Teaching Keating with Weston and Molly Kieschnick
Teaching Keating with Weston and Molly Kieschnick
Weston and Molly Kieschnick
Teaching Keating with Weston and Molly Kieschnick
Weston and Molly Kieschnick
Join Weston, Molly, and a bottle of wine as we use iconic teaching moments from movies and television as a vehicle to reflect on instructional practice. We invite you to laugh, agree or disagree, and work toward discovering exactly who you are and where you stand as an educator. Weston is a former high school teacher and administrator who now works as a Senior Fellow with the International Center for Leadership in Education. His work as a keynoter and instructional coach has afforded him the opportunity to learn alongside teachers and administrators from all 50 states and more than 30 countries around the world. Molly is a former elementary and middle school teacher who now works with teens and young adults in parochial education programs around Colorado. She and Weston are the parents of two elementary aged children who provide additional fodder for an ed-centric podcast. Cheers!
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2 months ago
February 18
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