Made For Living Well
Made For Living Well
Alexa Schirm
Simple Roots Radio is hosted by Alexa Schirm. A nutritionist by trade, Alexa has rebelled against common misconceptions about nutrition, and has, instead, created a realistic health-style that will allow you to live a healthy, satisfied and more simplistic life. Forget dieting for good as Alexa interviews health experts, lifestyle influencers and every day people on what strategies have worked for them and help you implement a plan that can be achieved for life. It’s raw, its funny, its real and unfiltered. It is Simple Roots Radio.
#325: Why You Need An Emotional Detox
Health is difficult, and not in the way you think. It's difficult not because you don't know what to eat but because it's emotional, making healing less about food detox and more about emotional detox. It might feel like food complicates things. But it's not food but the reason you eat what you do. If you remove the emotional aspect, eating healthy food would be easy. But it's not or hasn't been, like exercise and every other health tip on the planet, because there is an emotional attachment. All of life is emotional or at least stirs an emotion inside you. That's because humans are emotional beings. Emotions are part of the human experience. Even when you don't think you're feeling anything, you are. You've likely become great at suppressing, numbing, shoving, or distracting yourself from what you say you're not feeling, making it appear like you feel nothing. I say this because I, too, lived this. But you can't escape emotions. They are part of you, as are your fingers and toes. However, you can learn how to use them to improve your life and health. This is where health and happiness coexist. On the podcast, we explore emotions and prove why they are responsible for biological functions. Inside, you'll learn the connection between cellular health and emotional health and how to boost both. Learn More:   Don't forget to track where your energy level using: This FREE energy quiz to determine your metabolic output. This FREE download to track your body temperature and pulse rate. Take things to the next level: Get health advice that works delivered straight to your inbox. The only place guaranteed to make you healthier and happier. Join The Weekly Fill here. Ready to go deeper and take back your health? Learn how to nourish yourself in a way that is personal to you while also helping you to fully embrace all of you. Take back your hormones, get more energy, and learn how to thrive inside Health Made Simple. Follow my day-to-day life plus mini tidbits of health encouragement on Instagram.
Apr 4
26 min
#324: Do Calories Really Matter?
Calories tend to be another controversial and somewhat confusing subject. But I'd argue that is only because we don't understand how they interact with our bodies. If you've ever wondered if calories matter, the answer is yes and no. Let me explain. Calories are a metric of energy often used to describe the nutritional value of food. Technically, a calorie is a unit of energy equivalent to the heat energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by one degree Celsius. Our simplistic view of calories does not determine nutritional value. It's the nutrients within those calories that truly matter. Calories are only significant to the degree they influence energy levels. Understanding this is much easier when you break through the misunderstanding of energy and thus understand the role of food. In this podcast, we dive deep into the misinterpretation of caloric energy while diving into the only thing that matters: your internal energy. Calories cannot change you, but they can influence your internal energy, which matters more than how many calories you consume. Learn More:   Don't forget to track where your energy level using: This FREE energy quiz to determine your metabolic output. This FREE download to track your body temperature and pulse rate. Take things to the next level: Get health advice that works delivered straight to your inbox. The only place guaranteed to make you healthier and happier. Join The Weekly Fill here. Ready to go deeper and take back your health? Learn how to nourish yourself in a way that is personal to you while also helping you to fully embrace all of you. Take back your hormones, get more energy, and learn how to thrive inside Health Made Simple. Follow my day-to-day life plus mini tidbits of health encouragement on Instagram.
Mar 25
23 min
#323: How To Build Metabolic Flexibility: Three Truths + One Lie
Metabolism is a sexy word in the health space. Everyone wants that flourishing metabolism. The same one we assume is why some people can eat anything and never gain an ounce. It's easy to envy those people while hating our bodies for not functioning in the same way. But truth be told, this understanding is a bad perception of your metabolism. Yes, it does change the structure of your body, which is why a higher metabolism is associated with a lower waistline. But you can't misrepresent metabolism by thinking it will help you eat anything you want and never gain a pound. Learn More: Don't forget to track where your energy level using: This FREE energy quiz to determine your metabolic output. This FREE download to track your body temperature and pulse rate. Take things to the next level: Get health advice that works delivered straight to your inbox. The only place guaranteed to make you healthier and happier. Join The Weekly Fill here. Ready to go deeper and take back your health? Learn how to nourish yourself in a way that is personal to you while also helping you to fully embrace all of you. Take back your hormones, get more energy, and learn how to thrive inside Health Made Simple. Follow my day-to-day life plus mini tidbits of health encouragement on Instagram.
Mar 18
23 min
#322: How To Get Healthy: The Most Important Thing
How do you get healthy? The typical approach is certainly not working. In fact, it seems to be doing the opposite. It's not making you healthy, but there is something that is. Learn the key to living healthy so you can stop asking the same questions. The first episode of the new podcast series, Health School, starts with quite a bang. I share what I consider the most critical element of health, yet the most overlooked. That is energy. Discover the profound impact of energy on our biology, mind, and soul. This understanding will revolutionize your perception of health, empowering you to take control of your well-being and make it simple. Learn More: Don't forget to track where your energy level using: This FREE energy quiz to determine your metabolic output. This FREE download to track your body temperature and pulse rate. Take things to the next level: Get health advice that works delivered straight to your inbox. The only place guaranteed to make you healthier and happier. Join The Weekly Fill here. Ready to go deeper and take back your health? Learn how to nourish yourself in a way that is personal to you while also helping you to fully embrace all of you. Take back your hormones, get more energy, and learn how to thrive inside Health Made Simple. Follow my day-to-day life plus mini tidbits of health encouragement on Instagram.
Mar 13
21 min
#321: Your Body's Not That Sensitive
Your body’s not that sensitive. It can be, but only because it’s been pushed into forms of dysregulation so long it’s turned to survival. Survival means your body will do anything to keep you alive, even if that means it works against what is healthy. It’s not the intended design. The intended design is to thrive. But when forced, it will revert to survival. I had to learn this the hard way. For years, I believed my body was just overly sensitive. It tended to react to everything, from foods to different beauty products and even occasionally the sun. My body felt overwhelmed in all areas. I could find nothing that would settle. While I knew how sensitive a body could become, it wasn’t my own health that made me confront the question as to why our bodies seemed to become so weak. It was one of my clients. He was only a child but had taken a few tests out of desperation to realize his body was reacting to everything. Not just environmentally, but nearly every food was causing a chain reaction inside his body. What was supposed to nourish him was slowly killing him. At a loss for how to feed him, his parents came to me for help. When I laid eyes on him, I could tell his body was overwhelmed, but I also saw something beneath the rash on his skin and the dark circles under his eyes. He had life in him. He was just so undernourished it couldn’t surface. It left me questioning how to nourish him when he couldn’t consume anything that would sustain him. Here, I began in-depth research into food sensitivities. I wanted to know why we are experiencing them more frequently than ever before. What I found was alarming and provides a solution to health the health space has repeatedly overlooked. In this podcast, I highlight why we are becoming more sensitive but also remind you this was not the design. You were not designed in weakness but strength. Your body can heal and thrive amongst several healthy and even unhealthy things. But it can only do that when it has the nourishment and support. You must change the paradigm and see your body as good to get healthy.   Learn more:
Feb 19
42 min
#320: 10 Habits of The Healthiest People
For decades, health has existed in a black-and-white space. It’s been a series of rash and often unrealistic lifestyle changes, leaving one to believe the extreme lifestyle is the only one that will help you reach your goals. It’s also why resolutions have become such a focus of the new year. They bring the hope that you can change. The more extreme those resolutions, the faster things will change. But change rarely comes. You can blame yourself, or you can blame the resolutions. But I’d argue neither is wrong. The failure happens because of the process or lack thereof. On the podcast, I teach you how to create a process you’ll love based on the habits lived out by the healthiest people on the planet. It begins by learning how to romanticize the process and not the destination, knowing if you stick with the process, the destination will come. Check out these resources to get you started building better patterns and setting healthier resolutions: Upgrade Your Wellness Routine With This Tip 5 Ways To Guarantee Health Success 15 Healthy Habits To Take Into The New Year Why I Gave Up Finding Myself (Real Story) The Power of A Habit   Learn more:
Jan 4
41 min
#319: Five Health Skills You Didn’t Know You Needed
  I spent many years attempting to hack my behavior. Forcing change, trying to make something budge. It’s the typical approach to life and health that appears like it should work. Logically doing something should create something different. And it does, but only if you change the pattern because your pattern produces the outcome you experience. If you have a problem, that problem was birthed out of a pattern. Change requires shifting the pattern, and that starts by understanding the pattern (learn your pattern here). When you know the pattern, you can influence it by creating better skills. Skills reinforce behaviors, even those you want to change. I am skilled at sleeping past my alarm. I’m skilled at waiting too long to prepare food until I’m ravenous and will eat anything. I’m skilled at overthinking, worrying, and anxiety. I’m skilled at things that reinforce the outcomes, creating the problems I want to change. Changing this requires influencing the pattern with better skills. Part two of this podcast mini-series teaches you how to transform the goal into skills you need to develop to create a better outcome. Change requires you to focus on developing the skills you need to create change. Ask yourself what skills you want to develop this year. I’m not talking about your average skill, like getting skilled at weightlifting. But the everyday mundane skills necessary to influence your patterns.   Learn More:   Additional Resources to get you started building better patterns and setting healthier resolutions: Upgrade Your Wellness Routine With This Tip 5 Ways To Guarantee Health Success 15 Healthy Habits To Take Into The New Year Why I Gave Up Finding Myself (Real Story) The Power of A Habit
Dec 18, 2023
27 min
#318: Psychology Of Setting Resolutions You'll Keep
I’ll be the first to admit I’ve set many resolutions. Yet I’ve never achieved a single one. At least not that I can recount. Yet, I keep going back to the same approach, hoping one of these years it will work. I never blamed the act of setting resolutions for why they didn’t work, but I always blamed myself. In the last few years, I re-evaluated the traditional resolution approach. I even begged you not to set resolutions, claiming it’s not the answer to what you are seeking. But then I started to question if that was another extreme approach that neglected the answer. What if resolutions do work, but the problem is how we work or don’t work to achieve them. What if the answer was our actions? The problem is we’re attempting resolutions with the wrong approach. Inside the three-part mini-series, I’m breaking down the three important steps to set the resolutions and actually achieve them. It begins by understanding you don’t have a problem. You have a pattern. And that pattern feeds or enables the problem. When you know what pattern you are living in, you can break it to create a new one. That changes everything about your outcome. Learn more by listening to this episode and be sure to read the blog post to get all of the details:   Additional resources to get you started building better patterns and setting healthier resolutions: Upgrade Your Wellness Routine With This Tip 5 Ways To Guarantee Health Success 15 Healthy Habits To Take Into The New Year Why I Gave Up Finding Myself (Real Story) The Power of A Habit
Dec 6, 2023
32 min
#317: How Your Nervous System Impacts Your Digestion
Leaky gut seems to be a national crisis. While diet is certainly a factor, the larger issue is stress or the lack of safety inside your physiology. Maria-Victoria Albina of The Feminist Wellness Podcast came on this podcast to share the response of the nervous system on our GI tract and the fight for safety within our biology. We talk about the polyvagal theory, co-dependence, and how to regulate your nervous system to heal your biology. Healing your gut is more than a food issue. It's a lifestyle response.    OTHER RESOURCES TO CHECK OUT:    7 Signs Your Nervous System is Dystregulated:   5 Ways To Use Your Nervous System To Get Healthy:   How To Feel More Energized And Stop Storing Body Fat:   How You Heal: Regulate Your Nervous System:   Put An End to Schedule Shaming and Create A Life You Love:
Nov 16, 2023
1 hr 6 min
#314: Three Healthy Things Making You Unhealthy
It’s easy to get sucked into the black-and-white trap of health. It’s either good or bad, healthy or unhealthy. Leaving many people attempting tasks and eating foods that perhaps are healthy for some but not others. The problem with this picture is it diminishes the secret of health. That secret is what your body is doing with what you provide. And that shifts the focus from perfecting the external ideas to understanding how your body reacts. Health requires internal awareness. Of course, health takes work. You’re going to have to do things to create it. But don’t get so lost in doing that you miss how your body is responding. Pay attention to what your body needs and do more of that. And remember, anything out of balance becomes unhealthy—even healthy things taken to a new level become unhealthy. In this podcast, I share three healthy things making you unhealthy. It’s always about balance.     Learn more:
Nov 1, 2023
42 min
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