The Churn: A Podcast About The Expanse
The Churn: A Podcast About The Expanse
via Podcasts
I really enjoy your discussions but am appalled that you allow Walmart advertising space here. It seems more than a little incongruous.
Ana and Dan are great!
Love the new hosts starting season 4. Interesting commentary, analysis and interviews with cast. Much better than your average recap podcast.
Cher is so bad.
Other than getting to hear from the actors and the writers of the book it’s almost not worth it due to Cher.
Fun and interesting podcast!
Love Dan and Anna Marie’s fun and funny, informative and insightful commentary. They have great rapport and both bring so much to the table. Listening to their podcast has really enriched the viewing experience for me and made me understand how carefully the writers of the show have thought through so many details. They draw analogies between characters and plot lines to current social and political figures and issues as well as to other books and tv shows. Anna Marie has read the Expanse books but Dan didn’t which makes them a good pair for their different perspectives but they are very passionate about all the characters and the story.
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Maddie Bean
I love this podcast, keep up the good work guys
I like how the angle that the podcast brings about geopolitics. I like how it is not just a normal recap because I am subscribed to several other Expanse podcasts, it brings a new meaning to the episodes that I watch on Amazon. I also want to shed light on the people who believe the show to be too political now: it is really not. When I say that I refer to what Americans call political issues. Dan’s contributions to show revolve around international politics rather than internal politics. Ana seems as of season 4 to talk most about the characters than her politics. One more note on her politics, they may be liberal but are not necessarily bad. People can have different ideas and that doesn’t make them lesser because of it. I know you may be saying that “but not when you force them on people” to witch I respond that she isn’t. Ana is not a bad host because of her politics, she is actually a good host and this is a great podcast. In conclusion, the show brings an interesting new angle and the politics in the way that all the one star reviewers refer too. If the hosts are reading this, keep up the good work and we need season 5 episodes because the other podcasts already have theirs out. Thank you for reading.
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Used to be great
Man this podcast really fell off hard. Absolutely loved this podcast the first 2 seasons. When The Expanse switched to Prime and they changed the hosts I gave it an honest try but these new people ruined a great thing. Not to mention the latest episodes have nothing to do with the expanse. Also there’s more to the show then just the politics. RIP
One Host Grading Another
I liked the idea of the podcast and enjoyed the first few I listened to about Season 4 of the Expanse. But, by the time I got to Season 4, Episode 7 I had enough. The female host constantly criticizing the male host for his choices in “episode appropriate quotes” seems so juvenile and petty. By the Episode 7 podcast she even added something about how her being the leader/creator gave her license to tell him to basically do a better job next time. That was when I decided this podcast wasn’t for me.
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Wasn’t going to write a review
So I wasn’t going to write a review, BUT I looked at some of the reviews here and saw a few negative that COULDN’T be about this podcast... then I realized that I hopped in AFTER the hosts changed. Aside from the two people I read that decided long ago to keep their ostrich heads buried underground, people are seeing what this podcast offers: intellectual discussion about the political landscape in the expanse (tv show, though one host has read the books) and what that is reflective of in our history and in our present. This isn’t just a popcorn talk back, and you’ll need a few brain cells free to care about what they are saying, but I recommend listening to the latest season and giving it a shot. I hope it’s for you too.
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Great retooling (again!) of this terrific show
The Expanse, both the show and the books, offers very shrewd analysis of geopolitics in space (orbital politics?), and this revived podcast, from Ana Marie Cox and Dan Drezner, examines The Expanse from that perspective, and what the show can teach us about foreign affairs and history, both strategically and on a tactical level. The podcast was retooled recently from just a recap of the show’s episodes, into a deeper geopolitical analysis, and now it’s been somewhat retooled again to examine what it can teach us about international responses to pandemics. Very relevant to scholars and practitioners of foreign policy.
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Do these people watch the show?
The Season 1-3 recaps seemed oddly off. Was there a race to “get” the protomolecule where people were willing to kill to get it? That sounds like a common trope, but I don’t remember this race in the series or in the books. The setup for Season 3 sounded more like the setup for Season 4. And for cryin’ out loud, learn how to say Rocinante! (Not Rossinatte) And decide how you’re going to say Avasarala and practice it! And what’s so hard about Clarissa? Or “nuclear,” while we’re at it. I’ll give them a break on Nigh-omi, since Tipper pronounces it that way, but Tipper is British, and here’s nothing in the spelling that suggests that pronunciation. The others say Nay-omi. Go back and watch the Ganymede incident. There was a blue guy in there, and some real intrigue. And don’t forget the psychopath scientists, and what they were trying to do. Cortazar is important. I’m not going to re-listen for other examples, but I often disagreed with the recap “facts.” The best part about the recaps was the discussion of general lessons and parallels to historical events, and the social dynamics. That makes it worth listening to, but if you’re an aficionado, you’ll know the show better than these people. Update: Dang, people, her name is TIPPER! Not Tripper or Tucker. Not to mention Shoreh Aghdashloo. If you like the show, and are doing a fricken’ podcast on it, learn the names of the key actors! I know it’s not your whole life, but it’s hardly that for me, either.
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Female host is garbage
Hey everyone, come quick! This female, mouth breathing, Bern’s when I pee-supporting host would like to tell you everything her young, naive, inexperienced mind would like to about the downfalls of capitalism, fact checking the media, and why The Expanse is more about politics and how it relates to her 21st century viewpoint than the fictitious 24th century world in which the show is set. Super job, guys! Keep it up!
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Torey B
Season 4 hosts!
Loving the season 4 hosts and their expert nerding on both science fiction and politics.
So Good
I’ve admired the show and the books and have been wanting a podcast that takes a deep dive into them. The discussions about Politics, culture, religion and many other topics has deepened my love for the show and the books. Keep up the good work Ana-Marie!
This is such a great podcast, I love how they tie the show into real life, it really provides deeper understanding into what is happening in each episode.
Love the new host
I am very very happy with the new host and format. Love the political science view of the show. I think it brings a depth to the show that it didn’t have before. It also makes more sense as a show to me. Keep up the good work Anna Marie Cox
Cupcake Joey
New host please
I really wanted to love this podcast because I love The Expanse. And it used to be good, if not great. But this new host is just terrible. I’m sorry, just terrible. Every single episode she feels the need to relate her garbage politics for no reason whatsoever. Other than to have her opinions heard. We don’t care about politics, even though it is a part of the show. If you want to talk about the shows politics, go right ahead. If you are just going to relate it to what you think is right in the world, (AOC and economics?) you’re going to lose a lot of peoples interest. If somehow I can tell what your politics are, and who you hate, in a podcast about a sci-fi show, you’re doing it wrong. Either stick to the show, or get a new host.
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Why focus on politics? Why compare it to current events?
The Expanse is barely about politics. There is like 10 minutes in the entire season devoted to the Secretary General election. The show is about surviving in space in the future. That’s it! The politics angle is almost demented.
Tech issues
You just dropped the Episode 2 podcast again instead of episode 3. Discouraging.
Neolibs gonna neolib I guess, idk
Wild to me that Ana apparently believes there are still more than 12 people left in the world who still want to hear about Hillary ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
A must listen!!!!
Joe E G
Geekdom... squared
As someone interested in both The Expanse and public policy, the current iteration of The Churn podcast hits a sweet spot for me. It is a collision of two nerd cultures when smart-and-funny politics mavens Cox and Dresner discuss the characters, writing, and politics of The Expanse. Yet is more than the sum of its geekery. The podcast discussion enriches an already absorbing series. They discuss the show's interational/interplanetary/interstellar issues in *almost* as much detail as I want. More please! Occasionally they do let slip a spoiler or two, so listen with caution.
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Baltimoron Beerbaum
You’re that podcast
As a social scientist who also appreciates intelligent science fiction I have been positively thrilled to listen to this iteration of The Churn podcast. Ana Marie Cox and Dan Drezner’s analysis of the Expanse, informed by insights from international relations and political economy finally does justice to one of the best tv programs in recent memory. Paired with the interviews with members of the cast that delved into the psychological and sociological underpinnings of the choices they have made as artists, I have no doubt why the show and this podcast are singular in their excellence.
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Fun podcast for an amazing show
Be warned though, the host keeps saying no spoilers (pod 4 for example) but keeps dropping them throughout. Would be 5 stars but for that. Great show and pod. Just wait to listen until after finishing the season.
good format for binge show
I like the format to discuss topics instead of episodes given that new seasons are being dropped all at once. However, please fix the mic setup -- Dan's mic noise and popping is very annoying (ep 9, 4.1)
Must listen
Perfect companion to the show, a must listen for all fans of the expanse
Hate to Give this 1 Star
Love the show. Have listened to HOURS of this podcast. Downloaded the interview with Steven Strait. Ana Marie said NO spoilers but at minute 5:35 she drops a spoiler! I would love to give this 5 stars because I have nothing but respect for Ana Marie Cox - have been a fan and reader of hers for years. Breaks my heart to rate it low. Also, the podcast has been out since 12/18! Plenty of time to add a warning or re-edit!
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Solid podcast
Good production values and quality interviews. Great series coverage. Thoughtful, depth full discussion about the series and themes. Great exploration of character motivations... Maybe slightly less talking about SJW values and Bernie Sanders.
Changed to 5 stars from 1 star! Ana Marie Cox is very good!
Wow - finally got a decent person hosting and asking good questions!!! Ana Marie Cox is wonderful. Thoughtful and intelligent! Old review below: —————— I skip all the parts where Cher Martini speaks. When cast, crew, writers are guests, I listen to everything they have to say. It’s great to have insider insight from the show crew/cast/writing staff. I personally don’t care about anything the interviewers have to say.
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Great and smart discussion
I enjoyed this podcast for previously recapping each season 1-3 episode and now I enjoy the analysis and historical context. Keep it coming!
I’m so glad The Churn has been, well, churned. The new format is so much better. I don’t agree with a lot of the theories/conclusions made in the recaps, but it’s a short podcast and most of it is very interesting.
Really enjoying Ana Marie Cox’s hosting style!
Ana Marie Cox is a breath of fresh air on this podcast. She poses really thoughtful and observant questions to the cast and creators of the show, is humble, and authentic. She seems like a skilled interviewer that gets to the deeper insights of her guests! I like that she has read the books and can provide information from the books like Adam did in seasons 1-3. Looking forward to listening to this show in Season 4 and beyond with her at the helm!
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Ana Marie Cox saves this podcast!
I couldn’t listen to this podcast before. The previous host, Cher Martinetti, was insulting and rude to the actors she interviewed, and her vapid questions seemed to sum up perfectly the lazy way that SyFy handled this incredible show. No Cher, no one cares how much pot you smoke, but thanks for hijacking the discussion about this show to let us all know how cool you think you are. 🙄 Now that Amazon has saved this masterpiece of a show, this podcast has also been saved by Ana Marie Cox. I’ve been a big fan of hers from her time on Crooked Media’s podcasts. She adds poise, intelligence, and historically-relevant questions, and is able to facilitate discussion without making it all about her. Thank you Amazon and thank you Ana! Restoring my faith in humanity one episode at a time!
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Why, why, why why why 🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😱
Why is The Expanse now an Amazon Original series?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I don’t have Amazon and I really want to finish the series. Where else can I go to watch the show?
Welcome, Ana Marie Cox!
The podcast has a _very_ different tone with season 4 host Ana Marie Cox. I’m looking forward to more thoughtful analysis as season 4 gets underway!
Stop talking so much
Interviewing them and all you are is talking over them and your voice is so whinny high-pitched it’s really annoying.
I need this to continue
The show is great overall. I hope it continues for season 4 ,the writers join another podcast or just do there own. Heck I would do it if they need a host. It must continue. The propping up of the group that launches rockets at Israel regularly was extremely disappointing to say the least. I hope it was just misinformation on there part. Cher could tone down her need to share her beliefs a bit (or at least how often) but it is not as bad as people make it out to be most of the time in the reviews. She is a plus overall.
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Churn me up!
I really enjoy the interviews and insights into my favorite show! I think Cher is left hanging by the guys when she shares the female perspective! Seriously, when she talked about Holden’s righteousness turned zealotry regarding his mission to contain all protomolecule (and how he became more human when he turned his attention to saving Mei,) she was met by crickets from you guys! I was yelling out loud on that one, “c’mon, guys, someone help her up on this!!” And as for Alex, I feel just as strongly about Anna leaving her wife and young daughter in order to manipulate her way through the ring. Yeah, her presence was necessary, and she stopped Clarissa Mao, but her choice was no less selfish (and maybe more prideful) than Alex’s. To evoke this much, it must be a great podcast about a FANTASTIC show!! -Ann in Wisconsin
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Awesome Expanse podcast
I love the Expanse TV show and this podcast is awesome! The discussion about the shows are really interesting. It probably helps that the writers of the Expanse books almost always join the hosts to discuss the shows and actors from the show join the podcastfrom time-to-time as well. If you're an Expanse fan I would highly recomend this podcast. :)
I Luv Horrible
Finale Part 2?
Is this podcast over now? The finale said Part 1, implyin gthere would be more parts. I'm not a huge fan but would have been down to listen to the next part(s).
Big Bucks Fan Hollaholla
Cher not a good fit
Cher isn’t a good fit on the cast. She has trouble grasping some of the character motivations and plot points. S03E02 she spends ten minutes backpedaling on a comment she made about a character. A very long winded and it compromises the pacing of the podcast. I would rather hear more from the authors. Poor Adam can barely get a word in.
Not a good first impression.
Episode 312: Is the first episode I listened to from this podcast. Halfway through I became exhausted by Cher constantly talking about how wonderful the female characters are. I agree, the show has some amazing female characters. But she is literally saying the same thing over and over with no point being made. When I got tired of her commentary I started looking at other reviews and saw that she is known for pushing her opinions. I will listen to a couple more episodes to see if there is improvement, if not then I just can’t listen anymore. P.S. I hope that someone gives Cher this feedback so she can improve herself to become a more suitable podcaster.
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A wonderful podcast with occasionally annoying hosts.
The Expanse is the best sci-fi on episodic television today, and if you're a fan of either the series or the books, listening to this podcast will give you insight into their world. There are several Expanse podcasts on the web, but to my knowledge this is the only one that regularly includes the actors and writers behind a microphone. It's usually very interesting, but Cher regularly gets so excited that she interrupts what the guests are saying and steamrolls the room. The other host, Adam, believes that repetition is the soul of comedy, so we tend to hear the same jokes served up far too often. If you can ignore these two annoyances then this is an well-produced podcast that rises head and shoulders above the competition and deserves a listen.
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Well worth it
Great podcast. It keeps it light and conversational most of the time but really gets into some great insight into both the writing and how the show is made. If you haven’t listen to the Thomas Jane interview from season 2. I’m really hoping they can get him on again to talk about the Investigator.
Cher is ruining otherwise good podcast
I really like the discussions with the writers and the cast members each week, it’s so cool to get inside information from the source. It’s clear they are all so passionate about this show and it’s amazing to hear. The problem is Cher. She has this jokey/sarcastic/stoner kind of hosting style that would be entertaining in a different podcast. But it’s clear the Expanse fans want to keep the focus on serious discussions, and the frequent jokes and interjections of her personal views etc. are just very distracting and ruins the flow of an otherwise great show. I’m a female and I want to support women in sci-fi podcasting but I’m not sure I’ll keep listening. Edit: and now Cher is trying to compare the OPA with Hamas. She doesn’t have the intellect to be making political comparisons. *facepalm*
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It's improving!
I know there has been a lot of criticism of one of the podcasters, and I just want to say that the last two episodes have been a massive improvement. Criticism is hard to take and disproportionate for women, so I really admire Cher taking it in stride.
Offensive & Idiot Comment by Hosts
Bringing up Hamas, a butchering terror group of thugs, completely soured this episode. Equating the Belt with these real killers on innocent civilians was disappointing. Clearly the hosts no nothing about actual world events and pain.
Hamas is misunderstood and is a legit government now.... I have nothing positive to say about the podcast after hearing the host say that. Just skip it and save yourself the bright red forehead that comes with repeated facepalming.
This had the potential to be a great podcast about The Expanse. I loved the fact that the actors and the authors were on the podcast, but the girl host, who’s name I don’t even care enough to remember. Is just awful. She sounds unprepared every episode and does not contribute anything to the podcast. The episode where she interviewed Thomas Jane had me embarrassed for her. Please get someone who actually knows about the show and can ask engaging questions and not interrupt everyone, and maybe I’ll subscribe again.
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The last straw of listening to this podcast was when she came out in support of hamas saying people ‘Don’t understand them’. No one wants to hear about how badly you want these terrible factions to mirror current events so you can demonize them.
Double standard?
Good show, welcome the opportunity to enjoy more expanse-time. I’d like to hear the hosts’ take on a comparison of the characters Alex and Anna. Each of them leaves behind a family to pursue another calling. Why is it ok for Anna to do this but not Alex? The hosts find Anna to be all luminosity and wonder, but consider Alex an a-hole. Why? BTW, this writer agrees that Anna is luminous and Alex is harsh, but I think they are ethically distinguishable to a degree.
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