The Electorette Podcast
The Electorette Podcast
via Podcasts
Wonderful, eye-opening podcast!
Jen does an amazing job of finding smart, interesting women to interview. I’ve learned so much listening to this podcast. The negative reviews here are so funny to me, because (A) it’s clearly people who have never listened to the podcast who just hate anything they perceive as “feminist” and (B) facts don’t care about trolls’ opinions. This is a wonderful podcast. I recommend it to everyone!
Smart and Snappy
This is one of the best podcasts out there. It balances an academic level understanding of modern issues with the accessibility of exciting speaker guests. I always leave this podcast feeling calm and more informed. Every person should listen to this!
Aeropostale, holister
Self congratulations
If you’re young, of color, and gay you’re obviously right because you’re triple woke. Since I’m none of these things I have no standing and no ideas according to this podcast. My only role is to “pass the torch” This podcast is so self satisfied it’s completely un-self aware
Must Listen To Podcast for Post Trump World
The Electorette taps resources that I’ve never heard from before—from women, and in particular, black women, for thoughtful, smart and thought-provoking conversations. This is how we need to prepare for what comes after the disaster trump world—one in which we reconcile the ways that patriarchy and a white power structure have forced greater struggles on those who weren’t ‘lucky’ enough to be born able-bodies, straight, male, white and wealthy. I’m grateful for this podcast for opening windows and doors in my mind so I can reshuffle what I once thought was a somewhat universal experience.
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River mom
This was so bad. Just so bad. Barf barf barf bad. I’m sorry I listened. I need a safe space. I’m so triggered. This pod has done violence to me. Stay away. I’m literally shaking. And crying.
Great Podcast!
Live it! Really the geat podcast! I'm keep it continued listed
Thomas A. Millan
Misstating “Facts!”
This podcast was full of misinformation! You can’t just give real statistics and then decide they’re wrong. You also can’t make up your own, completely unsubstantiated to fit your narrative.
Finally We Hear the Women Speak
Jenn has a knack for finding intelligent and well informed professional women to discuss the current political climate, what it means in the lives of Americans (particularly American women) and what we can DO to be a part of the solution. I’m so glad that women have found an outlet to be heard in a patriarchal society that is moving backwards rather than forward. This is a must-listen to podcast.
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Resist Insist Persist Enlist
Smart, Timely, Informative
These are important conversations that give great insight into issues America (and in many cases the world) is facing. Not only are we provided great information and analysis, but also viable solutions and real ways for us all to enact change. I leave each podcast feeling self-reflective and invigorated!
What a great podcast As an radical feminist from the 1970s : there was actual analysis (radical means going to the root of things) Woman hating not always the same as sexism. Thanks for letting me know about this monumental book D. Swanner
radical feminist
Great first episodes
I’ve been looking for a pod like this and I love the perspective and the push to bring intersectional feminism to the forefront. The hosts are well researched and I find I can really relate to their ideas. But please please work on the audio. The vocal fry and up speak was really hard to get around and it sounded like someone was eating at one point. I found it really distracting and hard to listen to.
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Great Pod!!
Really I'm a great fan of this podcast.
Sitting in on conversations with smart women.
I love listening to smart women! Ever since the election, I've felt frustrated, and helpless. I'm one of those people who wasn't really paying attention until November. These have been good, constructive conversations. I look forward to more!
Nicole the Goose
Timely and Needed!
Thank you for the podcast and the information and analysis
Excellent first episode with Dr. Laura Briggs
An insightful and interesting first episode. Dr. Laura Briggs' intelligence and dry wit made for great listening. Looking forward to the next episode!
Kent in Seattle
Content we need right now!
I love this podcast because the host and guests talk about solutions and and dig into the topics. There's no ranting and it isn't gossipy. Just intellectual, inspiring conversation.
Jen of Madrona