Exploring Nature, Culture and Inner Life
Exploring Nature, Culture and Inner Life
The New School at Commonweal
Exploring Nature, Culture and Inner Life
The New School at Commonweal
The New School presents conversations, book signings, art, and lectures with thought and action leaders of our time. We are a learning community of 4,000 people in the Bay Area and around the world dedicated to learning what matters. TNS focuses on the emergent, seeking out the thought and action leaders who are bringing discussion, beauty, and change to the world. We present events and podcast them in many areas: arts and sciences, health and the environment, and inner life. We follow streams of inquiry, including our End-of-Life Conversations, and series on Resilience, Archetypal Psychology, and Healing Circles.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 11 days
Latest episode
3 months ago
February 7
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