The Arthur Brooks Show
The Arthur Brooks Show
Vox Media
via Podcasts
This podcast gives me hope. Ty
100% Gratitude
Mr. Brooks pushes me to think at a higher intellectual level while reminding me of my humanity. I’m thankful there are people out there working to make the world a better place. And challenging me to do the same
We Need More of This in Our Lives!
I became aware of Arthur Brooks when he spoke at our daughters graduation ceremony from The Catholic University of America. From the moment Mr. Brooks took the microphone I was enthralled with the perspective of happiness as well as its pursuit he was pitching. This led me to purchase Love Your Enemies, the first of many of his books. In addition it led me to this podcast which I have found to be a refreshing respite from the angry politically charged nonsense that seem to be so prevalent. I won’t lie many of his topics have forced me to look inside my own thoughts and preconceived ideologies forcing me out of my comfort zone to see a different perspective. I do wish this podcast was still being produced. However, I do have these as well as other outlets I have found to help me along my journey of opening my mind and learning to “disagree without being disagreeable.”
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Through some rabbit holes stumbled upon this show. I’m hooked!! It is so encouraging. This should be required listening before anyone sets up a social media account. Tongue in check obviousl. so encouraged. I’m actually getting beautiful ideas for our HOA!! Maybe it should be required listening before entering into an HOA!!! Love it sharing with everybody!!!
Just listening to this series from 2018 and it feels like it could be written for today. Out divided country needs Arthur Brooks! Janie Gestal
fan of Arthur
I’m a Lib
I love this podcast for its mix of spiritual and political themes. I am so glad to find someone who threads through between the two sides of our political system. Arthur says he isn’t political but I don’t agree, what he is is non-partisan and the politics he references has to do with our ethical and spiritual responsibilities to each other. We need this kind of reflection. I do want to know if this podcast is continuing. I haven’t seen any reference to the next season. I think there is more to think about and do, Arthur. I want more seasons.
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What a Blessing!
What a great service to augment my busy schedule and to help me grow as I go about my day. I have now traded the mindless drudgery of driving to and from the office for a great, informative experience about love, people, and how best to combat the "outrage industrial complex". Thank you Arthur!
Thank you for stimulating our minds and enriching our lives.
“Why Giving Matters” gave logic to the Biblical admonishment to care for the poor and needy. “Love Your Enemies” goes further by demonstrating strength comes from virtue. Perhaps we can create a more peaceful world based on the principles in your book.
Great mix of empirical support and age old wisdom!
Just what I need
Thank you for organizing this podcast. I am a retired technical professional, who found himself without meaning or purpose in spite of my efforts to do otherwise. My marriage of 34 years ended simultaneous to succumbing to a sinking sense of depression following the tragic loss of my nephew who was killed in combat. You might say I won the trifecta from Hell. You’re podcast provides me with hope and a practical path to navigate my way through everyday life. Thank you
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Outstanding and deep
I love this podcast, even when I don’t entirely agree with Arthur. Deep, sincere, searching, interesting.
Virginia Freedom
Great Podcast
This podcast gets to the heart of what is really important and does it in a way that is respectful of all people and beliefs. It does what it is about! Love the variety of thoughtful guests and their insights. Highest recommendation. You will gain many valuable insights.
podcast scholar
Arthur does a great job summarizing the current research on happiness, good relationships, and human flourishing. A bright spot in a grim media landscape. I share this podcast with everyone who will listen.
Great conversations between brilliant minds.
Just. What I’ve always wanted
From my earliest memories of politics in 1970 when the Vietnam war raged and US soldiers were dying every day I wondered why people couldn’t work through their differences. At that time democracy versus communism. I have consistently wanted peace in my life and in the world. Through his work I think Arthur Brooks is on to something. The podcast is fantastic in getting down to how we figure out how to deal with people who do not share our beliefs. Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing on 10% Happier your meditation and spiritual journey-and your love for mankind.
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Top Notch
I always really enjoyed Mr. Brooks occasional columns in the New York Times. He is one of best commentators out there. This podcast is even more outstanding.
Matt from Parkville
Moral Consensus
Arthur is a delightful reasonable human being. As a liberal I can relate to him and understand his views and conservative values. I have been enjoying his podcasts and I have used as inspiration for my volunteer work with as how I can relate to individuals who have a different political, and religious ideology.
A podcast we all need right now
Arthur is my biggest role model and inspiration. This podcast is only one of the many ways he helps us really think about the pervasive issues in our country and how we can solve them using competition of ideas
Soul-nourishing is the only way I can think to describe the effect this podcast has on me. There are actually people out there that are genuinely interested in discussing the problems on this country and finding solutions, without letting their pride get in the way. I sure hope Arthur Brooks keeps producing episodes; we need them!
Jordan Haegerich
The Best Podcast of this Year (2018)also the best for the Era in which we now live-in
If you recognize that the Real Long Term American Societal and World Human Problems and Crises that we all of us are now facing and have to live with day-in and day-out are bigger than just one or two or so on people or just a certain political party or even a particular movement or group of people then this is a podcast for you. If you also care enough about the survival of all Humans of all types and shapes and actual want Real Solutions that will actually contribute to the fixing and solving of all of this in which we all now face then this is your podcast.
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Kevin from AZ.
Reasonable and interesting
Arthur Brooks is reminding us that having a point of view doesn't have to mean out-shouting. That "winning over" is better than "winning," and the conservatism can have a heart...and a the same time.
Yes yes yes yes YES!!!
The real political problem in this country is that we can’t talk to each other. This show gives specific diagnoses and practical advice on how to dialog well through real and inspiring stories of people bridging the divides.
auditory reader
One of the best new podcasts of 2018
My son, a huge fan of Arthur Brooks and a junior in college, turned me—his “liberal” mom—on to this amazing and enlightening podcast. I love it and now admire Arthur Brooks as well. I had read Mr. Brooks opinion pieces in the NYT in the past but I didn’t really appreciate his academic and professional approach to his ideas and his discipline. I have recommended this podcast to many of my friends. It is a much needed discussion and critical in our current political environment.
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It’s Tine!
Finally!!!!l Listen to reasoned conversation and exploration into how we have gotten to where we are in the cultural and political debates that polarize us. This podcast explores the “WE” in hopes of finding common ground and progress! Love it!
John Gottman - Coulda Used You 10 Years Ago
Great I/V with John Gottman. It took significant emotional/professional events for me to understand what you said. I’m in the bottom of the 8th in life’s timeline so all I can do now is hope to apply the 4 rules and that people will remember what was a better end product.
Love it
I’m a democrat but I love hearing different viewpoints. And Arthur Brooks is a reasonable person that I really respect so I love this show. We have become so hateful in our politics we need more like him.
learning to have civil conversations
This podcast is devoted to promoting ways to have civil, respectful conversations - something that is very much needed right now. Arthur's calm demeanor as well as knowledgeable guests makes for a very interesting podcast. One of my favorites!!
Rare Valuable Show
I’m a liberal college student in a liberal hotspot in the red state of Kansas. I heard Arthur for the first time on the Ezra Klein show this summer, and really loved their conversation and what he had to say. I have grown up in a conservative family and transitioned from hard core tea party attending conservative to left leaning liberal. This podcast has allowed me to mentally engage with a wonderful conservative intellectual and expose myself to opposing ideas in a very positive way. If any liberal is interested in learning more about the beliefs and thought processes of conservatives, but doesn’t want to listen to Rush Limbaugh or Fox News, this podcast is a really valuable option. This podcast puts humanity back into politics and I highly recommend it to everyone.
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Really wanted to love this show
He does provide a platform for some dissenting options on important topics, and does it with respect and kindness (which is a breath of fresh air in today’s discourse.) However, despite all the content I found nothing in his message beyond maintaining the status quo and being kind about it. Disagreeing well is a luxury for those whose lives are benefiting from the status quo. For those whose lives are being ruined, disagreement needs to yield to actual UNBIASED science and the discovery of fact. Take the episode on contempt for example. Yes contempt is bad for the giver and receiver. Yes you should avoid expressing contempt toward others. Do we really need an expert to tell us that? I’d love to have heard Gottman talk about what to do when you’re on the receiving end of someone else’s contempt? How do you skillfully and constructively extract your participation from a toxic dynamic? Or what about a relationship where listening is never reciprocal? Do those who refuse to listen (while claiming that they’re listening) still deserve an audience? These are the types of questions that I rarely hear from those with privilege and social power shielding them from the wide array of systemic biases in this country. I expected a deeper dive and a new, innovative and balanced perspective. What I got was just another regurgitation of the status quo.
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Clean up your side of the street, first
I’ve listened to this show through Episode 7. No more. Arthur Brooks is a smart and compassionate man, but Vox has a liberal audience and we do not want to be lectured by the president of a conservative think-tank to “not get twisted around the axle on politics”, to slow down (ie accept the current status quo), and to spend more time calmly examining the other side’s viewpoint. Brooks should spend his effort trying to get his own side of politics back on a moral course, not telling compassionate, interested people who are appalled at the 2018 Republican Party to calm down and take it easy.
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Oge Vader
Angry people, please subscribe
Anyone who finds this podcast anything but inspirational are the exact people who need to continue to listen to it. I’ve met Dr. Brooks a handful of times and can vouch for the fact he is one of the most genuine, thoughtful, and respectful people out there. Those leaders who have made the biggest positive differences in the world aren’t the contemptuous, angry people who scream the loudest - it’s those who fill their hearts with love. This podcast helps you recalibrate and be productive, not just provocative.
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The Solution to your difficult relationships
Thank you so much for this cast. It can feel so litigious to even begin political/religious conversations, and you've helped me to be much more open-minded and kind to people that disagree with me on these issues while still communicating my opinions. This is everything our dialogue needs. Ten million stars.
Much needed in 2018
Like Ezra Klein, Arthur Brooks has put an explanation to the human reaction of polarization. But he takes it one step further in this podcast and helps us understand how to move forward in a productive way. I am hoping to put this to good use if I don’t avoid the next family holiday dinner :) thanks Arthur!
Political Discourse
Brooks has the right formula for breaking down the political divides in the US today.
Good intentions but purposely blind
I’ve listened to the first 3 episodes of this podcast with an open heart and an open mind. However I can’t recommend it to people of color or anyone who comes from communities that have been the target of systemic racism and/or biases. Mr. Brooks conversations and perspectives completely ignore the true experiences of people of color by saying that truly evil and absolutely egregious racism, xenophobia, ect. should never be treated with the contempt it deserves. All of interviews are based on the perspective and experiences of a people who have *never* been the target of systemic racism in America.
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Arthur Books is changing the conversation
Arthur is leading the way in his usual style —- insightful, inquisitive and with relatable personal anecdotes and humor.
Amy in Chicago
Thoughtful perspective presented with excellence
Rarely have I heard someone accomplish what Brooks does here, a balanced, respectful discussion of the current state of our nation. Worth every minute spent listening, and perhaps even worth listening twice.
So far? Meh.
I generally like Arthur Brooks and perhaps this podcast will find its groove, but as currently produced the conversation is vague, redundant and too self-helpy for my taste. I think there is potential for more here so I hope they can find some greater edge or insight.
‘I was pleased to listen to your presentation in California a little over a week or so ago. Inspiring, informative, and en lightning; one of the best I’ve ever heard. Congratulations. Thank you. Bugatti too
Bugatti too
Let’s Discuss
People speak on this podcast the way you wish (I wish) politicians and pundits would speak. It’s okay to disagree — no one has so much wisdom that he can’t learn from someone else. Quickly becoming one of my can’t-miss podcasts!
Sharon Herbitter
Best podcast on current political problems today!
So glad Arthur is doing a podcast! I've heard him speak about the current political climate a number of times and loved how he was so passionate about getting people to show one another respect regardless of their political views. Such a valuable message! He's intelligent, kind, and persistently digging for examples of people connecting on shared values regardless of their political party. Love it!
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Don't Worry. Be Happy?
It is increasingly frustrating to listen to Brooks dance around the orange elephant in the room. He even goes so far as to critique the ways in which people have chosen to express political outrage which, given our circumstances, is woefully justified. This isn't the pot calling the kettle black, its the deepest, most massive, black hole in the known universe calling the kettle "a bit off-white". And I just dont see how that message is supposed to help, or who it's even for. Wayward conservatives looking high and low for a way to feel better about the status quo? I'm sorry but doing that while Trump is president makes you a fascist. -Brian Hunker - Miami, FL
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Brian Hunker
“Just what the doctor ordered!”
A few weeks ago I came up your decision to leave AEI and to continue your work via the Arthur Brooks Show. I’ve listened to all three broadcasts thus far. I have been looking for a smart, thoughtful and pragmatic place to better manage my part in not exacerbating the nightmare that is our hostile political environment. Intuitively I know that the “why” is often a shared place for people otherwise combatants. Listening is the hardest part of communication. And any ideas that helps me get through Thanksgiving is invaluable. Pragmatic advice, thoughtful and balanced, “just what the doctor ordered.”
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Very thought provoking!
I loved the podcast - I really enjoy hearing about these topics from a psychological / statistical, yet very human approach.
Essential Remedies
I casually subscribed to Arthur Brooks’ podcast and didn’t realize the profound clarity I would get. He fosters discussions with wise and insightful humans who offer understanding, healing, clarity and actions to assuage the turmoil most of us find ourselves in today. For example, I learned that I despise certain groups to help define who I think I am. I didn’t realize that but it’s true. If these podcasts were required listening, we would live in a more compassionate and less stressful society even with our differences of opinions. Who wouldn’t want that?
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Oh, goodie!
Another white male conservative spewing bile by way of podcast. Just what we need!
Great podcast on civil discussion
Arthur Brooks has created a great podcast that is definitely needed today. His show is on how we can get back to disagreeing civilly. I have listened to the first two episodes and have found them to be interesting and inspiring. Give it a listen!
Now is not the time for this.
This guy seems nice, if not even naive. He sounds nervous. He awkwardly segues to guests. It lacks finesse and polish, which I find refreshing. But let’s get real. The last thing we need is another milquetoast centrist talking about how to be nicer to your racist grandma. It’s simply not the time nor place. And, to be honest, I’m not sure there ever is or could be a place for this kind of mediocrity.
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Thank you Arthur!
Great show for anyone wondering if the discourse of the past 18 months has caused irreversible damage. Arthur effortlessly lays out sound rules of engagement with those who hold opposing views. Listen, learn, and share with friends and fellow political junkies, who wish to finally practice tolerance, and understanding, regardless of political ideology. It is obvious early on, this show, has the potential to inform and inspire a renewed commitment, to civil, constructive dialogue.
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Timely Advice for Troubled Times
Powerful podcast! I love the guidelines for keeping relationships strong even when our political views differ. This should be taught and practiced on every campus in America!
More for Mom
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