The Disciplined Investor
The Disciplined Investor
Andrew Horowitz - Host
via Podcasts
More Market psychology
Andrew shouldn’t be jealous of CNBC so much! They’re NO.1 for sure. You just need to talk something they don’t. Talk about Market psychology and market makers👍
Host will improve by interrupting less
I tuned in to hear Cullen Roche, who is awesome as usual. But I almost yelled out loud after the 6th or 7th time the host interrupted him mid-sentence to make his own version of the point or redirect the conversation in a non-sequitor direction. When you bring on a guest, let him talk. I wanted to hear his thoughts to their conclusion. Hope this helps improve future content.
Good show. Keep it up!
One of my favorite podcasts to listen to (ex sellsider here, although that doesn’t hold much weight anymore). Good breakdown of current and upcoming events. Awesome guests too. Sometimes I wish he would push them more on their opinions. But whatev. I’ve cutback my podcasts in 2022, but I make sure to listen to this one every week.
LBIR Subscriber
Andrew, thank you for your insight and humor.
There’s always something to learn from you and your guests.
Really enjoy the show from week to week to get the latest in all financial news!
I’m looking for financial information not political.
John Guyett
Great show!
Andrew, host of the Disciplined Investor podcast, highlights all aspects of investing and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
Andrew enjoy your podcast for the perspective you give on how to interpret short and longer term market trends. How can i get copy of dry marinade beef recipe on last show.
You drank the kool aid
More and more your interviews are talking about Bitcoin.
Curzio? Really
I very much enjoy listening to Andrew Horowitz, but Frank Curzio is a moron and is dead air when he is speaking. To say in a late November 2020 podcast that "masks don't work" against COVID in moronic. He furthers his bona fides as a first class idiot by saying "I've read 1000's studies about this and its true". No competent epidemiologist would ever agree with that statement. If he treats stock research like he treats science research it's no wonder he fails on so many of his picks and market "insights". You have to just ignore anything the guy says.
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He said green new deal will stimulate the economy
Tyson Reynoldson
Long time listener disappointed
I have listened to and learned from this podcast almost since the beginning. It occasionally slips into politics, but generally has kept its investment focus. Until this week. A much hyped conversation with a podcaster turned into a conspiracy rant, complete with off color sexist jokes, mocking the head of the European Central Bank, fearing the evils of “globalists”. Andrew appeared to approve and egg on his friend. First time I ever turned off his podcast halfway through and deleted. Now looking for other investment podcasts.
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My favorite
I just started investing 2 years ago and stumbled across this podcast. Andrew kills it each week. I look forward to my disciplined investor Sunday podcast. I've learned so much from this show and continue to learn to this day! Thank you, Andrew, you are the man!
Guest Grifter Deflects (Episode #673)
Best part was when guest said people should be mad at the ones trying to make them angry, then, realizing the irony, changes up. Oh, and that he is not political...
Back to 5 stars ⭐️
Though I still feel some of what my old 1 star review said, I see now I let myself get overly sensitive about Andrew putting some of his political views in since Trump ( even though he claims he doesn’t) but I was way off base giving this such a bad rating. Andrew puts out free content and if 5 minutes outta an hour is whatever he still deserves praise for 90% of the show. Andrew I’m sorry for this and I am changing this to what it should of been. 5 stars!
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Gene Everett 187
Awesome Content!
Cheers on your podcast!! Looking forward to your next episodes!
Grusha - ElitePodcastBookings
I thought I was listing to a podcast about investing but I hear we are heading to a civil war because of the liberal democratic, you lost me Andrew.
too much fear mongering on ep. 659
its a math equation. death rate = #of deaths / positive cases (1) we have no idea what the denominator is (2) there is reason to believe the numerator is skewed to the upside, per Senator Dr. Scott Jensen and others. (3) Analysis: if we don't know the denominator & cant guarantee the numerator ,then we don't know the death rate. Yet government policy is being made upon "models" that don't reflect reality by the voice of Dr.Fauci. I wish the USA would have taken the Sweden route instead . (4) Unfortunately, my fathers flooring business only received 3,000$ of PPP . Not 3,000$ per employee, but $3,000 total. That is supposed to cover 8 weeks . Further, if you applied once you can not re-apply for round#2 of PPP. His business was around for 30 years ,had small warehouse &10 employees. Nothing extravagant, avg. 50-75k $/yr. per employee $ all managers. So Andrew, the answer is NO, not everyone can "wait" for the "virus (aka the flu)" to go away. Its pretty offensive you noted so many professions as "unessential" b/c they are very essential to those business owners who have families to feed, bills to pay, etc. I think you showed a true lack of empathy, lack of respect, & its something your neighbors and/or potential clients may not appreciate down the road. Life's a warm Florida beach sometimes like that sometimes.
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I thought this was an investing podcast, not a modern adult version of chicken little. The original is much better.
The best
My favorite financial podcast. I find myself recommending it often. Thanks!
Long Time Listener, Outstanding Show
I have listened to the Discipling Investor podcast for about 10 years. It has provided me with solid, level headed advice over that time. Andrew is a very seasoned financial consultant who is very informative and also most interesting to listen to.
Ohio Listener 68
The Boss
The two best pure fellow investors. Join forces- take over the brokerages!
Not creative / talks about the same bs / rambles
4 episodes in a row, all corona virus, corona virus, corona virus. This guys is paranoid, and it seems like he doesn’t do his homework. All talk, no direction. Guests are alright.
Full Cycle, Thoughful Investing Knowledge
Mr. Horowitz has been around longer than most in podcasting world; this weekly commentary is one of the only offerings to have been through a bear market unlike many financial planners these days. His level-headed approach to asset allocation and wealth of experience in the industry is evident in each podcast. Please keep this train of investing rationality going.
Thought provoking
Well worth making time to incorporate this into your weekly routine.
I h8 dns
QE is Bad, is his Mantra
His podcast is good when he has guest commentators. By himself he brags about his boat, his ability to cook and a trip to Cuba and how QE policy is not sustainable. A good podcast to listen to if you have insomnia.
Martin Ellingham
Intelligent and entertaining.
One of the best podcasts out there. Best in finance IMO.
Dr DGC Jeff
Smart advice
Excellent commentary and guests. Doesn’t make ridiculous statements. A lot of good insight to personal finance and investing.
Evan BW
Horowitz is a smart man with a lot of good market insights.
Andrew is amazing. I have listened to him for several years and I love his no B.S. style. Keep the good work Andrew!
Highly recommend!
Andrew and his guests share actionable lessons and expert advice on how to achieve all your goals in investing. Highly recommend listening and subscribing if you want the knowledge AND mindsets to truly become a well-versed and disciplined investor!
Awesome Podcast
Andrew, host of The Disciplined Investor, highlights all aspects of investing in this can't miss podcast. Andrew and his expert guests offer insightful advice that's helpful to anyone that listens!
Brooke Craven
great show
Always enjoying listening in and learning something new. Andrew is a great host, very engaging. He has insightful guests, and runs a very focused show
Tom Morkes
Excellent Podcast
Great podcast and Andrew actually answers questions you email him. Thanks for your time and effort Andrew. Cheers
fix i movie
Great Podcast
Fantastic Podcast. Informative, interesting and entertaining. Five Stars.
My fav podcast
Can't wait to listen every week
He tells it like is!
I've been listening for almost 2 years and Andrew is my favorite of all the Wall Street shows. He pulls no punches and backs up his statements with facts and data. I may not always agree with him, but more times than not I do. He's also taught me quite a bit, but reminds me I have so much more to learn! Thank you Andrew for all the time you put into this quality podcast!
Love this podcast
Andrew is sharp, on point and puts it all together. Great advice. I only wish it were daily!
Awesome podcast. The buck stops here.
Great podcast covering a variety of topics. Discussions on strategies, global economic environment & macroeconomics, industries, and current market issues makes this podcast stand out. The combination of breadth of aspects and personal touch makes me look forward to every Sunday. Featuring various guests makes each show different and engaging. Horowitz makes investing funny and engaging. Way to go! Keep up the good work!
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Great show
Not much to say, this is a great show and I listen every week.
Thank you Andrew
Great podcast and guests. Andrew's review of the economy, trends, news, editorials are so valuable to the listener. I have listened to Andrew for some years now. Each year his podcasts gets better and better. Serious investors have to check out Andrew every Monday morning to prep for the week ahead of you.
where are you
no episode for several weeks ...
Solid Podcast
Worth listening too, although sometimes a bit long. Andrew does his homework and delivers a handful of good angles. He's a more cautious investor (at least now) than others, but he's not a "buy gold go panic" kind of guy. When there's no guest, he could keep things a bit shorter, but he provides a good amount of details and gives his views on the economy and global markets which are thought out and well reasoned.
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Andrew has taught me so much about what's moving the markets behind the scenes. I love his podcast.
Knowledgable investment advice
Andrew provides a lot of very specific information about the markets and how investors can find opportunity in any situation. Not only is he a great interviewer, he is also a valued guest on other podcasts that focus on investing.
Excellent finance podcast
Excellent finance podcast. Knowledgeable and able to express his thoughts in a cogent manner. Highly recommended for those seeking to increase their financial aptitude.
This is one strange podcast...
Why does Andrew Horowitz talk about the GoPro camera so much? I can only think on one reason: he owns it and needs to prop up its price. The interview with his son was pretty strange, very unlike the level of his usual podcast. So, who is the audience here? Horowitz is clearly a Republican. He criticized Obama’s free Community College plan, but didn’t really have a reason for doing so, and offered no alternative. Can we stick to investing here?
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Will make you a better investor
I have been following Mr. Horowitz for over a year now and he is indeed a constant reminder of good investment practice and provides good insights and comments on investment in general. What differentiates this podcast from others is that teh host often tries to have a wider view on particular stocks and how to see them in a wider context such as technological trends, general market moves or monetary policy. Also the guest are usually of high quality and the interviews tend to be pretty interesting. It is one of my weekly must listen to.
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Great interviews
Just started a few months ago. Really enjoyed the interviews. Most of the guests provided useful investment ideas. Thanks for the good work!
Excellent advice for investors
The Disciplined Investor podcast provides advice for investors of all levels. Andrew covers trending stock market topics with insightful research and commentary from his work as an investment adviser.
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