Something Was Wrong
Something Was Wrong
Broken Cycle Media | Wondery
via Podcasts
Interesting look into the trajectory of a serial offender
*spoilers of most recent season I started listening during this last season, the story of Jessica. Though I agree with many other reviewers that the unedited reading of old text threads was incredibly dull and sounded like a high schooler reading their chisme to me, I do think the story of Jessica and her diabolical methods of approaching, grooming and abusing her friends via a online catfish profile is an interesting look into the psychology of catfishers. I find it fascinating that this started in high school for her, she has been caught multiple times, and still continues with her harmful behavior. It really sounds like she needs some intense psychotherapeutic interventions in order to stop these behavior patterns and heal herself. Looking forward to listening further and hearing the confrontation between Jessica and the host.
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I am Dumber for Listening to This Nonsense!
The Brodie storyline is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. It was a sappy, emotional, overly-dramatized rendition of fraud, stalking, betrayal. These so-called victims are super immature for their ages (sound like Junior High friendsies) and they are dim as can be! An adult woman falls in love with a guy she never, ever sees or talks to, other than through texts? And this goes on for years? He’s in medical school yet has the time to text incessantly? I can go on, but won’t. The perpetrator is seriously mentally ill. I’m thinking borderline personality disorder. The victims have zero critical thinking skills. None, zilch. To think they are Registered nurses? I simply don’t believe it. I have to believe this cannot be true.
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The more you know.
I want to start by saying that I absolutely love this podcast. It’s one of the best I’ve listened to and I listen to so many. I’m constantly learning new and helpful information with each episode. I cried so much listening to season three and could relate so much. It was like lifting a vail from my eyes, because I could now see how much more peaceful my life has become since I shut out the toxic relationships I had. Tiffany you are an amazing woman with such a kind soul. Thank you.
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Tilly bearzzzz
Pick another podcast
I should’ve listened to the reviews and not wasted my time on this podcast or season 20. Please do yourself a favor and don’t bother. Here’s the jist. In the trailer the host calls the sociopath “baby girl”. I was immediately turned off. The story is that a girl catfished 3-4 (I lost count) of her friends by saying she was a guy named Brody. Sociopath also made up other characters. What KILLS me about this story is that every single one of these victims was so gullible and let this go on for YEARS, having never met “Brody”. I’m honestly a little embarrassed for them. They let themselves be emotionally manipulated and they need to take responsibility for the role they played in their own misery. It’s just baffling. Insert two episodes of victims reading text messages in monotone voices that sent me over the edge. I skipped through most of the episodes; spoiler alert, Brody says the same thing to everyone and uses the same MO through every text conversation. It’s boring and difficult to get through bc it’s just unbelievable that these girls were so gullible. Almost like it’s a bit made up. My favorite is when one of the victims was mad at the police for “bouncing her from person to person.” She felt they couldn’t be bothered. Well yes, do you blame them? It’s not a criminal issue. You got swindled and you’re mad about it so now it’s the police’s fault. 🙄 I ended the podcast at that episode. Good luck if you decide to move forward.
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Anastasia Beaverhausen01
Here to listen
As a trauma survivor I find myself constantly gravitating toward survivor stories. It feels weird to write a “review”. Trauma isn’t entertainment but the thing to appreciate here is the documentary style of it. We hear from the survivors and their loved ones in their own voices. It feels authentic and definitely valuable.
A true podcaster
Tiffany, I love your focus and activism for these victims that have experienced traumas in their lives. This podcast highlights so many horrible acts that people experience and makes one more aware. I have listened to every season and each time, am shocked by the events people have experienced. Thank you for shedding this light and giving people a safe platform to share their stories so that others can possibly avoid such trauma.
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Season 13
I’m pretty sure Amelia & I were married to the same Jake. What a horrible life to live. Love this podcast.
Horribly long! The story could have been told without reading every single text exchange 🤪
Something is wrong, all right!
I got hooked on this podcast several seasons ago and am disappointed at how badly it has devolved into a silly, juvenile platform for uninsightful narrators. It must be quite difficult to find compelling stories because they’ll give HOURS of seemingly unedited air time to just about anyone willing to talk.
Different stories needed
Used to love this show but recently the stories have become repetitive and… the people in the recent stories (except for the doula one) are people who just love drama—especially the Brody girls and the tattoo group. I can’t listen to all the back & forth texts because these folks are actively engaging in absurd behavior and then going back to rehash all the drama with their friends. I’m not interested in high school-level friend group dramas. This used to be a show about people surviving abusive relationships. Maybe explore different kinds of relationships? I remember really appreciating the episode many moons ago about the nanny in a toxic scenario. And there are plenty of dysfunctional families. But this catfishing story is so cringe and so poorly executed. I know this show has been and can be better.
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Season 20
It seems like half of episode 4 is a repeat of the end of episode 3.
Yoga Scholar
I used to love this show but now all it is, is just re-reading text messages on a podcast. The amount of times I heard “I said and then he said and then I said and then she said and then I said and then he said”. I thought I was gonna go INSANE! Had to turn it off. There has to be a better way to tell these stories without dead tone re-reading texts. I felt dumb just listening to it.
Why don’t you write a description of each podcast episode you put out? So simple to do & incredibly helpful.
Irrelevant and excessive content for the purpose of dragging the show out.
Excessive amount of irrelevant detail. The podcast version of this meeting could have been an email.
Too long
This review is only about season 20 (Brody). This story is wild, and it’s “fun” to listen to the absolute train wreck. But, it’s wayyyyy too long. 7 1h+ episodes?? Could have been told in 2-3 episodes. We get it. It’s bananas. But I don’t need 4 separate versions of 20 different events where they got stood up and he threatened suicide.
Long time listener, had to unfollow
This podcast was interesting. The latest series about two girls ‘dating’ a guy for years they never met is boring. Who dates someone for weeks without ever meeting them in person? This story is not about weeks or months, but YEARS of dating someone they never met. I can’t relate to this and have unsubscribed.
Good show but,
Too many commercials
Your show is the main reason I sign up for Wondery+. I just couldn’t wait a week for the episode 😅. But it’s so worth it! This show is absolutely captivating. Love this.
The first 5 seasons were great. Now, I fast forward through complete episodes. Repetitive, so poorly told and the editing of a 2nd grader. It’s sensationalism and reaching. The worst is the current season, 20. These ADULT women are NOT VICTIMS OF ABUSE; they have malnormative behaviors/ideologies of what a healthy relationships look like and develop into. At any given point in time they could have BLOCK “HIM”, JC. Tiffany sharing a phone call of HERSELF HARASSING JESS is plain vile. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Shame on her. Obviously Jess has had some trauma, too, as does Tiffany as she shared in a 57 long episode season that could have taken 1 or 2 episodes. Also, MFG THE MUSIC IS SSOOOOOO BAD. It’s so cringe. I fast forwarded through that every. Single. Time. Theme songs are so unnecessary.
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Janae Deli
Aside from the terrible music, it’s worth a listen
I wouldn’t say my world has been set on fire by this podcast per se, but it is well-produced and offers interesting perspectives over this bizarre catfishing situation. That said, my only gripe is that the main song for this podcast is goddamn awful. And unnecessarily LONG. If you ever wanted to find a song where you’re forced against your will to support your friend’s open mic career with a song that drones and never goes anywhere, then this is the theme song for you. Perhaps the artist might consider going by the name, “Hot ^#^@# Garbage”
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Helpfully Amazing
My parents have also been emotional abusive, neglectful and my mother is textbook narcissist as well. Its so nice to be able to listen to others who have gone through some of the same stuff. I even send this to a friend. Love it, keep it up gurls!!!
Absolutely love this podcast
I love the way they tell the deeper stories and actually get to know each person which gives us an idea of how this might have happened to them. For example The Jim Jones story in season 4 was amazingly done. I’ve often researched this tragedy and I have never before heard what I did from the people who survived. It was incredible and eye opening and heartbreaking. I also loved season 1. I was so shocked and I could also relate as someone who finds those type of men too. I definitely recommend this podcast!
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How ignorant do you have to be?
These chicks in season twenty have to be the dumbest people on the planet. I can’t even feel bad for them. Date a guy for three years and never talk on the phone or see him and they still believe he’s real? All the red flags and they just keep talking to this fake person. I’ve been catfished before, but as soon as they wouldn’t talk in video chat I knew something was up and stopped it in less than a month
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john john43
Stop complaining
So far I love the story in S20! Super interesting and you start to feel the anger the story tellers feel. If you’re struggling no you’re not stop complaining
We need jail time for catfisher
Season 20 is insane this chick deserve to go to jail she should not be among us I wish we had more laws about catfishing and get jail time if you do this because you really can ruin a life I hope Jess get the karma she deserve!! Love this show so much you do a great job helping these victim to tell there story
Its Lost its Luster
The last year or so its been a miss. Was a long time listener
Get a real life
These chicks have way too much time on their hands. Unbelievable.
Season 20 ep.1
This Brody character didn’t even try to get money out of them?! Just years of talking… boring
why the victim shaming!?
I love this podcast, I don’t understand the negative and victim shaming comments in some of the reviews. It’s interesting, a lesson, & some of these victims were young, we can’t judge them.
All but S20
I have really enjoyed most of the seasons of Something Was Wrong. However S20 has digressed. The catfish story is an interesting one it’s just not told well. There are too many people telling the same story over and over and too much time spent reading texts which was just monotonous and difficult to listen to. The story tellers need to be coached how to tell the story, paraphrasing is much more interesting than reading through texts and lastly cutting down on the number of characters involved would make it easier for the listener to follow and enjoy.
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This podcast was so good the first couple of seasons. Now it’s a mess. Editing is important! Don’t include every text message from each person, interview every friend or family member they have just to say how great the person is. It would be much more powerful story if you stuck to what actually happened. I feel for the victims so much, but the story telling does them a disservice.
Forever Fan.
Wow friends some of your reviews are harsh. You won’t like every podcast you hear. If it’s not your vibe, move on to the next. The only thing I can agree with is not knowing who is speaking in season 20. However, I could never down talk anyone’s abuse/traumas etc. the point is to teach/educate and support. I’ve learned so much about human behavior and what red flags to look for from this podcast and am very grateful. Keep killing it!
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Long Time Fan - All 20 Seasons & Season 20..Wow!!
I have absolutely loved this podcast from Season 1, and fell in love w/it during Tiffany’s season. I saw so much of myself & my life story in Tiffany’s - I truly couldn’t believe that someone else had walked down many of the paths that I had from birth - 30 yrs old. As far as Season 20, there are SO many great statements that i’d like to make, but nothing I could write would properly articulate how I feel….this is a MUST listen to. -ES
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Something Was Wrong
Literally the worst podcast I have ever listened to. Shock his survived this long and has so many seasons. They could literally say everything that needs to be said in 30 minutes instead of multiple episodes. I tried one season and thought I would give it another chance and couldn’t make it through another season. It is boring, painfully uninteresting, they will spend an entire episode on one very small thing and interview multiple people on one pointless interaction, like I said the entire story could be told in one episode instead of a season.
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Season 20 - Lauren and Brody
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 500 times, shame on me! It’s one thing to be in a relationship with a terrible person but to be in a “relationship” with a guy you’ve never met in 2 years is ridiculous! This is like a Catfish episode from 20 years ago. Remember people treat you the way YOU ALLOW them to!
I love it.
I have listened to the entire podcast. I think it’s great. I wish they were all released at once, so I can binge!!! I love season 20!!!
Renee' 2013
New Addiction
i am obsessed w this season! i did t think you could top the doula storyline in season 18, but here we are!!!!
Really interesting, but I have one wish
I really enjoy the stories! However, I just wish it was more clear who was speaking at different points (especially in season 20). When there are a lot of people involved in the story and they’re all in one episode, it can be hard to differentiate between their voices in an audio format. So I just wish that people were consistently introduced before speaking
Get to the point
The more seasons of the podcast the worse it gets. All of the episodes in a season could usually be condensed into 2, maybe 3 episodes. The last season drags on and on with the same story week after week. It’s interesting if you fast forward through most of it.
Prolly 2nd review
I just wanna say again this podcast is so dope. The stories like the newest season 20, are just so enticing and draw u in as the season goes on. I will say for new people not all seasons are equal there are several great seasons and some that might not draw u in as well . Give this podcast a chance tho especially this season. It’s crazy what happens
lol what's wrong with this alb
I have enjoyed this podcast for a long time, but I am absolutely not understanding season 20. Why are there multiple episodes of this woman’s trauma over a man she has never even met? What on earth makes this interesting or worth listening to? This could have been done in one or possibly two episodes.
Lilly Quinn 1758
Season 20
How do these women live in real life? What grown woman carries on a relationship for yrs never meeting the person or even talking? And do these women have no self confidence that they seriously take ‘Brody’ abuse? Sorry but completely pathetic and desperate to be loved for whatever reason! Where do you find these people? This podcast is a train wreck - you don’t want to look but you can’t help it.
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Season 20- come onnnn
I have enjoyed this podcast so much in the past! Truly . This season 20, I can’t listen anymore and I’m Sad I can’t get that time back where did I listen. I hate bad reviewing but the confusion level is off the charts with the amount of victims and the back and forth. I also can’t stand having to listen to someone just read their text exchange back VERBATIM. He said, then I said, he said, I said. Oh my god. This goes on for so long. Who’s editing this???? Make this podcast a winner again!! I miss it. I just can’t do this season, it’s too painful. 😔
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Can’t not get hooked into these stories
This podcast makes me boring day go by much faster - thank you!!
Mary lando
Thank you!
I never really understood the term “gaslighting” until i stumbled across this podcast. I have personally along with my SIL been a victim of extreme narcissistic gaslighting and mental abuse by my own brother. Your podcast and everyone’s story’s has really helped me to understand my SIL thought process on the entire situation with my brother. I went from being upset that she wouldn’t stand up to him to understanding why she couldn’t.
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Season 20
This is the first season I have listened to. I really am intrigued by the Brody story. Every single day I check to see if there’s a new episode, I love that the story is coming from the girls themselves, the vulnerability that comes along with that must be intimidating but it is very brave.
I do like but…
Needs more editing. It’s surprising and frankly bothersome when I hear the same repeated lines or similar testimonies that were obviously multiple takes on the topic. So many moments like, “Everyone loved her she was so bubbly and kind, we’d go out a lot, have sleepovers… People were drawn to her because she was really bubbly. She was so kind and loved everyone. We hung out often.” That happened a lot in recent seasons. But overall the material is fascinating. Anyone being mean about the victims needs to have more compassion. Yes, it’s frustrating to hear them make these decisions with glaring red flags present, but we don’t know their history of abuse and/or lack of experience that led them here. And thank you for finally changing the intro song!!
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Hold Hands & Kumbaya
edit: Reese has shown the world who she is in the last two seasons. Believe her. I’m a survivor and identify with all victims who take responsibility for how they ended up with an abuser. Im not ashamed nor do I blame myself - I simply see how I lacked the capacity to leave when I should have. Bad people are out there and this podcast glorifies them by clearly choosing stories in which the victims tell all about how the abuse happened without an ounce (a drop!) of accountability. This is what abusers thrive on. My story is fascinating - there’s a con, a possible murder, a dark plot with a few twists but Reese wouldn’t like my advice to others: “find women and men who don’t tolerate abuse and emulate them.” The well adjusted aren’t special, they just apply what we all know is best more often. This is just a victim fest. Want to end abuse? Take responsibility (after childhood) for every single one of your decisions and learn how to prefer your own company/overcome the stigma of not having a partner and don’t stay in a relationship that doesn’t make you a better, stronger, wiser person. Have kids? Double down on all the above. Edit 2: how can this series get worse?! It’s as if TR has the ultimate case of defiance and makes choices to defy the well intended critical feedback. I have no doubt the word “hater” is built into her work/life culture. She’s the female/liberal version of Mike Boudet (who also squandered a rise to the top, toppled by ego, hubris and martyr complex) and it’s a headscratcher. “Love me or f@ off!”
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jmdawson la
My favorite podcast!!
I listen to a lot of podcasts but SOMETHING WAS WRONG has become my clear favorite! Every season pulls me in and Tiffany Reese is so dedicated to victims advocacy as well as prevention and education. Her own personal story lends credence to that. She is a pro at what she does. I am always excited to see a new season and then the next episodes! Rock on Tiffany! And, her other project with Amy B Chessler, WHAT CAME NEXT is equally good. 👍 PS - I am so tired of all of the hard core pod “critics” who have absolutely nothing nice to say. I do not understand. And me, if I don’t vibe with a podcast I just move on. I unsubscribe. I do NOT insult the people who are working on it. People must stop being so rude and unnecessarily nasty! Not necessary!
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