The Anime Show with Joey & AkiDearest
The Anime Show with Joey & AkiDearest
SBS PopAsia
via Podcasts
Love it
Plz this is soooooo good make more eps!!
This is a good pod, well it is ok so I will give you 4 and wait - for an hour? Lol
unicorn girl spit
I watch you guys your the best I love your pod
Love it!!
Please make more! I love this podcast. It is super entertaining!! ✌🏻✨😎😆
Must see for any weeb
One of, if not the best anime podcasts ever. Love it. Great cast, great episodes, great intro, great topics, great discussions. What’s not to like! If you watch akidearest you will love this podcast sssssooooooooo much! 99999999999999999999999999999/.00000000000000001!
I love this podcast! Super fun! As a fan of aki and anime man I thought thought this would be great for me! But I wish you guys could talk more about joist bizarre adventure! So underrated in podcasts and I would love if you guys talked more about it! And I have an idea if you do, I recommend you talk about the most honorable jobros and the most annoying characters in your guy’s opinion. Anyway I hope my advice helped at all and please do try this!
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love this podcast
so good love this podcast
G O0
just listen
tbh i havent listened to it yet but its joey and aki so we been knew its a good show.
It’s OK
It’s OK. You guys need to add some more life to the show. For people who don’t watch your YouTube videos you should make it interesting. Really.
every mountain
I love it and watch the YouTube channel
Amazing people
I love their podcasts and YouTube videos especially their podcast LGBT because I live in pa and I’m les and they support it
lunareclipes the original
No anime
I am part of the anime police
I freaking LOVE these guys and I love their channels and I hope the best for them!! 😍😍😍❤️❤️
Love it
This is one of my fav podcast but I found it the Dey after they posted the last one☹️ but i still love you guys
The Anime Show & Eat Your Kimchi 05/15 episode Mix up
I love the anime show and from the sounds of it I'm going to love your kimchi but I think they got both of the most recent podcasts mixed up and uploaded them to the wrong pages!!!! 😅😱
wow thats pretty good
It got much worse after the episodes got shorter.
Bless you amazing people
I love these guys as you tubers, they cheer me up in a day when my internet is working to slow to watch anime, so I sit around and listen to them talk about it, while drawing :)
Anime Prime
Love you guys!!
Hey Joey and Aki. You guys are hilarious and I love you guys. I love your videos and I really enjoy the unboxings and anime and manga reviews. Aki and Joey you guys always make me laugh. Bye!!!!!!^_^❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥇🎤
anime ally the death god
Great quality anime talk show!
I love the Anime Show with Joey and Aki and look forward to it each week. What impresses me the most is how consistently good the recording quality is, especially since Joey and Aki are in separate locations most of the time. Other podcasts recorded over Skype or long distances do not match the quality of this show. P.S.: Are you guys watching Ancient Magus Bride? It’s approach to magic is very unique compared to other anime, so it’s refreshing and great! Add on top of that some beautiful art, lovely music, and a compelling romance.
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It's pretty good👍
Always good topics. Always enjoyable. Always fun. It's pretty good 👍👍
Noble, Misty and their Girls
You should get LostPause(Noble) to get on the show. I think that would make for a interesting episode. You are always talking to him. You are some of his friends. That would be really cool. Maybe even Misty? Talk about things. I think everyone would like it. It would be very cool. Or combine a it with a YouTube Video. Just like Rooster Teeth. They are a huge company, but you have a great group of friends. Maybe get RuiPanda in it too. Just Some Ideas I have
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Great combo. Good show to bring in anime casuals.
Knew some of their stuff from YouTube, but I don't always have enough time to watch all of their videos. Really glad they've jumped into podcasting because I really enjoy their dynamic and I think they have wonderful personalities. First few episodes, I could tell they were working out a few kinks, but now I'd say they're getting the hang of things and have transitioned really well into podcasting. I enjoy their more topical approach to anime too (a lot of anime podcasts cover seasonal shows, which isn't always interesting to people who don't follow many anime seasonally). Anyway, great start. Looking forward to more!
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The Genki Guy
Awesome anime podcast
Great show! I wish it was a little bit longer but besides that these two really know their stuff. Highly recommend
storm trooper3192
Yes The Anime Man and Akiderist!
I'm excited to see how this podcast does. I love both of your YouTube channels and it is awesome to be able to get more content made by you guys.