Stay Cool, Geek
Stay Cool, Geek
Kurt Larson
SCG 130: Of Death & Force Ghosts
1 hour 19 minutes Posted May 18, 2016 at 12:38 am.
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In which Kurt and fellow geek Mark Slack discuss death and resurrection as it pertains to famous fantasy, geek, and sci-fi properties. Is it overused? Are there hard rules of when you can and can't do it? Do we apply the same standards to horror? What's up with force ghosts? And what, if anything, can we learn from past examples like Neo, Bucky, Spock, and Agent Coulson. The guys also get into some Marvel and DC television news, while also lamenting the state of the TV industry as a whole. Finally, we have an Assassin's Creed trailer, and Atari is bringing some of their classics to the big screen.