The Bus Driver Experience
The Bus Driver Experience
Brandon Reese
via Podcasts
Hop on the bus
The podcast is an overall great informative experience. Self improvement and overcoming obstacles are all in there. Happy to be part of the community and look forward to many more.
Deadwood 68680
I've followed Reese and his podcast for years. Became a fan immediately. He shoots it strait, asks the right questions, and always has interesting content. Give it a shot, I highly recommend.
Franklin E.
The man the myth the Brandon Reese!
This is definitely a podcast you will not want to miss! The range of guests, the different topics he talks about you will never have to worry about being entertained! He is very unique and very introspective which forces you to take a look at ones self and really ask am I doing everything in my power to be a little better everyday! I was lucky enough to interview Brandon and I can’t tell you how many things I took away from it but the main thing was gratitude! Show my boy some love and give it a listen! You def don’t want to wait to hop on this Hoop Bus! 5 star family from basketball to the podcast world
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Driving the experience to new levels
Never get bored listening to Brandon and his guests...highly recommend this podcast. One of the best out right now
Josh Evans
The voice, conversation, and articulation we need today
Absolutely incredible. Just listened to the episode with Dr. Jeff. Aside from the great science content (pre-med folk love a good T-cell talk), the nods at AI and rogue robot risk, the mention of bugs (even just as a reference), great lines like "we want humans to update like cell phones" and then LAYING OUT a totally rational (albeit a bit feisty) political discussion that tries to get past the dumb talking points that 'both sides' agree have been perverted by politicization (left/right) and the media and into actual: facts about race, systemic racism, police brutality, what the protests are for, how this is actually also about socioeconomic divide - class warfare. Dr. Jeff is incredibly rational. He’s relatable to many “on-the-fence” people and I’ll be able to use this episode to have better dialogues with my dad about politics. You both went into the, "Well, what are the ACTUAL solutions?" and i loved your approach of, "JUST TAKE ACTION. TODAY. TOMORROW. 2 hours a week bro." like... that's what we need. TL;DR: best episode yet of my favorite podcast
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Hoop Bus Captain
Brandon is great energy. Former Syracuse guard with amazing hops from a white boy! We connected through the game of basketball & his radiant light shines amongst the stars. Overall great energy, great communication & it is not a coincidence that this is the #1 Podcast on iTunes. MUST SUBSCRIBE & RATE 5 stars . We love you Bus Driver!!!
Best podcast ever!
Best podcast ever!
transportation coordinator
Depth and breadth of consciousness
Brandon does a great job of expanding consciousness not only for him and his listeners but the interviewees as well - you can literally see their chakras aligning as he walks them through their own stories. A true bus driver for peoples own character development, it’s something special. The ethnic, linguistic and gender identity diversity of his guests is something to behold as well, not what I expected given his background but it’s eye opening and also served to expand my consciousness as well. My overall aura has sprouted healthy roots in a way that only phytonutrients tend to. Bravo and Eid Mubarak Brandon!
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top notch
great podcast. highly recommend
What a podcast
Brandon takes you to places you never thought you'd venture into. It’s podcasts like The Bus Driver Experience that I’m able to get true news about real events happening in the world. The most educational, entertaining and emotionally enticing podcast I've heard yet!
BuSsin through the World
Caught Brandon Reese conquering the globe in his yellow cheese wagon with his awesome team virtually capturing every moment sharing with us every experience imaginable, from sports to the drug trade, to politics and the unique perspective of human experiences! This show goes above and behind.
Best show ever
Hands down the funniest podcast out there right now.
Love It
Always inforamartive, down to earth, level headed, and fun. Can't wait for the next one.
Excellent, engaging content
Huge fan of this podcast. Brandon’s enthusiasm shines through and he really asks some interesting questions. Also the array of guests he has on is pretty incredible. Love the diversity of perspectives and life experiences. Be sure to check it out!
Interesting and informative
Always love taking a ride on the bus. Brandon is a natural at interviewing and the podcast is well produced. He brings a wide variety of amazing guests, topics, and questions which keeps me coming for more whenever I see a new episode.
Arjun K Sharma
This is a great podcast cus it’s so diverse. So many different subjects covered with people of different backgrounds a specialities. BIG FAN RIGHT HUR!
What’s better than an open minded fitness enthusiast (who actually played professional basketball) who’s also extremely inquisitive and has a fantastic mix of personalities on his show? Nothing! You never know who you will meet when you hop on the bus with Brandon! Keep the great content coming.
Brandon is an incredible host. I love his story and the guests he brings on. I absolutely love the travel life, and I love feeding my mind with content like this. I truly am inspired every time. Keep it coming!!
Thanks for the encouragement!
Hey Brandon! Thank you for taking the time to chat at Outlier in Austin - and thank you for the advice and encouragement. Lovin' the show - keep it up. Thanks again!
Jack Barba
Outside the Box
Amazing listen, the conversations have great content and Brandon ask great questions and know how to get great responses to further the dialogue.
Cerebral & Fun
I listen to podcasts on & off except for OTB. You guys consistently have interesting topics to spark new thoughts and perspectives with great questions and humor to keep it fun & entertaining. Keep up the great work and thank you!
Amazing hosts. Great guests.
Brandon and Daniel do a great job of digging into their guest and humanizing them. They’re always bringing in great guests with insightful stories. Truly enjoy this podcast!
Right on track!
I met Brandon and Daniel outside the Occulus in New York! We immediately struck up a friendship! They are smart, genuine, sincere and spontaneous! What a fun duo! They are awesome! Looking forward to hearing about all the interesting people they meet! JennyStengerxo
Get hip and Get on the Bus
Brandon Reese is the real deal. He lives what he speaks. His dedication is unquestionable! The lives he has touched are many! Good dude, great podcast!
Inspirational Content
Fun loving and interesting content. Love the concept and the execution!
All aboard
I love how they connect with new adapters and outliers, very informative and fun!
Love A+++
Love these guys. Had a chance to meet them awhile back when they stopped by our jiu Jitsu school and interviewed our instructor Fabiana Borges. I’ve been a fan a follower ever since. They are entreating and they travels and interviews are also interesting and insightful. Inspiring me to travel more. But in the meantime while I’m home raising my kids I’ll live vicariously thru them !! Top notch highly recommend
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Medical Marijuana podcast with Michael McKenzie
Such an educational podcast. Grateful that you have a such a progressive show. Keep up the good work!✌🏽💚
Jenifer Perdomo
The real deal
Every one should try to be on this podcast. Daniel and Brandon have made me wanna be a outlier. All the traveling, they do and people they have guest appearance on the show is great. One thing about this show is u can feel the spirit thru them. That’s everything, especially thru the ups and downs, the spirit is always there!!!!
A life worth living
Every show is different and no show is the same. I especially loved episode 74 wig doctor McKenzie the medical marijuana doctor.
One of the best talk shows
One of my favorite style show is the talk show, you can find interesting conversation with people and learn a lot. I can skip guests I’m not interested in. There are great stories here with people I’d never find but also some good science and perspectives on fitness. I’m a fan
Great show
Reslly enjoy the diversiry of topics on this podcast. I hopped in around epusode 50 and have leadned a lot about different subjects. Suggested
Get on the BUS!
Fun podcast with super original content. Learn and discover the amazing people Brandon and his team meet from all over the world! Only the bus podcast can bring you insight from up and coming tech business leaders, and be just as natural interviewing experts in martial arts or illicit drug production. Do it!!
Just came across this show in south Florida and I love it! Incredible stories and an incredible adventure!
My favorite show
Love this podcast! Its always a crazy ride with incredible individuals Im on the bus!
the f five
Love the show and really enjoy what the information I can take back from the real world I’M ON THE BUS
Ben Zeus
Bus driver needs hair product
Mr. Mo Man
On The Bus Podcast
Haha well where in the world do I start with this crew...?! After working and completing my college degrees at CU Boulder, I decided that I was ready to pursue a few life-long goals/ambitions of mine. Traveling around entirely unfamiliar places within the world was high on my list. I met the On The Bus homies in Medellin, Colombia in the beginning portion of their trip, which for me was my 3rd month of abroad travel. I was immediately psyched on Brandon, Daniel, and Pat's energy. Their misson was similar, but also entirely different than mine. I was a solo travaler, which was an incredible feeling in it's own right, but these guys were a team - something I wish I had more of while traveling abroad. I don't like to make regrets, but when I met this crew of like-minded people, I had about 1 week until my flight home to the US. I can truthfully say that I wish I hopped on that bus. Either way, it is a blessing to have kept up a conection with you all. Much love and all the best, Jason Egelanian
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Jason Egelanian
I’ll never come off the bus!
Brandon and Daniel always inspire me to dive deeper into becoming a better human being. Their combination of storytelling, honesty, and humor make my commute to work so much more enjoyable!
B Reese is the man! Great listen, highly recommend to everyone
Uri Rahimi
Keep doing what you are doing!
I love what you are doing. I want to someday be able to travel the country spreading joy & hope and love to follow inspirational people like you to help motivate me more :)
Liz Bruno
Kid is on the bus!
I really dig these podcasts. Listen to it in the car or when I travel. Entertaining and informative, serious topics without sacrificing personality. These guys were born for this. Highly recommend everyone get on the bus!
I'm on the bus!
You are either on the bus or off the bus..
Lives well lived
I originally found On the Bus through Live a Great Story. I’m a huge podcast lover, particularly those related to human stories. What these guys are doing, is incredibly powerful. We need more projects that take us out of our comfort zone to create more human connection. In today’s world, we need more empathy and understanding. So, support this project by following, watching (yes, they also have a YouTube channel) and listening...hop on the bus!!!
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Patty pixie_roc
Superb Podcast Worth of Recognition!!
On the bus podcast is really dope! I enjoyed how informative yet entertaining it was! Brandon and Daniel are spreading truth and empowering people one mile at time! There also was so much info about Colombia and the Farq that I was not aware of until listening to this podcast. Thanks for informing me and keeping my brain expanding! you guys rock!
Quality banter
My favorite show types are flowy type conversations, without too much intentional direction, talk radio if you must. These guys seem to find the most unique wackos to give them some knowledgeable banter. Although I don't listen to every episode, it's perfect for me to pick the type I'm interested in and it doesn't bog down my podcast playlist. Highly recommended, smart, witty, etc.
Appreciated show
Everyone who listens to this show is vastly appreciated. It’s well done, the bus is amazing, the guests are incredible and Insightful. Looking forward to more live sodes
Adventuresome and interesting
Daniel and Brandon take us on a journey on so many different levels. Outstanding stuff.
Paul - ee- G
I was never really into listening to podcast shows until I came across this one! The On The Bus podcast is by far the most interesting and eye-opening podcast I've ever listened to. Their whole concept of traveling on a school bus and interviewing awesome individuals from all over the eastern hemisphere is enough to get me hooked! LOVE you guys!!!
Mimi baii
Inspire yourself to push your limits
This is a great podcast if you want to learn from people who push themselves to the limit to achieve greatness. Brandon asks great questions and you can use the actionable takeaways regarding health and wellness to become your best self!
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