The Official League of Legends Podcast
The Official League of Legends Podcast
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Official League Podcast = Relevancy of Game
WHY YOU NO MAKE MORE EPISODES!!! 😫 I've been waiting since January for another episode. Please don't stop making this podcast. I love it so much. 😭
So helpful!
As someone who is hoping to be able to study illustration, these podcasts are so helpful in giving insight into how characters are created. I learned so much from this podcast about silhouettes and "5 Pillars", as well as how professional industries operate in terms of merging writing, art, and mechanics. These are a joy to listen to. Not only do they teach me about art, they also provide an additional layer of information about champions that make them more fun and interesting when I'm playing with/against them. Please update for Xayah and Rakan! The video on YouTube was great, but I really want to hear the artists talk in-depth about League of Legends' first "Lovers". I'll even pay you 118 RP (that's all I have right now) to continue!!!!! ヽ(;▽;)ノ
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Awesome Podcast
I'm an avid player of League of Legends, and hearing all the stuff that goes behind the scenes with the lore, game, etc. from the source is great! I'm glad Riot has decided to run a podcast and I hope they continue it!
Always enjoy so much listening to these podcasts. It really gives you a strong bond between content producers and players, which is what makes these podcast great
Rikudou 6 Paths
A little on the quiet side
I liked hearing about the backgrounds of the guests, but I understand that you're probably trying to fit as much content into the limited time you have. Lately, some of the guests' microphones seem quieter than the host. It's must easier to hear Scarizard than say, like Meddler.
Knows its audience
Great sound quality and gets into the real nuances of champion design and game balance. It definitely assumes that the listener is very familiar with the game and rewards you as such.
Really great insight
It's really cool to hear from the designers about their intentions and goals for changes in the game. The honesty and openness is really welcome. I'd love to hear from more people in different roles at Riot.
Krug tested. Gromp approved.
The League Community Podcast is great. The hosts only sometimes sound like boosted animals, but always have some interesting insight into a variety of topics. The variety itself is one of the best parts, actually. Some episodes are focused around specific changes that are happening in the game, while some are less-focused and discuss general topics like esports, community members, etc. I really like hearing Riot talk more about the things they're working on, and it's always cool to hear some of the backstory on big changes, new champions, and different aspects of the game. Episodes are a fine length. Personally, I would be down for slightly longer episodes, but I know that long podcasts aren't for everyone. If you keep up to date with Riot's announcements, PBE Updates on Surrender@20, or the LCS, than this is another piece of content for you to consume each week. If you don't follow all those things, maybe this is a way to ease yourself in. Either way, check out the podcast. It's good.
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This podcast is funny and informative. I've rolf'd a few times and I'm always learning something new about the inner workings of League of Legends. Thank you for starting up the podcast! Keep up the humorous tone and continuing to give us an audible tour of Riot Games!
It's good... but it's no Low Elo.
It's cool to get a look behind the scenes and the podcast sounds great so it's easy on the ears but it's missing the same thing every other podcast since Low Elo is missing aka PERSONALITY and CHEMISTRY in the hosts! Bring back Low Elo!
Solid work
Listened mainly due to the scarra interview, and was really impressed with him and interested in his insights. Keep up the good work
Lovin this Podcast
I may not have been playing League for long (Level 18 as of review), but this podcast makes me appreciate Riot's affort to the game and the players. I also love knowing all the inner workings to this great game as I have fallen in love with it.
Love the podcast!
I listen to every seconds, the intro and exit music is the best of any podcast around. Love the diverse topics and guests. Learning about features coming to the game makes me so excited to play. Could we possibly get a section of the cast focused on ARAM? It's my favorite 😀
Matt Mangles
Very Entertaining and Enjoyable!
Well commentated and very funny! I love how they talk to some of the people from riot and ask them about their story!
This is a great podcast with lots of interesting insights into the mindset of The Riot, more commonly referred to as 'rito pls'. Excited to continue hearing more from this podcast and some of the masterminds behind the endless changes to League.
Enjoying It
As I'm listening to it right now it's really informative about the people that play a role in this game
First podcast
Great podcast.
Good Podcast from Riot
A good podcast to hear about the inner workings of League from the people who work to maintain it. A little too much personal history for my taste, but the discussions they have about the thought processes in developing the new content for League is well worth it. Keep up the good work Riot!
Very informative
I love listening to podcast and I love League so this is perfect from me. Something that feels a bit more personal to me. I can actually listen to rioters talk about things going on behind the scenes, rather than reading. Would love to see some behind the scene videos of Riot Headquarters next! Keep it up guys, thanks a lot!
I'm so hyped about this podcast! I'm a dedicated league player summoner name BoombaTime, but have never had a ton of time to be up to date with the league community. The podcast is personal, funny, and allows me to stay in touch with my favorite gaming community. Check it out!
Good Podcast!
I like this podcast. It is very fun, and I like listening to the people working on my favorite game, talking about my favorite game. If you like LOL, then no doubt, you will love this podcast. Be prepared for listening to champion updates, before even on the PBE. And what about that Poppy spoiler? Is anyone else extremely excited? Cause I am.