Like a real-life Phantom of the Opera, Southern California local theater actor Daniel Wozniak lured his victims, Sam Herr and Julie Kibuishi, in the attic of a theatre, where he would kill and dismember them before performing on stage the very same night. As of now, Wozniak alone sits on San Quentin's death row. But is there room for more? Is Rachel Buffett, a former Disney Princess and Dan's ex fiancee, an accomplice in the murderous scheme? Simultaneous to the launch of SLEUTH, today began Rachel's trial for accessory after the fact . Will justice prevail or will she completely walk free from her role in the crimes. Should she have been charged with murder? Investigative journalist and host of Sleuth Linda Sawyer, follows this story till it's ultimate conclusion, so that the victim's families finally learn the whole picture of what happened to their loved ones.
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10 months ago
July 11, 2023
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