Robotech World
Robotech World
via Podcasts
The Spanish host claims he does this "for the fandom" when in reality it is to win brownie points with the people who run Robotech. He will go to great lengths to achieve this, and NO sacrifice is too great for a cartoon. (he frequently refers to it as his "God". He rewrites fan history putting the spotlight on himself thinking he has some major influence when the majority of fans see through his little game and just dismiss him. And he actually knows nothing about the show itself. It is just a platform to try (and failing miserably) to show that being a fan of a cartoon and buying drinks for it's owners equates to a social status and entitles him to some sort of homage. MEMO1DOMINION = GUILLERMO PATIÑO = SAD LITTLE MAN.
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An up to date podcast for Robotech
While the production quality needs some improvement, the content is excellent! These guys actually deliver up to date Robotech happenings. They go out there and discuss what is going on in the world of Robotech- the last episode had an interview with Tommy Yune! How much more dead on Robotech can you get! Great show guys, keep it up for the fans, we appreciate it!
Grandpaw Smurf