The Airing of Grief
The Airing of Grief
Derek Webb
via Podcasts
What Happened??
For the first two seasons, the theme music leading into the episode overview and program calls was on point. It really set the mood. Hearing the lead-in music this new season has really made it hard for me to want to listen to this season’s episodes. I’m sure it’s just my sensibilities but going from the fast paced jam session music to talking about grief in all its myriad details is kind of a hard transition for me to make. I actually really LOVED this show!
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Fascinating and Universal
I’m a life long agnostic and I’m binging the Airing of Grief. The experience of your interviewees is universal in that so many of us have de-programming that simply must be tackled in this lifetime to realize our ultimate loving purpose. Your hosts and guests are so thoughtful and intelligent, I’m getting so much from this podcast. Thank you.
Mary Frances/Erie, Pa.
Much needed conversation and exposure
The whole church age has a difficult and painful history that largely has leveraged political power and force to implement incredible damage to itself, those seen as outside of, and overall- all creation. To know God or to claim Christianity and to turn a blind eye on this increases the likelihood of continuing this damaging tradition. And these conversations bring to the forefront a significant part of the damage in our generation. If you know God or claim Christianity, I encourage you to resist any defensiveness to listen, to truly hear what is being said, sit with it, feel the pain of the stories, let Christ speak through these voices, these experiences, these lives that are precious in the Trinity right where they are on their journey. Examine the fruit of the approaches that have traumatically effected their faithful expressions and identify the rotten fruit that has been handed out, and consider the life in what is being developed that is providing nourishing fruit.
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this is church!
This podcast was recommended to me from a female pastor friend who knew I was going thru one of the toughest times in my life! I had never heard of Derek ( the musician ) when this journey began but I can’t even explain how relatable most of the conversations are personally to me and the warmth and trust I feel from being a part of this community! I will be sharing my story with your team soon via your website and want to thank you, even though you’ll probably not accept it, for your courage and transparency that has begun to help me heal!
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Whiny and pathetic
At first this was interesting, but after two or three episodes of listening to these insecure drama-addicts wallow in pretentious self-pity, I couldn’t take any more. It’s looking more and more like “deconstruction” is nothing but the newest, edgy, Christian Church fad...if you were really leaving Christianity you would just leave, you wouldn’t feel the need to hang around and brag about it to Christians. Struggle is one thing, making an album that revels in your moral failures and using struggle as a marketing gimmick to convince people you’re “just being honest” is something else. “I screwed up my life, so God must not be real, boo hoo hoo.” Stop crying, staring into your navel, and grow a backbone. The immaturity and naïveté on this podcast is nauseating. None of this has happened to you, you did it all to yourself. PS- I know LOTS of drunks who are way better at justifying their alcoholism than you are. Give it up.
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It’s one thing to deconstruct your faith and point to legitimate abuses and wrongs in the church as reasons why, but it’s quite another to then commiserate and complain that the faith you’ve left hasn’t remade itself in your own image. This podcast claims the former but consistently wallows in the latter. The bitterness and arrogance in the producers and their claims about Christianity as a whole based purely on their own experiences in a very specific, very small subculture within it often ruin conversations and their ability to reach an audience wider than those who share exactly their own views.
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I can’t even...
Love this podcast. Love that Jamie is rocking it in her element of care and compassion, mix with that fire breathing justice. I’ve got a ton of grief to air all the time ;) but it helps to hear others. If you ever want a story from a very confused but semi honest person who has had a countless experiences with church, the divine, rejection, love, life and joy. I’m just a regular dude, but I’d totally air some air. Joey Bishop
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Candy for your ears
Thank you Kevin and All others involved in this project - I felt so alone - like no one had been through what I had been through - no one understood how it was to be gay and grow up in the evangelical church, come out and loose everything after - thank you - I am not alone - hearing other people’s stories had been deeply cathartic - please - keep up the good work guys!!! (And gal)
I stumbled upon this show through another Christian deconstruction podcast called Exvangelical. I really appreciate the candor of the guests who speak on this podcast. As I'm kind of going through a descontruction myself, this podcast is very cathartic to me. It's so nice to hear other people sharing very similar stories to my own. I also really appreciate that season 2 focuses more on minorities.
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Could’ve been something
Sadly, the hypocrisy is too much. Complain non stop about how the church pushes its doctrine/direction and then do the same by ignoring/alienating the audience you have by forcing your own agenda to create more drama than you already created.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions
Questioning, doubting, exvangelical, agnostic, atheist, wherever you land now, you’re not alone. If you grew up in the church and now find yourself wondering how to think through your experience now that you don’t quite fit, this is a good place to start. There is healing in telling our stories. I hope you find healing too.
Keep up the great work
Wow, what a tornado of emotions this podcast is for me... but I need this, so thank you! I’m very excited to see where this great project goes from here!
Mr. MathLaughlin
Just what I need
Thanks for always being spot on!!!
Belinda Gaston
The truth
The truth is-Derek used to be a guy who knew and sang of Truth-Jesus. Then he cheated on his wife and wrecked hs family and tries to blame God and anyone else for his sin and worse-is letting the father of lies lead him and he is leading as many astray as he can. I pray he repents someday, bt anyone foolsh enough to listen to his current crap is not a Christian-they are also letting the father of lies lie to them and accept it as "real and honest."
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The most heartbreaking thing I look forward to each week...
I love this podcast. Processing deconstruction is isolating by nature. Thanks for giving us a voice to find each other and discover we are not alone after all. My story echos through most every caller; I ache with them and feel every human emotion regarding my time as a southern baptist evangelical christian. Thank you for this work.
The most HUMAN side of de/reconstruction
I am moved and fascinated every single week by the people who share their stories. Each of them carries the burden of hosting the show. There are so many brilliant and articulate people out there.
Every sound a color
A must listen for former professional christians
You are not alone in your anger, heartbreak, annoyance and confusion. Have you heard (or said) enough platitudes to fill the Red Sea? Have you ever purchased a pack of Testamints at the checkout counter of a Christian bookstore? Have you de-fished your car? Do you want a virtual small group without memorizing anything? This might be the place for you. Derek Webb continues to hacksaw out of the box that people want to put him in! I love this podcast and every brave soul that has shared their story.
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Relevantly old
Masterful and Poignant
There’s quite a handful of podcasts about rethinking one’s faith out now, but this one distinguishes itself by its raw stories and well-produced accompanying music. It’s emotionally stirring for me and helps me process my journey so much in that way. Derek has a way of wording the deconstruction experience that always turns on lightbulbs and gets gears spinning in my mind too. Definitely worth a listen.
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Webb and crew bring it to you!
Such an amazing podcast that touches on subjects of doubt, hurt, rejection, god, love, and more. Struggling with where you fit or even if you want to be in church? Listen to others tell their stories as Derek Webb interview other listeners who’ve called in.
Derek’s ability to talk to folks and relate to them is incredible. I am very much enjoying seeing where this road leads.
Profound, and so, so important.
These conversations matter, and this is such a profound way to let your guard down for a few minutes in order to actually feel what you and so many others are actually experiencing. I would give it more than 5 stars if I could.
Wading through the waters of doubt and uncertainty can make you feel very alone and often lost. When faith systems that you so heavily relied on cease to work for you it can be a depressing, even daunting task to find solid ground again and began rebuilding. This podcast has been that for me. The ground at the bottom. A place to center myself and start looking back up. it’s been a comforting reminder that I, we are not alone. And from there the possibilities of reconstruction can began however that may play out. To Derek and the crew, thank you.
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Thank you for this podcast
This podcast has been such an amazing outlet for me. I feel so relieved to know I’m not alone in my faith deconstruction. Thank you, Derek.
Honest, raw, truthful struggle with Truth
Webb starts the awkward conversation and invite everyone to join him on this journey of soul-searching. No more whispering in the shadow. It's center stage with the spot light on him. You won't just listen to one episode. The real raw human emotions are intertwined with every conversation in every show. Now you're hooked.
A fascinating exercise in reflection...
I have greatly appreciated Derek Webb's work for many years, and this podcast is no exception. It's raw, honest, thought provoking, frustrating, encouraging and - perhaps ironically - makes me want to do a better job of loving God and loving my neighbor as myself.
de@con godsey
Necessary Texture Added to an Important Conversation
As someone who has always loved Derek Webb’s music and has also perused a lot of faith deconstruction podcasts and literature, I can say that this podcast adds some much needed texture to what is becoming a tired echo chamber. Anonymous fans calling their beloved musician to air the grief of their experience in the broad spectrum of faith, or lack thereof, is a unique and refreshing addition to the conversation. Great production, too. Everyone: Don’t stop listening.
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Going where no artist has gone before...
Derek breaks new ground for an artist here by baring his soul on his record and then taking phone calls about it. The result is stunning and heartbreaking and hopeful. It’s absolutely brilliant and a must listen.
This conversation is so important. It’s been happening for years in the quiet depths of individual hearts and somewhat in the safety of rare unconditional relationships. But it’s time for it to surface- Bravely and without shame. Every story matters and this podcast captures the essence of that sentiment beautifully.
Gretta McG
This is a great podcast for those going through some sort of faith de/re-construction. Really really good listen!
Continuum of what you’ve always done for us
Derek - man, I’ve always felt like you were a friend who talked to me and helped me process the anxiety of life and faith in Your art. This is true to that spirit, which is your spirit. I’ve never stuck with you because you trumpeted a message I needed you to trumpet for me. I’ve been with you because I needed to know that someone was trying to be honest. Thanks for this gift man.
Adam Narloch
It's Derek Webb
I with you man, wherever this road leads. Let's do this. - Shane Lancaster
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