breaks down the news. I know that I can get a comprehensive view of what’s going on in the world without having to wade through all the nonsense, and I really appreciate that because I do think it’s important to stay informed Thanks for all the hard work!!
Lost respect for philly d
I was a big fan 4 years ago because Phil was very unbiased. But as time went on with the whole better help lies and very biased colvington catholic school reporting (lack of apology as wel) I truly saw how biased and unfair Philip Defranco actually was.
one of my top news sources
my fav news source for actual news and pop culture. no throat punching here i listen every day!! he has sources for further reading if need be and is completely reliable. simple english and straightforward speaking helps me understand the news so much better coming from him! the fact that he uploads his shows to podcasts makes it so much easier for me to consume his content. so thanks phillyD! (:
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Top Notch Coverage of the News with Comedy and Style
I’m not new to the Philip DeFranco Show. When I first jumped into it, there were still Angry Birds on the couch. But I’ve been so pleased with his coverage of the Coronavirus Pandemic that I wanted to write a 5-star review as a thank you. There’s a ton of information out there nowadays, and not all of it accurate. Thank you to Phil for curating that information and delivering it in a way that’s helpful, as opposed to overwhelming.
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I like Phil and I’ve been following him for a good many years (and I have no intention of stopping anytime soon). His opinions have stayed consistent over time and I legitimately believe he’s doing his best to remain as unbiased as possible. However, I believe he has a strong bias against the right. He is by far my favorite center left podcaster; however, he often covers the right in a way he wouldn’t/hasn’t covered the left. I’m a big fan and I deeply admire Phil and what he’s built, but I’m conflicted about his message somedays.
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Thank you
This is so helpful. Thank youuuuu. Don’t be stupid stupid.
Meepity Meeper
Ok this is epic.
This is epic
Bueno pues no 👎🏼 no 👎🏼 ni siquiera
Gracias 😊 que tengas una buena semana con el apoyo que tengas un buen fin del año pasado a la espera de la mañana del viernes para que podamos
...Otherwise I’m gonna...
Phill: 👊😠 You and your dumb throat: 💥😵
Narrate the videos and photos!!
I love the PDS and listening to it on the podcast app is great while commuting. It would be very helpful if Phil would narrate/describe the videos and photos that he shows to those of us who are listening on the podcast app because we can’t see them. Love the show!
My favorite go to for what’s going on in the world.
This is the stuff.
Luv u phil 💗
Unreliable podcast
Get your facts right about mgk he never got boo’d when he performed rap devil
Good stuff!
Love listening on my drive home! Great stuff Phil
I love having a place to get news that isn’t saturated in partisan opinion, thanks for all you do and keep up the great work!
Fake Journalist
Calls his pod news, covers YouTube stories, but when a huge investigative piece reveals YouTube’s horrible, secret Orwellian bent, Phillip ignores it. Not a reliable news source if he’s willing to overlook the biggest stories when they might be negative for his benefactors.
I love you Phil
First of all...I’ve been a fan for over 8 years. YouTube..with bamfs and now deep dives, eternally thankful for keeping me in the know. I am so glad you gave it on podcast as’s easier to listen and not have my boss catch when the screen can be off. Keep up the good work!
What a Beautiful Bastard Classic
Good work phillyd.
It gud
Amazing news show
This is the only news show i watch. I don’t buy cable and i don’t keep up with cnn or fox or any of that. Phil keeps it real and unbiased, and includes what people are thinking on certain topics allowing the viewer to make their own opinion on the topic. He waits to talk about subjects until facts are certain or at least more information is available which i like. Other news show just say breaking news and run with a story when a couple days later that story probably needed a few more facts to actually have the real thing. Great human! Keep up the good work Phil we love ya!
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Phil gives the news in a non biased way. Love it
Is almost never biased
Have always loved Phil he always tries to get all the facts straight and if there’s a problem with said facts he tried to update immediately what was wrong. I also love that he shows the good and bad from Both sides of the story, he has his opinion but he isn’t biased when giving you the whole story. Been watching him for years and I’m so happy this show is still going, it’s one of my main news resources if not the main one.
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A great go to for variety of info
Phil does a great job of giving a snap shot of the days news. From current events, YouTube controversies, and everything in between. He encourages conversations while not pushing his own beliefs. I have been a lone time follower. I am Glad I can listen in my car on the way to work.
Done with YouTube
The podcast format is the only way I can tune in to the show. I’m done with YouTube in light of their persecution of Steven Crowder. It’s the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. Love the show, glad I can still consume your content (no homo).
Never Fails to Provide Excellent Coverage
Phil never fails to provide quality, in-depth coverage on every topic he discusses. His research and quality observations make every news story incredibly accurate and relatable. Keep it up Phil!!
The best source of news.
I was not a fan of Philly D back when SourceFed was still an operating YouTube channel. But he has changed over the years, and so has my opinion on him. He's the best source for news in my opinion.
Great show Mr. D
Great show Mr. D. I enjoyed your interview on Ruben Report and hope to see you on Louder with Crowder.
Shiftyeyed Ginger
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