Sales Gravy: Jeb Blount
Sales Gravy: Jeb Blount
Jeb Blount
From the author of Fanatical Prospecting and the company that re-invented sales training, the Sales Gravy Podcast helps you win bigger, sell better, elevate your game, and make more money fast.
How Customer Retention Drives Revenue Growth feat. Barry Klein
On this episode of the Sales Gravy Podcast, Jeb Blount, the author of People Love You: The Real Secret to Delivering a Legendary Customer Experience, sits down with Talroo's Vice President of Success and Enablement Barry Klein to discuss why a focus on customer retention is crucial for revenue growth. Jeb and Barry explore and focus on the strategic importance of customer success, the value of human interaction, and the role of company culture in shaping customer experiences and relationships. Customer Success as a Priority: Emphasizing the importance of customer success in maintaining and expanding business relationships. Retention Over Acquisition: Highlighting the significance of retaining existing customers as a more sustainable and profitable strategy compared to acquiring new ones, especially in challenging economic times. Human Interaction: Despite advancements in technology, the conversation underscores the irreplaceable value of human touch in customer relationships. Proactive Engagement: The need for businesses to proactively engage with customers to understand and adapt to their evolving needs. Impact of Company Culture: A company's culture, particularly one that values ethical behavior and respect, can significantly influence customer success strategies and outcomes. Adaptability and Responsiveness: The importance of being adaptable and responsive to customer needs as a way to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty. Long-term Relationships: The focus on building long-term relationships with customers rather than short-term transactions. Customer Retention is at The Heart of Business Growth When it comes to growing a business, the real magic happens long after the sale is made. Think about your own experiences: every time you buy something, that's just the beginning of your journey with that brand. And if they treat you right, you're not just going to come back—you're going to become a loyal fan, maybe even spend more over time. That's the secret ingredient to business growth. It's not about constantly chasing new customers; it's about keeping the ones you already have coming back for more. The Power of Customer Retention Finding new customers is hard work and expensive. It's like throwing a party and hoping people you've never met will show up. Now, think about the friends who already love your parties. You don't need to convince them to come; they're already on board. They might even bring along a few friends of their own. That's the beauty of focusing on your existing customers. You've already won them over once; now it's about making sure they feel valued and continue to enjoy what you offer. A satisfied customer is your best advocate. They become ambassadors for your brand, sharing their positive experiences with others. This word-of-mouth is invaluable. It's authentic, powerful, and best of all, it's free. Every happy customer is a potential win, not just for another sale, but for bringing in new customers who've already heard good things about you. Building a Community At its core, keeping customers happy is about more than just good business sense; it's about building a community around your brand. It's about creating a space where people feel valued, heard, and connected. This community isn't just loyal; they're engaged. They're not just buying a product or a service; they're buying into an experience, a relationship. One of the keys to keeping customers close is listening to them. It's about being open to feedback, even when it's tough to hear. Every piece of feedback is a gift, an opportunity to improve and to show your customers that you're invested in their satisfaction. It's about continually adapting and evolving to meet their needs.
Mar 24
40 min
You’ll Sell More When You Adapt To Buyer Personality Styles
On this fascinating episode of the Sales Gravy podcast, master sales trainer Jessica Stokes spends time with Steven Farber of Take Flight Learning discussing why it is important for salespeople and leaders to understand and adapt to different personality styles. You'll learn the significance of how understanding personality styles will elevate your sales skills, help you build deeper relationships, and improve your closing ratio. Key Takeaways: Importance of Personality Tests in Sales: Jessica expresses her enthusiasm for personality tests and their application in sales, emphasizing how understanding one's own personality and adapting to others' can enhance sales interactions and relationships. Bird Personality Types: The conversation delves into the bird personality types, a concept used by Take Flight Learning to categorize different personality styles. These include the eagle (confident, direct, results-driven), the parrot (social, talkative, enthusiastic), the dove (peaceful, harmonious, methodical), and the owl (wise, analytical, observant). Each bird type has its unique communication style and approach to problem-solving. Adapting to Different Personalities: Steven discusses the importance of recognizing and adapting to the various bird personality types in sales and everyday interactions. He shares anecdotes and examples to illustrate how understanding and flexing to different personality styles can lead to more effective communication and better outcomes in sales. Practical Tips for Salespeople: The episode provides practical advice for salespeople on how to identify and adapt to different personality types in their prospects and clients. This includes paying attention to cues like tone of voice, body language, and response patterns to tailor their approach accordingly. Personal Growth and Flexibility: Both Jessica and Steven emphasize the value of personal growth and flexibility in sales. They encourage salespeople to stretch beyond their comfort zones, be kind to themselves during the learning process, and continuously strive to improve their skills and adaptability. Understanding Personality Styles is a Game Changer in Sales People are different. You know it, I know it. You've got your quiet thinkers, your chatty Kathys, your decision-makers, and those who need a bit more hand-holding. If you're treating them all the same, you're missing out. Think about your last sales call. Maybe it was smooth sailing, or maybe it was like talking to a brick wall. Ever wonder why? It's not always about the product or the pitch. Sometimes, it's about not clicking with the person you're talking to. That's where knowing a bit about personality styles comes in handy. Understanding personality styles isn't just about making sales; it's about building relationships. When you get where someone is coming from, you're not just another salesperson trying to hit a quota; you become a trusted advisor. Think about it. Would you rather buy from someone who gets you or someone who's just pushing a product? It's a no-brainer. Speaking the Same Language Let's break it down. Some folks are all about the facts. They want the nitty-gritty details, the stats, the ROI. Then you've got the ones who are looking for a connection. They want to know you get them, that you're on the same wavelength. And let's not forget the decision-makers who want the bottom line, no fluff, just straight talk. Now, imagine you're pitching to someone who loves details, and you go in all guns blazing with big-picture talk. It's like you're speaking French, and they only understand Italian. Not exactly a recipe for success, right? Here's where it gets interesting. Once you start paying attention to these styles, you can tailor your approach. It's like having a secret weapon. You start speaking their language,
Mar 9
39 min
Leading & Sustaining a Hyper-Growth Company
On this episode of the Sales Gravy Podcast, Jeb Blount sits down with KaTom CEO Patricia Bible to discuss what it takes to lead and sustain a hyper-growth company. Reflecting on her journey with KaTom, Patricia shared insights into the exponential growth of this hyper-growth organization. "It's been a whirlwind of achievements, challenges, and invaluable lessons," she remarked. The Essence of Courage and Wisdom Patricia's philosophy revolves around the courage to face adversity and the wisdom to learn from every experience. She fondly recalled a quote by Winston Churchill that resonates with her: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." This mantra has guided her through the highs and lows, enabling her to lead KaTom with resilience and foresight. Overcoming Adversity with Grace The conversation took a deeply personal turn as Patricia recounted the challenges she faced following the unexpected loss of her husband and co-founder of KaTom. "It was a pivotal moment that tested my resolve, but it also brought to light the incredible strength and support of our team," she shared. Her ability to navigate through grief and lead the company forward is a powerful narrative of leadership in the face of adversity. Fostering a Culture of Accountability and Innovation Patricia's leadership style is characterized by a strong emphasis on accountability and a culture that encourages innovation. "Creating an environment where every team member feels empowered to contribute and challenge the status quo is crucial for sustained growth," she explained. This approach has not only propelled KaTom to new heights but has also cultivated a sense of ownership and pride among the employees. Leading a hyper-growth company like KaTom involves navigating complex challenges and seizing opportunities with strategic foresight. Here are some key elements to successfully leading such a dynamic organization: Visionary Leadership Setting a clear, ambitious, and achievable vision for the company's future is crucial. This vision should inspire the team and guide decision-making at all levels. Being able to pivot and adapt strategies in response to market changes, technological advancements, and customer needs is essential for sustaining growth. Building a Strong Culture Creating a culture where employees feel empowered to take initiative, innovate, and contribute to the company's success. Fostering a sense of responsibility where team members are accountable for their results, encouraging a high-performance environment. Talent Management Hyper-growth companies need to attract top talent by offering compelling opportunities for growth, learning, and impact. Retaining top performers through continuous development, recognition, and providing pathways for advancement within the organization. Scalable Systems and Processes Implementing scalable systems and processes that can accommodate rapid growth without compromising on service quality or operational efficiency. Continuously seeking out and integrating new technologies and methodologies to improve productivity and stay ahead of the competition. Customer-Centric Approach Maintaining a deep understanding of customer needs, preferences, and feedback to tailor products and services accordingly. Developing strong relationships with customers, suppliers, and partners to ensure long-term loyalty and support. Financial Acumen Managing financial resources wisely to fuel growth while maintaining healthy margins and cash flow. Strategically investing in areas that will drive future growth, such as marketing and expanding into new markets or product lines. Resilience and Perseverance Being prepared to face setbacks and challenges without losing sight of the long-term goal...
Feb 25
27 min
Sell More by Putting Buyers First feat. Carole Mahoney
On this episode of the Sales Gravy podcast Jeb Blount and Carole Mahoney, author of the hit new book Buyer First, underscore the importance of putting buyers first and aligning with the buyer's journey. They dive into the power of empathy, the art of listening, and innovative ways of selling that prioritize the buyer's needs and experiences to increase closing ratios. Human Centric, Buyer First Selling In the whirlwind of today's sales scene, there's a fresh, more human approach taking center stage. It's all about walking in step with the buyer's journey, tuning into empathy, mastering the art of listening, and flipping the script on traditional selling to truly put the buyer's needs first. Navigating The Buyer's Journey Picture the buyer's journey not as a straight shot from point A to B, but more like a winding road, complete with twists, turns, and the occasional backtrack. It's a ride through awareness, consideration, and finally, decision. For sales folks looking to really connect, it's about getting the map to this journey, understanding the lay of the land at each stage, and customizing their pitch to meet the buyer right where they are. It's less about sealing the deal and more about being a trusted guide, helping the buyer navigate their options to find the perfect fit for their needs. This shift towards empathy doesn't just feel good; it makes solid business sense, too. It transforms the buyer-seller dynamic into a partnership built on trust, paving the way for not just a one-off sale but a lasting relationship. Empathy: The Soul of Sales Today At the heart of putting buyers first is empathy. It's about seeing the world through the buyer's eyes, feeling their pain points, and genuinely wanting to help. This human connection is what sets apart the modern sales pro in a sea of information overload. By showing real care for the buyer's challenges and goals, salespeople can break through the noise, offering not just a product, but a solution that truly resonates. But don't mistake empathy for mere niceness. It's a strategic ace, giving salespeople the insight to tailor their messages and solutions in a way that truly hits home for the buyer. Listening is Key Listening – really listening – is where the magic happens. It's about tuning in with all senses, catching not just the words but the emotions and unspoken needs behind them. This deep dive into the buyer's world uncovers golden nuggets of insight, enabling sales pros to craft responses and solutions that are as unique as the buyer's own story. Today's buyer is savvy, connected, and expects more. They want interactions that are relevant, personal, and respectful. To sell more, adopt strategies that put the buyer's experience front and center. This pivot to a buyer-centric approach heralds a new chapter in sales, one where understanding, empathy, and genuine connection are give you a competitive edge. As the world continues to evolve, those who embrace a buyer first mindset are set to not just survive but thrive, building relationships that last and driving success that's both sustainable and fulfilling. Learn why more than 50,000 sales professionals and sales teams get the tools, tactics, and techniques to sell more on Sales Gravy University
Feb 4
50 min
How Story Getters Sell More Featuring Ryan Taft
On this must-listen episode of the Sales Gravy Podcast, Jeb Blount sits down with Ryan Taft. Ryan is the author of  the hit new sales book Story Getter. Jeb and Ryan explore how buying is an emotional experience and sales pros that ask questions that get the story “why” behind the buyer’s “what” sell more. They dive into how curiosity and empathy are pivotal for transforming your sales approach. Curiosity Is the Fuel of Story Getters Top sales professionals understanding the human element. They have mastered the subtle art of connecting with people and leverage natural curiosity to get people to open up and share their stories. Curiosity is the unsung hero in the sales process. It's about getting below the surface. This isn't about interrogating; it's about engaging in a conversation that uncovers deeper needs and desires. When a salesperson is genuinely curious, they ask questions that go beyond the standard script. It's about understanding the customer's journey, their challenges, and what they truly value. Story Getters understand that curiosity is a gateway to understanding their business needs, challenges, and even apprehensions. It's a step towards a solution that's not just a product but a tailored answer to their unique problem. Empathy is More Than Just a Buzzword Empathy in sales is about connecting on a human level. It's about seeing the world from the customer's perspective, feeling what they feel. This emotional intelligence allows salespeople to build a rapport that goes beyond the transactional. When customers feel understood, they are more open to listening and engaging. Consider a situation where a customer is afraid of making a decision. An empathetic response involves recognizing their fear, validating their feelings, and then collaboratively finding a way to move forward. This approach not only addresses the immediate concern but also strengthens the long-term relationship. The Art of Balancing Curiosity and Empathy Mastering the balance between curiosity and empathy is crucial. It's about asking the right questions and then genuinely listening to the answers. This balance creates a dialogue where the customer feels valued, understood, and want to share their story. For instance, a salesperson might ask, "How does this challenge affect you personally?" This question shows that you're not just interested in selling a product but are invested in understanding their feeling. Listening actively to their response, and showing understanding, builds a deeper emotional connection. Implementing Curiosity and Empathy in Your Sales Strategy Integrating Story Getting into your sales strategy involves a shift in mindset. It's about moving from a selling mindset to a helping mindset. Adopting a curious and empathetic approach to sales conversations along with more effective questions, will give you a clear competitive edge. Furthermore, this approach can lead to better problem-solving. Understanding the customer's needs and challenges, through their stories, allows for more tailored solutions, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Remember, people don't just buy products or services; they buy experiences and relationships. By putting the human back into sales, we can redefine success in this ever-evolving field. Learn the art of selling on Sales Gravy University, the world's most powerful sales training engine.
Jan 23
51 min
Innovative Prospecting for Scaling Your Business and Sales Career
In the latest episode of the Sales Gravy podcast, we had the privilege of diving deep into the world of prospecting and sales with Kristin Andree from the Andree Group. Hosted by Sales Gravy Master Trainer Jessica Stokes, this episode offers a treasure trove of strategies, tips, and personal anecdotes that are essential for anyone looking for innovative ways to scale their sales career or business. This episode is a blend of practical advice, innovative techniques, and motivational insights that can transform your approach to sales and client relationships. So, tune in, take notes, and embark on your journey to sales excellence. The Bedrock of Sales Success: Truly Understanding Your Audience Let's take a deeper dive into this enlightening conversation between Jessica and Kristin on Innovative Prospecting for Scaling Your Business and Sales Career. This episode is not just a discussion; it's a masterclass in understanding, engaging, and growing in the complex world of sales. Kristin Andre begins by unraveling the essence of sales - understanding your target market. Her approach is straightforward yet profound: “Know your people, find your people, love them hard.” This mantra goes beyond the surface, urging sales professionals to dive deep into the psyche of their target market. It's about empathy, understanding their needs, and aligning your solutions to meet those needs effectively. Segmenting Your Market: A Strategic Approach Expanding on knowing your audience, Kristin highlights the importance of market segmentation. By identifying niche markets and tailoring your approach to each segment, sales professionals can enhance their effectiveness. This targeted approach ensures that your message resonates more deeply with each unique group within your broader audience. Innovative Prospecting: Leveraging Modern Tools for Maximum Impact In today's digital-first world, Kristin emphasizes the need to think outside the traditional prospecting box. Using podcasts, social media, and content creation, salespeople can reach a wider audience and establish themselves as thought leaders in their field. This section of the podcast offers a goldmine of ideas for digital prospecting, including leveraging LinkedIn for networking and content distribution. Crafting Engaging Content: A Key to Digital Prospecting Kristin talks about the power of creating engaging, value-driven content. She delves into strategies for developing content that not only attracts attention but also establishes credibility and trust. This includes tips on understanding what resonates with your audience and how to consistently deliver content that keeps them engaged and interested. The Art of Client Engagement: Beyond the Transaction Kristin's perspective on client engagement is a refreshing take on building lasting relationships. She advocates for a personal touch in client interactions, suggesting thoughtful gifting strategies and meaningful communication that demonstrate genuine care. This section provides practical tips on how to transform client interactions from transactional to relational. Building Lasting Relationships: The Long-Term Approach Expanding on client engagement, Kristin discusses the importance of a long-term approach to building client relationships. This includes understanding client needs over time, being responsive to changes, and consistently delivering value beyond the initial sale. She shares personal anecdotes and examples that illustrate the power of long-term relationship building. Personal Growth: The Intersection of Self-Awareness and Sales Success Kristin's insights on personal growth highlight the importance of self-awareness in sales. She talks about the need to recognize and play to your strengths while seeking opportunities for growth and i...
Jan 8
31 min
Sales Fitness: How Staying Physically Fit Helps You Sell More
Sales professionals are constantly seeking new strategies to enhance their performance and edge out the competition. Interestingly, one crucial aspect that often gets overlooked is physical sales fitness. On this game changing episode of the Sales Gravy Podcast, Jeb Blount discusses how physical fitness impact sales success with online fitness coach Josh Hulsebosch. Sales is a demanding profession that requires both mental and physical stamina. We need to be able to think on our feet, manage emotions, think creatively, and solve problems. This requires a tremendous amount of mental energy. Energy that is not there when you are in poor physical shape. How Physical Fitness Can Drive Sales Success The podcast kicks off by addressing the undeniable impact of physical appearance in the sales industry. It underscores that first impressions are vital and that a fit appearance can project a positive image of discipline, dedication, and energy. Salespeople who maintain a healthy and fit physique can significantly influence client perceptions and decisions, often leading to more favorable outcomes in sales interactions. Energy Levels and Stamina A major highlight of the discussion is the correlation between physical fitness and energy levels. The speakers share personal anecdotes and scientific evidence to illustrate how regular physical activity can boost stamina and endurance. This is particularly beneficial for sales professionals who often face long hours, extensive travel, and high-pressure situations. By staying physically fit, salespeople can maintain high energy levels throughout their demanding schedules, ensuring they are always at the top of their game. Stress Management The conversation then shifts to the topic of stress management, a critical aspect for any salesperson. The speakers discuss how the high-pressure environment of sales can lead to significant stress, affecting both mental and physical health. They advocate for physical fitness as a powerful tool for stress relief, noting that exercise can significantly reduce anxiety and improve mental clarity. Josh and Jeb offer practical tips on incorporating regular physical activity into one's routine to manage stress effectively. Health and Reduced Sick Days Further into the podcast, the focus turns to the health benefits of physical fitness, particularly its impact on immunity and overall well-being. Jeb and Josh discuss how staying fit can lead to fewer sick days, ensuring continuous engagement in sales activities and client interactions. They highlight that consistent performance is key in sales, and maintaining good health is essential to achieving this consistency. Confidence and Self-Esteem An interesting segment of the podcast explores the relationship between physical fitness, confidence, and self-esteem. Feeling good about one's body can lead to a more confident and assertive presence, which is incredibly valuable in sales contexts. They share stories of how their fitness journeys have positively influenced their professional interactions and sales outcomes. Cognitive Benefits of Improved Sales Fitness The podcast also touches on the cognitive benefits of regular physical activity, including improved memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills. The speakers provide evidence from various studies and personal experiences to illustrate how fitness can enhance cognitive function, leading to better decision-making and more effective sales strategies. Building Rapport and Relationships An engaging part of the discussion revolves around using fitness as a tool to build rapport with clients. The speakers share how sharing fitness tips or experiences can serve as an excellent conversation starter or bonding activity,
Jan 1
41 min
How to Sell More With LinkedIn and Digital Selling feat. Brynne Tillman
On this episode of the Sales Gravy Podcast, LinkedIn Guru Brynne Tillman shares her best tips and secrets for how to Sell More with LinkedIn. This episode is a goldmine for sales professionals seeking to harness the power of digital tools in their sales strategies. Brynne Tillman’s approach to digital sales is both innovative and practical. Her ability to simplify complex concepts and relate them to everyday sales scenarios makes her advice incredibly valuable. Revolutionizing Sales with AI and Technology Brynne emphasized how AI and technological advancements are reshaping the sales landscape. She discussed how these tools can help salespeople understand and predict customer behavior, automate routine tasks, and personalize their sales approaches. For instance, she mentioned the use of AI in analyzing customer interaction data to identify potential leads and opportunities. Practical Tips for LinkedIn and Digital Sales Success A highlight of the episode was Brynne’s take on social selling. She stressed the importance of using platforms like LinkedIn not just as a sales tool but as a means to build genuine, long-lasting relationships. She shared anecdotes of how creating valuable content and engaging authentically with one’s network can lead to trust-building, which is crucial for successful sales. Practical Strategies to Sell More on LinkedIn LinkedIn has evolved from a mere professional networking site to a robust platform where the art of selling can be refined and executed with precision. It's a treasure trove for salespeople who know how to tap into its potential. As Brynne eloquently put it, "LinkedIn is a goldmine for those willing to dig deeper." Building a Magnetic LinkedIn Profile The journey on LinkedIn begins with your profile. It's your digital handshake, the first impression you make on potential clients. Brynne emphasized the need for a client-centric profile. She said, "Your profile shouldn’t be a resume; it should be a resource." This means crafting a profile that speaks directly to your target audience, addressing their pain points, and offering solutions. Use a professional headshot, craft a compelling headline, and ensure every section of your profile showcases your expertise and the value you can bring to your clients. Content is King On LinkedIn, content reigns supreme. Sharing valuable content positions you as a thought leader and helps build trust with your network. But it's not just about posting for the sake of it. The content needs to resonate with your audience. Brynne suggested a mix of original and curated content that addresses the latest trends, challenges, and solutions in your industry. Regularly posting articles, insights, and even engaging in thoughtful discussions on relevant posts can significantly increase your visibility and credibility. Engagement: The Key to Building Relationships LinkedIn is not just a platform to broadcast your achievements and content; it's a community. Engaging with your network's content is just as important as posting your own. Brynne advised, "Like, comment, and share. Engage genuinely and consistently." This engagement should be thoughtful and add value, showing that you are not just there to sell, but to be a part of the conversation. Leveraging LinkedIn for Sales Prospecting The true power of LinkedIn for sales professionals lies in its ability to find and connect with potential clients. Brynne shared several tactics for effective prospecting. Advanced search features, alumni networks, and joining relevant groups can help you identify and connect with potential leads. But the key is in the approach. She recommended personalizing connection requests and messages, avoiding the hard sell, and focusing on building a relationship first.
Dec 13, 2023
1 hr 6 min
You’re a New Sales Manager, Now What? Featuring Mike Weinberg
On this episode of the Sales Gravy Podcast, I dive into part two of my conversation with sales leadership expert Mike Weinberg on what new sales managers need to do to get off to a successful start. The information in this episode is so good that you'll want to listen twice and take good notes. Navigating the Challenges of Being a New Sales Manager The episode kicks off with an engaging story from Jeb Blount about his early days in sales leadership. Thrust into a managerial role at just 23 years old due to an unexpected incident, Jeb shares rapid rise to responsibility highlights the often-unpredictable path to sales leadership and the importance of adaptability and quick learning in such roles. A key highlight of Jeb’s story is the impact of mentorship on his career. He credits Mary Gardner, the Area Vice President of his group, for fundamentally shaping his approach to sales leadership. Mary’s emphasis on coaching and her advice on being observant and patient offers timeless wisdom for new sales managers. Core Principles for New Sales Managers Mike Weinberg stresses the importance of 'keeping your mouth shut and your ears open' as a new leader. This approach is not about being passive but rather about being strategically observant, identifying opportunities for improvement, and understanding team dynamics before jumping into action. One of the critical roles of a sales manager is to coach rather than directly involve oneself in every sale. This part of the discussion sheds light on the common mistake new managers make - trying to be the hero in every sales call, which ultimately hampers the development of their team. Mike and Jeb discuss the balance between personal sales contributions and the development of the team. The insight here is clear: sales leadership is less about personal selling skills and more about elevating the capabilities of the team. Challenges in Sales Leadership Many sales leaders are overwhelmed with non-sales-related tasks, preventing them from focusing on key activities like coaching, mentoring, and strategy development. The discussion underscores the need for support from higher management. Often, new sales leaders are not given clear priorities, leading to misaligned efforts and burnout. It is crucial for executives to understand and support the primary role of sales managers - revenue generation. Key Takeaways for New Sales Managers New sales leaders must prioritize coaching, adaptability, and team development over individual sales achievements. The journey of a sales leader is unique and challenging, but with the right approach and support, it can be incredibly rewarding. Remember, as a new sales manager, your success lies in how well you can elevate your team, not just your personal sales achievements. So listen, observe, coach, and lead your team to new heights. Getting off to a good start in your first 90 days as a new sales manager is crucial. The key to success is knowing where to start, where to focus, and what to avoid. In this brilliant, must watch Expert Voice, sales leadership expert and bestselling author Mike Weinberg shares seven keys to success for new sales managers. Watch Now
Dec 4, 2023
39 min
Getting Started as a New Sales Manager (Part One) feat. Mike Weinberg
On this episode of the Sales Gravy Podcast, I sit down with Mike Weinberg for Part One of our conversation on the state of the Sales Profession, sales leadership, and getting started as a new sales manager. This conversation was a special treat because Mike is such an important and trusted voice within the sales profession and it is rare that Mike and I can find the time to get together. Embracing the Fundamentals: Getting Started as a New Sales Manager in a Rapidly Changing World As we work to sell more in the face of constant change, the wisdom of industry veterans like Mike Weinberg stands out as a beacon, guiding us through the evolving landscape of customer relationships, technology, sales strategies, and sales leadership. His insights, derived from decades of experience, provide a roadmap for both aspiring and seasoned sales manager in navigating the complex and often misunderstood profession of sales. Understanding the Core of Sales The art of selling, despite technological advancements and evolving methodologies, remains fundamentally anchored in human interaction and relationships. Weinberg underscores that the crux of effective selling lies in understanding and addressing customer needs, clear communication, and building trust. These timeless principles are the bedrock upon which successful sales strategies are built, regardless of the industry or market dynamics. The Evolution of Sales Training and Leadership Sales training and leadership have undergone significant transformation over the years. Weinberg points out a critical gap in many organizations - the transition from being a top-performing salesperson to an effective sales manager. This shift requires not only a change in skills but also a fundamental shift in mindset. Sales Management is about nurturing and developing talent, fostering a culture of accountability, and leading by example. It's about guiding teams through challenges and inspiring them to achieve collective success. Technology: A Tool, Not a Replacement In our tech-driven age, there's a growing tendency to rely heavily on technology for sales processes. While technology undoubtedly offers efficiency and data-driven insights, Weinberg cautions against allowing it to overshadow the human element. Automation and AI are tools to enhance, not replace, the personal touch that is central to building and maintaining customer relationships. The challenge for modern sales professionals is to integrate technology into their strategies without losing the essence of personal connection. Debunking the Myths of Social Selling Social selling has been touted as a revolutionary approach in the digital era. However, Weinberg challenges this notion, arguing that while it is a valuable component of a broader strategy, it is not a standalone solution. The effectiveness of traditional methods like phone calls and face-to-face meetings remains significant. Social selling should complement, not replace, these time-tested techniques. Navigating Crises in Sales Management Leading a sales team through periods of crisis requires more than just strategic acumen. It demands adaptability, empathy, and clear communication. Weinberg emphasizes the importance of maintaining team morale and productivity during such times. Sales leaders must be beacons of stability and clarity, guiding their teams through uncertainty with a steady hand and an empathetic approach. Personal Growth and Future Trends Weinberg’s journey also highlights the importance of personal growth and adaptation in a rapidly changing industry. The future of sales lies in balancing technological advancements with the irreplaceable human elements. As AI and machine learning continue to shape the landscape, sales professionals and leaders must remain agile,
Nov 27, 2023
29 min
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