The Cabral Concept
The Cabral Concept
Dr. Stephen Cabral
527: Binge Eating, Cancer Markers, Cleansing While Pregnant, Gut Rebuilding Order, Auto-Immune Thyroid, Where to Start (HouseCall)
25 minutes Posted Jul 16, 2017 at 12:00 am.
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Thank you for checking back in for our 2nd #CabralConcept of the weekend!

We'll be answering more of our community's questions today, so let's get started:

Angela: Hi Dr. Cabral, I would like to start by thanking you for everything that you do! Your daily podcasts have changed my health and life in many ways and a simple thank you just isn't enough. My question is regarding my inability to find balance. I have a very binge-like lifestyle. I can be dedicated to 21 days of only low glycemic foods while following the Dr. Cabral Detox meal plan. I also stay active with a balanced workout plan, and many other nutrition tips and staples you have suggested. BUT THEN... a holiday will come about or I find myself in a situation where I can not stop eating deliciously poisonous foods (and drinking beer!!). I was wondering if you have any tips or tricks you have used with clients before that help them finally achieve a balanced lifestyle? Are there any systematic approaches you use like getting off of caffeine or any mindfulness hacks of some sort? Anything helps! Thank you


Lauren: Hi Steve, Unfortunately, My grandma a few months ago was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Being that it is such a terrible cancer that is hard to detect, can you please recommend which blood tests or biomarkers my father(her son) should be getting? I really want him to go to a functional doctor and get a variety of tests but, I was hoping for some direction. He works a very stressful non-stop job as a chef/owner and is very thin as he never takes a break even to eat at times throughout the day. Now with my grandma's cancer & the history of cancer in that side of the family, I want to make sure I stay on top of his health and figure out what he should get tested for to see if he carries that gene mutation etc. Lastly, where would one go for this kind of testing? We live in LI close to NYC Thank you!


Priscilla: Hi Dr. Cabral, I love listening to your podcasts and feel like each one has something applicable to me! My question is: I already know I have parasites, but I am 12 weeks pregnant and I know some of the herbs typically used to get rid of them are not safe during pregnancy. Is there anything I can do while I'm pregnant? I appreciate your suggestions and guidence so much. Thank you!


Gina: I would like to do the Healthy Belly, Parasite Cleanse Protocol and the Candida & Bacterial Complete Protocol. Can I do them all at once or do I need to start with Healthy Belly followed by Parasite Cleanse and lastly the Candida & Bacterial Complete Protocol? Thank you, Gina


Eva: Hello Dr. Cabral, I am studying holistic nutrition and your podcasts are inspiring to me! My question is: My recent check up showed I have very high Thyroglobulin Antibodies (421) and very high Thyroperoxidase Antibodies (186), although my TSH, T3 and T4 are within normal ranges. In addition my vitamin D and ferritin is low (I plan on starting supplements) and my Neutrophils are low. I also have inflammation (which manifests as heat and pain) in both my knuckles. Are any of these related? My doctor said they don't treat high thyroid antibodies since my thyroid hormones are normal, but I have been reading conflicting opinions. What would you suggest for me? (My diet is fairly healthy, I don't eat meat or dairy but I do eat gluten) Thank you soooo much Dr. Cabral I will continue to listen to your podcast religiously it has become my daily routine.


Claudia Keiran: Dear Dr. Cabral thank you so much for your wonderful work try to help folks in need like me. I was diagnosed with Thyroiditis ( Hashimotto) 2014. Spend money that I don't have I am a immigrant from Brasil and I am a house cleaner. So I did follow and buy products from differents folks that I this point is worthless to say names even though you may know all them. I understand and been very honest that we need to survive and use wellness and diseases for this purposes but I can't afford anymore. I heard you episode 515 about Athi Pilory ( don't know to write) bacteria and I need help a serious one, I can't sleep, losing my memory , work out, do yoga , eat clean, no dairy, no gluten, no sugar and I gain and lose weight and I lot of fatigue. I take vitamins, real live probiotics, magnesium, zinc, glucosamine, digestives enzymes, omega. I don't know what else I can do and don't get better. I agree with you about the bacteria if you don't kill won't get better. So do you think you really can help me?! Please answer me. Thank you so much . I appreciate all your work not only for me if we work together but for others too.


I hope you enjoyed today's show and be sure to check back in tomorrow for our Motivation & Mindset Monday!

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