The Boring Talks
The Boring Talks
BBC Sounds
via Podcasts
Please bore me again!
Dear James- I’ve been waiting for you and your guest contributors to come back! I really miss the podcast and even have the episodes on the Dutch Paintings and Asterix on repeat when I’m having a difficult day. They make me laugh and relax me at the same time. Come back!!!
434677466 stars!!!!!!!
I miss this show so much and relisten to old episodes all the time. All I want for Christmas is more Boring Talks.
This podcast is the perfect mix of obscurity, borderline lunacy, and fascination--all wrapped up in a perfect little 15-20 min package. If only it were still active....alas. Please bring the boring talks back!
The perfect balance
It’s boring. It’s interesting. It’s the perfect balance. I have an issue with most podcasts that is advertised for sleeping because I usually get too interested and soaked up in the story or topic. But this podcast is perfect! It doesn’t make my eye roll and be like ‘this is totally useless and boring that I’m gonna fall into my own thoughts’. It talks about things that is somewhat interesting so I pay attention, then when the details go deep I just fall asleep! It’s also quite good for a semi-meditational experience to clear my head lol... Love the work, good job people.
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5 stars BUT..
I enjoy this pod very much for some reason. I find it to be very soothing and informative.. all except for the episodes about breakfast cereals and the one on lesbian relationships or something like that? Polyamory? I don’t remember But I know I found them both to be extremely annoying and irritating. But above all, completely unnecessary, in my opinion. It does not resemble the rest of the episodes I’ve listened to thus far. I like the style of this pod and hope they do not go down the subliminal PC road
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I LOVE this show, give it a try!
Always interesting : )
Far more interesting that you would expect based on the name...
I thought this would be more of a boring ASMR type thing meant to help you sleep but instead it is truly quite captivating. You will want to hear each bit and detail. It is calming but once you start listening closely you will want to hear it to the end. Well done. 👍🏻
Listen to this podcast when you’re about to sleep. Better than Nyquil especially with those thick accents
Fills a Hole in My Life Left by Fry’s English Delights
I love this podcast. It’s well produced and fascinating listening to people talk about their obsessions.
This podcast is really boring and that is good because I listen at night and it helps me fall asleep because it is boring.😴🤤 The only thing is, I can’t stand the accents!😕
Far from boring.
I listen when I can’t sleep. Love the cultured British accent and the offbeat topics. Looking for new episodes.
Not boring at all
A treasure trove of random trivia, and wonderfully British. I am working my way through all of the archives and loving all of it. Give it a listen, and be fascinated by the mundane.
NicoleT ATL
False advertising
These podcasts are actually fascinating. Very well produced without being over bearing, and perfectly sized in scope and length. If you are one of those people who wants to know a little bit about everything, this is one for your list.
Self Effacing Obsessive Storytellers
The title of the show is a little misleading. I think that the people's stories on the podcast are fascinating and they are very often from a passionate obsessives but the subject of their interest is unusual or mundane from the outside. My favorite book is John McPhee's "Oranges" so I was all over this show like cheese on toast. Ice Cream Vans, Smell Walks and Basalt are my personal favorites.
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piano tape
Not boring at all. Usually.
Expertly put together show in which a different person each week talks about their offbeat interests, and reveal that most are more than meets the eye.
As advertised
I cannot stop listening to these alleged uninteresting talks. Please stop recording them.
news detox
just what i needed. truly
Meg Young
Oh my word, this podcast is EXACTLY my kind of thing. I love it when people are so passionate about a niche thing. Wonderful listening.
love it
love this! stumbled across this kind of randomly.... was having trouble falling asleep and searched for “boring” podcasts. the current episode is only three minutes long, but i loved it and i can’t wait for more episodes!