Stop Making Music
Stop Making Music
Glen & Shaun
via Podcasts
Nacht as Forced As Beyond Yacht rock
It feels more Like to guys talking music and not Trying out for a morning drive show
Music to My Ears
A great look at all the different aspects of music - from Appa to Zappa - you need to check out this podcast.
Five Stars, But Only Because I'm In the Show
When the inevitible deluge of one-star ratings come surging in, I hope that this five-star rating will at least help to soften the blow.
Shaun Doniger
I am so happy this podcast is finally on iTunes
My 5-star rating has nothing to do with the fact that I have been a guest on this podcast, and everything to do with the fact that a whole new world of Zappa and Beach Boys-related puns has opened up to me thanks to Shaun and Glen. Also the Meatloaf episode and the “Make me Cry” episodes both f’ing rock.
Beth Auron
I heartily endorse this event or product.
Like they say, you have to start listening before you can stop listening (protip: if you hate this, just play it to an empty room: iTunes will be none the wiser!)