Travis and Teresa McElroy
via Podcasts
The constant interrupting is just too much. Let my girl speak!!!
Another hit
I love the playful banter and helpful commentary from the hosts! I think it’s an interesting podcast, super cool to learn about the history of “politeness” and manners. It’s particularly helpful that they spend time in each episode to go over common questions related to said concept. 10/10, would recommend.
Lighthearted fun with etiquette
These folks make learning about how to behave towards our fellow humans feel practical and fun. Don’t miss out!
Too much chatter, not funny.
See title
Dude turned me away from this podcast
The concept is good, the woman does have a lot of interesting content to share. But the dude…. terrible. He talks like the Lumpy Space Princess from the show Adventure Time with none of the humor.
Wanted to like
Listened to this podcast for a specific topic. Wanted to stick with it as the content was good but the husband made me turn it off. His constant, often tangential interruptions were too much to handle. Ironic for a podcast about manners.
Half stupid humor
I tried listening as the topic sounds good. However, the man has a particularly stupid (juvenile?) sense of humor. The woman was good, but I quickly gave up. He wasn't even letting her finish making her points, which made it even worse. I hope it's just an act as otherwise I can't imagine her staying married to him.
Amazing podcast!!
I spend multiple hours a day listening to a vast array of podcast between my commute to work and other errands and I have to say this is a MUST if you need some great entertainment in podcast form for your day!
Been a fan for years
Teresa and Travis make an excellent podcast and their banter is very fun.
Johnny Appleseed
I wanted to like this. Is have it a good 15 minutes. But I couldn’t take one more “like” and “you know” and “right?”
my thoughths
Hi this is such a good podcast I listen to it all the time and it makes me laugh so much.It also teaches me things I never knew and is really interesting and factual which is awesome they have such good personalities and they’re really fun to listen to I may only be a kid but I recommend this for everybody 😄😝😜🤪.
It is good
I like Shmanners especially the name but I also know the McElroy brothers very well and I just love it sitting with my two cats snuggling up in bed with my husband it’s just great
Travis needs to take it down about 10 notches
I love their general opinions and topics, but holy crap, Travis needs to stop interrupting. It’s so irritating and rude. His voice is also extremely grating. I realize he didn’t choose his voice, but he can choose to stop interrupting and going on tangents every time Theresa starts saying something interesting. I unsubscribed after 1 episode because it’s unbearable.
What a lovely podcast!
Travis and Teresa are wonderful at keeping a balance between making this podcast informative but not boring! Also, as an Adventure Zone listener, I think it’s important to note here that my impression of Travis is that his manners were exceptional even before the Shmanners podcast was created. Also, I love that Travis asks the questions giving room for Teresa to share her knowledge on the subjects presented, and Teresa kindly allows Travis to dive deeper with his own questions and opinions that I often find myself wondering. I’ve listened to old and new episodes, but I think the episode about conversations is my favorite so far. So grateful for this podcast and the value it has!
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lucky star nikki 17
love this podcast!
i just started from the beginning, but as someone with emotional and learning disabilities that hinder me from picking up on/ following social etiquette, this is very helpful:) also it’s very funny
I freaking love you Theresa and Travis.
Drop the Dude
This podcast has so much potential. They cover some really great topics and Teresa is a fantastic host with the patience of a saint. Because her husband is TERRIBLE!!!!!! If someone made a super cut of this podcast that removed all of his useless man-splaining and unwarranted interruptions it would be a perfect podcast. DROP TRAVIS!!! Give the people want they want. I can’t tell you how many times I have left this podcast behind because he makes me hate it so much. I come back though, because I want to love it, but I end up barely getting through one episode before I’m reminded why the show isn’t as good as it could be.
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A lovely podcast!
A very light-hearted, fun podcast to listen to.
very nice!!
what a wonderful show :)
Love you but…
I’m pretty sure you said “right” 200 times during the last episode. And at least 10 times as I was typing this review!
Love the comedy, history of the subject, and it’s application to modern manners.
Owie One Canoli
Lovely and fun!
Such a fun podcast to drive or work with on, I learn and the banter between the hosts is funny and refreshing!
I haven’t listened...
I haven’t listened to this podcast but i have to the adventure zone which is another podcast which travis is in, its a dnd (deoungens and dragons) podcast which is highly explicit but i love it and if u listen to the adventure zone pls start from the bottom of the podcast ep list.
it's....a podcast
i don't want to be rude to a podcast about manners, but i don't know if it's even about manners at this point? i love learning about some of the older etiquette based things or people who had huge impacts on ettique, but sometimes it's just off. i think teresa is a lovely person who i've had the pleasure of meeting and from our (albeit short) interaction it's extremely clear that her manners are fantastic! but i don't think travis really should be teaching people about manners when he still needs to work on his. obviously this is a husband and wife podcast, but...i wish it was more of teresa explaining to travis than the other way around. not a bad listen, but it's also not that great either.
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immaculate vibes
this show talks about things i didnt know i was interested in! thanks friends!
To all the people saying Travis isn’t necessary
Ok... stop. They are both awesome Travis is helping to make the podcast funny and I would not listen to this show without him. Probably because i found out about this because of his other podcasts (like the adventure zone and mbmbam)
Ya ok
Sure gonna take etiquette advice from a guy named Travis
bobi murch
Absolutely delightful to listen to
Travis and Teresa are incredibly entertaining, this is a podcast I listen to when in a low or when I will be on a long drive and need something fun to focus on. I LOVE edutainment podcasts and this here is the podcast that got me into them. Learning WHILE laughing is such a good feeling and the McElroys always deliver!
so lovely and polite!
A very lovely couple, the dynamic is so happy and polite. Teresa’s and Travis’ laugh is like hearing melted gold. Love learning the history and manners! The theme song is very catchy too. Big internet parents energy. A very comforting podcast, like a hug. Both hosts are so lovely and very beautiful! (PS all bad reviews are wrong and bad. They are just unhappy people)
This nickname is taken02
Thank you
I haven’t listened to many episodes, but already the two of you have increased my happiness ever time I hear that DOPE intro song and also taught me that my comfort is just as important as everyone else’s.
Becca Burm
Such Fun!
It’s such a great podcast, and a reminder to be a human being! Also, the theme music SLAPS! The episode on Steve Irwin made me cry!
Very good podcast
I was apprehensive to listen to this podcast because a podcast about manners/etiquette didn’t seem all that interesting. Let me tell you, Travis and Teresa make it work in a way I could’ve never imagined.
A great listen!
I love the subject matter! As always, Travis and Teresa are so fun to listen to, and I love their dynamic.
Could do without the husband
I just started listening and the husband is quite annoying, the woman is very informative and has a great speaking voice, I don’t mean to be rude but I wish it was just her. I don’t think I can keep listening to this show. Too bad!
Wonderful! (Wait... thats the other bro)
I’ve been listening to this daily to get through everything that’s been going on these days. It’s so informative without being boring and just so relentlessly positive. It’s clear how much they love each other and it’s such a joy to listen to. Thank you!
cute and helpful!
i’ve been a listener for a couple years now, and shmanners is consistently sweet and interesting. i definitely recommend it for anyone who likes to know what the best way to handle a situation is—and often they even provide some basic scripts! perfect for people like me with anxiety. travis and teresa are charming, kind, and sincere hosts, and sometimes travis is even funny ;) i do wish they’d look up the pronunciation of unfamiliar foreign words and names before recording, because occasionally they say things very wrong, but they’ve never claimed to be great at french or other languages, and it doesn’t take away from the value of the show.
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Listened to my first Ep - love it!
I am a regular MBMBaM listener and their most recent Ep led me to Shmanners (finally). I LOVE this podcast! I just listened to the Joshua Norton, Emperor of the United States episode and am now hooked! Thank you for this podcast. 😁
I really enjoy this podcast! It’s really calming to listen to and has helped in a ton of social situations I have ended up in since I began listening! Also the historical episodes are awesome! I think it does a really good job bringing etiquette to the 21st century
Only up to a Point
I enjoyed the podcast and considered subscribing up to the point that chivalric behavior was equated to “toxic masculinity” and oppression of women. Coming from a young couple unfamiliar with true masculinity and who have never witnessed truly oppressed women, it was too much to hear the disdain they held for a foundational system that contributed to our social contract. Too typical of those who view history through current day values and decide those who came before were evil or stupid or worthless. No, thanks.
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Full of lots of good laughs and banter, while teaching us all how to be better people in our everyday lives!
Not for me
I recently started listening to another podcast of the same subject called Were You Raised By Wolves. THAT podcast is wonderful, however someone left a review for it saying that they preferred Shmanners. After having listened to all of the WYRBW episodes I decided to pop over and see how this one compares and spoiler alert, it doesn’t! I truly wanted to keep my manners binge going but this is unlistenable. The hosts don’t do a good job convincing listeners that they are subject matter experts, the sound quality is bad, and there’s a lot of uninteresting rambling.
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The GoTo Podcast for Etiquette
I love this show. The amazing Teresa and Travis have a great chemistry (I would hope) and I appreciate the exploration of this topic. I especially like the advice that comes up a lot of "Be the best you." I've been bingeing to catch up, currently on the second Social Media, and it's enlightening to hear other "elder millenials" and how they approach the platform
The One & Only Vanessow
Great Resource
I’m autistic and this is the kind of info I’m always looking for. It’s also the chillest comedy podcast I’ve ever heard, and is perfect for quieter chore-doing moods.
Getting Shmannerly
Learning to be more shmannerly every week. This podcast is fantastic. Love listening to Travis and Teresa every week.
Super chill and relaxing
Teresa and Travis are great. This show is a favorite of mine when I’m feeling stressed out or busy because it’s predictable (in a good way!) and relaxed. The McElroys are just the bees’ knees.
Travis is my favorite brother and his wife is lovely.
Jen Charles
Fancy, Fun, and Informative!
Love this show! I listen to a lot of the Mcelroy podcasts, this ones definitely a Gem. I love hearing about all of the social history, as well as how etiquette has sort of evolved in regards to different topics. The Charcuterie series has definitely been informative and interesting and it’s a great place to start listening if you haven't tried this show before. now all i want is to have a fancy little meat and cheese party :D
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Great show I love it
Shmanners is the serene bob ross landscape of podcasts
Suicidal Rabbit
Y’all are adorable
I know it’s basically a podcaster’s nightmare but I love when you can hear BB in the background. It gives the whole podcast a really warm family vibe and it’s really sweet. I hope that’s not weird! Thanks for all the awesome advice!
So sweet and uplifting!
Amazing personalities who answer all your manners questions with humor and no judgement (so long as you don’t bring porcelain pigeon feet to a housewarming)! You’ll love it, guaranteed!
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