The Legend of the Traveling Tardis with Christian Basel
The Legend of the Traveling Tardis with Christian Basel
ICNWebTV Network & HWWS Media
The Legend of the Traveling Tardis with Christian Basel
ICNWebTV Network & HWWS Media
From the creators of the Hangin With Web Show, Each week veteran radio and podcast personality Christian Basel celebrates his love, passion and expertise of the BBC's beloved Dr. Who series as well as his passion and knowledge of Science Fiction and Fantasy in Arts and Entertainment! Christian and the Traveling Tardis have traveled through time and space to convention floors and fan gatherings to celebrate pop culture! The Traveling Tardis has been photographed with celebrities, cosplayers and fans around the globe and now Christian Basel is set to bring the adventures of the Traveling Tardis to web radio audiences everywhere! Where has the Traveling Tardis Been? Who has been seen with this iconic traveler? What is the future of the whoniverse? These and more fan questions will be answered each week on The Legend of the Traveling Tardis with Christian Basel!
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 14 days
Latest episode
8 months ago
September 9, 2023
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