Photo Geek Weekly
Photo Geek Weekly
Photo Geek Weekly
via Podcasts
Episode 189
You were doing great until you stopped talking about photography and then started calling people “Twats”. Your words. Unfollowed.
Randy’s O.
Niches & news
Don K reveals such interesting niches in the wide world of photography. These podcasts expose me to topics I didn’t know about - many I stay with don’t hit my particular interests. But I’ll always give it a go. Don is such a congenial guy & his guests animated so always a pleasant experience.
Chris Truhe
Could be 5 star
This could be a great podcast, but Don can’t leave his socialist political commentary out of a photography oriented podcast. I realize that being Canadian the socialism is ingrained, so I don’t expect any change regarding that. Otherwise, the technical content is excellent and insightful, the guest hosts are all also excellent.
Cosmo's Crusader
Fantastic educational resource with charismatic hosts
I started following Dom for his macro photography (and supported his Kickstarter book), then found out he has this podcast. It’s so good. He always has a great guest, and I learn something new and entertaining each week. The weekly picks are particularly interesting, allowing me to explore new products and software that I would not otherwise see.
Dr. Liu PRS
My weekly photo fix
I came across Dom via Picturing Success and have been a fan ever since! He always has the most interesting photography news to discuss. His guests are always great and he’s a pretty great guy too! Worth a listen every week! And if you fall a few weeks behind (like me) you can always listen to the “old” news and still enjoy it. I feel like I learn something new every time I listen and I love it!
Great chats about all things photography
Don hosts terrific guests and they hit all the marks in a far ranging discussion about things you never knew you wanted to know about in the world of photography. One negative: it’s terribly addictive. Make room in your podcast listening schedule.
WoW Hunter
The Best Photo News Show
Photo Geek Weekly is hands down the best photo news podcast you’ll find. Each show Don Komarechka is joined by a guest to discuss 4 or 5 stories that not only relate to photography but that are also geeky. That mix makes the show fantastic. The guests he gets are also top notch! From DPReview’s Jordan Drake and Chris Niccolls, to Rick Sammon and more. Highly recommended.
Great listen
Don does a great job reviewing photography from a unique perspective. I’ve been listening to podcasts forever and it’s great to get something different. I was driving home listening to Don and Steve talk about the new lithium sulfide batteries. I started to grin when Don said “it sends shivers down my spine “ when thinking of future possibilities. Only true geeks can understand that type of excitement about batteries. Awesome!
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More than nuts and bolks
Really geeky chat at times, but also a good chat to help inform as well as inspire photographers. Nice work on this, Mr. K
Ant Pruitt
Great, enjoyable, informative podcast!
The geekery here is off the charts, and that's a beautiful thing. Don is very personable and seems like he would be a great guy to hang with. I noticed that there are quite a few reviews commenting on Don talking a lot or not letting his guests talk. He often sets up the next topic, taking a while to do so. I find this interesting, but can understand why some might feel that he is not letting his guest talk as much. Also, when he has guests such as Steve Brazil on, there's much more give and take. Some of the guests who are less overtly opinionated or quieter may not get as many words in. But really, the podcast is a high quality one, and I can always count on it to be fascinating, so I will give this five stars nonetheless.
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Ken Lee Photography
Love this podcast!!
I listen every week!!
Verbal Monopoly
Every few months I try to listen to Photo Geek Weekly and when I do, I usually stop withing 15 minutes. Don is an accomplished photographer as are his guests, however, he never lets them talk. Don will ask a question, the guest will start to respond, and before he/she can develop the concept, Don takes over the conversation with something he can't help but add to the conversation. This is a real disappoinment when he has someone like Ibarionex Perillo on and Don doesn't let him talk. I started to listen to Don and Brian Matiash today and had to stop. Oiy!
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Chuck Origer
Very informative and interesting. The man is honest, experienced, open. Just one suggestion: let your guests talk.
Love the geekery
I know geekery isn’t a word. But if you’re a Photography geek this is for you. My only quibble, most times, Don doesn’t let his guest get a word in edgewise.
Eff Cue
Great podcast to stay updated
Don does a great job. He is one of many photography podcasts that I listen to and learn.
Doug ha
Great Podcast
This is one of my favorite podcsts. Takes a varied list of concepts and goes just a touch deeper. Anyone that has seen Don's snowlfake pictures and read his right ups on a smowflake know what I mean. Of the 15 or so podcasts on my list, this is one, I always listen to. Plus Don gets some great guests to expand my photography knowledge in general. Keep it up.
jb mar 2012
One of the Best Photo Podcasts
This is a great podcast! I really enjoy the guests and discussions about so many aspects of tech and science as it pertains to photography. Don has a very casual style and its like you are along for the ride for an informative and friendly conversation. In addition to science and tech, the talks on copyright have been very informative!
Photography tech news and geekery
This is for you if you enjoy photography and are interested in the technology behind it. Don is a great host. Definitely a weekly highlight for me.
Great podcast
I’m not super geeky when it comes to taking my own photos but still enjoy learning geeky things which this show is great for. Highly recommend!!