lauren hlushak
SPF 031: A Faith Misplaced - Anxiety Part 1
38 minutes Posted Feb 28, 2017 at 9:58 pm.
I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Anxiety is often diagnosed as a thinking problem. If we just changed our thought patterns then we could manage our anxieties as if the problem is rooted in manifesting positivity.  But From a biblical worldview anxiety is a faith issue. It’s rooted in our belief system. We are anxious when we put our faith in something other than God. When we put our trust in other things, anxiety will fill our hearts.  We need faith in a right view of God and His promises - not just in what we think about God.  Wendy Alsup in her book “Practical Theology for Women” says, “many of us come to God with unbiblical notions of who He is and what He does. We’ve let our culture and upbringing, rather than the Bible itself, determine the character traits we attribute to God." Authentic faith comes from an understanding of God’s true nature and promises found in Scripture alone. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Hope in Repentance and Belief The hope in being honest about a lack of faith is that we can repent of that sin and turn back to God and His Truth. When we repent for not trusting God, God forgives us and restores us and blesses us.  Psalm 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. Part 2 Anxiety Relievers - Episode 32 Coming Soon Anchored: 7 Anxiety Relievers to Build Authentic Faith Bible Study Check out Shannon's IG stories as she goes through the Anchored study Order yours with free shipping with code DENVER at checkout Anchored: 7 Anxiety Relievers to Build Authentic Faith 12.00 Do you struggle with some sort of anxiety? Are you worried about something? Or overwhelmed by fear?  God did not create us to be anxious, but to flourish! DOLLAR SHIPPING for 1 - 2 books! For local (Denver) delivery OR if you want to order 10 or more studies - email lauren at sheprovesfaithful.com for information on discounts. Quantity: Add to Cart
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There’s a verse in the Bible that says “do not be anxious about anything.” um, excuse me, have you ever lived in my shoes? Sometimes we think our anxieties about life are just a byproduct of living, sometimes we deal with them or cover them up, but somedays they ultimately defeat us. Today we are looking at what the Bible says about anxiety and uncover the root of why our hearts are really anxious. This is part 1 of a two part series.  Biblical Worship Music for Your Kids! Seeds Family Worship has incredible resources to help your family (or church or youth group) learn the Word of God through song. Check out some of their incredible resources by visiting www.seedsfamilyworship.com and get 15% off any purchase by using the code sheprovesfaithful Here are some of my favorites: Seeds of Courage CD or Digital MP3 album Seeds of Courage DVD - videos to help learn the Words of God Lullaby's and Scriptures Songs for your little lambs Seeds of Easter CD and DVD Combo pack - get ready for Easter! Anxiety - A Faith Misplaced Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Anxiety is often diagnosed as a thinking problem. If we just changed our thought patterns then we could manage our anxieties - as if the problem is rooted in manifesting positivity.  But From a biblical worldview anxiety is a faith issue. It’s rooted in our belief system. We are anxious when we put our faith in something other than God. When we put our trust in other things, anxiety will fill our hearts.  We need faith in a right view of God and His promises - not just in what we think about God.  Wendy Alsup in her book “Practical Theology for Women” says, “many of us come to God with unbiblical notions of who He is and what He does. We’ve let our culture and upbringing, rather than the Bible itself, determine the character traits we attribute to God." Authentic faith comes from an understanding of God’s true nature and promises found in Scripture alone. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Hope in Repentance and Belief The hope in being honest about a lack of faith is that we can repent of that sin and turn back to God and His Truth. When we repent for not trusting God, God forgives us and restores us and blesses us.  Psalm 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. Part 2 Anxiety Relievers - Episode 32 Coming Soon Anchored: 7 Anxiety Relievers to Build Authentic Faith Bible Study Check out Shannon's IG stories as she goes through the Anchored study Order yours with free shipping with code DENVER at checkout Anchored: 7 Anxiety Relievers to Build Authentic Faith 12.00 Do you struggle with some sort of anxiety? Are you worried about something? Or overwhelmed by fear?  God did not create us to be anxious, but to flourish! DOLLAR SHIPPING for 1 - 2 books! For local (Denver) delivery OR if you want to order 10 or more studies - email lauren at sheprovesfaithful.com for information on discounts. Quantity: Add to Cart