Misdeeds & Intrigue:  The Royal, Wealthy & Notorious Scandals
Misdeeds & Intrigue: The Royal, Wealthy & Notorious Scandals
Misdeeds and Intrigue
via Podcasts
First episode on Hunter Biden and I had to turn it off. Topic is interesting but the hosts are terrible! Vapid can’t pronounce a medication - research it before you go on the air! Next!
LOVE this podcast!
I love listening to Carrie’s insights and hear her passion for history, pop culture, and true crime. Highly recommend!
Pure Drivel
Read by a couple of poorly spoken airheads
Is this host for real ?
I can’t listen to this. It’s like Paris Hilton interviewing someone. She interrupts with nonsense questions and what is the random distracting music ????? Awful.
Sandy Acree
Background music?? Interruptions galore??
Came here specifically for episode #9 on the LuLuLemon Murders, but what. the. hell....not only can I not hear the conversation because of all the background music, but the host keeps interrupting the guest in such a way that it’s not even banter, but rather annoying af. This specific guest even made multiple comments alluding to just letting him freakin tell the story
Great show
Always love listening to Carrie. Love the stories.
Not for me
Please stop interrupting guests! It’s rude and disruptive. I also can’t stand hearing ‘like’ in every sentence. Audio is low quality.
LORD ladies... tell a story. Prepare, don’t improvise... no girlie gossip... w/o nasal-y or smoker voices. NO giggles!!! Professionally, with journalism prowlness, - just WRITE and then tell “a mystery story.” I could not do this podcast... not for me.
Ginger Hazelrah
Enjoy listening
I love listening to Carrie. Her voice is so calm. I enjoy a little mystery and this is perfect
Leah R4
Your show is fun! I like to listen to the games and guests for sure. Not like regular recap or pop culture shows.
Enjoy listening to this podcast. Heard you on “Say What She She” can’t wait to listen to more
Really Interesting
I love the format of this show, you always know the topics are going to be interesting and the guests are all types which is really cool. This podcast touches on topics that I enjoy, history, pop culture and true crime and it's conversational and charming. Carrie is a great host, keep up the good work!
Love this podcast! Found it from Jodie’s site. I enjoy your sense of humor and range of topics.
Construction criticism
Clearly they are reading from a script, that’s great. But it sounds like they may not have prepare the script themselves:( A good portion of the podcast is “besties“ conversation that could be cut down.
This is a all star podcast
Fabulously Interesting
Carrie’s Podcast is so fascinating!! If you love true crime, histories and mysteries....Sip and Shine is a must listen!!! I love all of the different guests’ takes on each topic, and, of course, Reality TV is my jam!!!! Thanks Carrie!
I’m buying air buds !!!
Your podcast is so interesting, the way you explain things and even get so emotional about your passions just draws me as a listener in more so then any other podcast .... you are a great podcaster and I am so glad that I have something educational, funny, emotional and sometimes lol funny to entertain me !!!! So I’m buying air buds so in sure not to miss on episode of your podcast !!!! Ty
Carrie is your sweet bestie!
Carrie is a total sweetheart & her topics are always a fun suprise to wake & up find in my feed. She's not afraid to talk about the things we sometimes keep secret. Unmasking the "demons" and being so real and raw, while also having the guts to share is unbelievable. Love ya, Carrie!
Always learning something new!
Carrie brings really good topics to her show. I like that she can blend her own personal stories with interesting history and mysteries. If no ones in the room I might dance to the them music...
Fun, Candid, Inspiring
Carrie does so many things on Sip & Shine it's hard to know where to start. She talks about history and pop culture, but she also uses her show to highlight some of the more personal struggles people face and more often than not cover up and pretend away. In our modern world of Snapchatting perfect moments and Instagram filtering picture perfect faux-lives, Carrie shares real life from the real world and with bravery shares things most would not. She speaks about her divorce, life dating as a single parent, and what it's like when an ex moves on. As much as those topics are helpful, and certainly to those who relate, nothing is as important as what Carrie does for the subject of mental health. she speaking openly about her familiy's struggles with mental health and her son's stays in mental health facilities. She talks about their experiences, good and bad, and speaks with her teenage son about difficult topics to help other teens and parents navigate these issues and hopefully avoid some of the trauma and pitfalls their family has endured along the way. Somehow, she manages to do this while always keeping the heart and light listeners love her for. Carrie is making mental health issues part of regular girl talk, something which is long overdue. The more commonplace these discussions become, the less stigmatized mental health issues will be.
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Authentic Autograph
Awesome listen!
I love listening to this one (and don't think you sound like a twelve year old)! I was listening to audiobooks and turned to podcasts. Some voices are just too much or too blah, blah, blah. Carrie is a strong, caring, kind woman. This is honest and I can so relate!
Terrific show - Fun & Insightful
This podcast features stories of true crime, mysteries, and the paranormal. It is informative and fun, with random bits of commentary. It is a very unique show. Listen to a couple of episodes, and you will be hooked!
Forgotten News Podcast
Sip and Shine!
Great podcast! Wonderful job! And checkout Mom on the Rocks! Another great listen!
Background music??
Just got introduced to Carrie from the Mom’s on the Rocks podcast so I went to check out this podcast and I literally can’t listen to it because of the music playing in the background for the ENTIRE episode!!! Want to like it as I actually do like Carrie but I can’t sit through one more minute of these 2 doing an entire podcast with background music!! So sad!!
Interesting stories, well researched
This is a very well-researched podcast that covers a wide variety of topics so it never gets boring. Unusual crime stories, weird history, unsolved mysteries and general creepy awesomeness. True-crime fans rejoice!
Vet Pride
I love hearing a fellow veteran openly talk about her experiences in the military, her life and family. I also enjoy the different segments and subjects you get in one episode. I can't wait to keep listening to this podcast!
Come Listen
This podcast eases you into the crime genre of podcast. I'm enjoying conversational style that presents the historical aspects instead of pounding you with sensationalism. A great show!
The music you play is louder than your actual voice. The podcast where you talked about mental health with your son was the worst, it was very hard to hear his voice, and then sometimes your voice was way too loud. One star.
Must listen!
Carrie is a great host who finds some of the best guest. As a host she is empathetic, funny and all around interesting.
Must hear
Can never have a bad time listening to this channel. So much fun every time I'm listen. NEED MORE PODCAST
Love this podcast
This podcast is fun and inspiring at the same time- Carrie has went through a lot and she shows a lot of humor through her parenting and dating experiences
These podcast are informational and enjoyable
My new fave!!
Great new podcast that you have to check out. It will quickly become one of your favorites and your podcast of choice when you're looking for a great mix of fun, sarcasm, interesting guests and an awesome host! You'll be amused, inspired, and socially informed all at the same time!
Easy listening
Smart, funny, beautiful women, oh and there's wine. Pop some bottles with them if you would please.
I love this podcast- she is funny and inspirational at the same time. She makes me feel better about my life at the same time. I embrace the hotness nation.
Simply amazing
Love it & I can't wait to hear more!!
So inspirational and just fun! Can't wait to hear more!
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