Nature vs Narcissism
Nature vs Narcissism
Heather Wright
Nature vs Narcissism
Heather Wright
Nature vs Narcissism is a true crime/comedy podcast based in Cincinnati, Ohio where Heather and her guests discuss true crimes and the narcissists who commit them. Sometimes we have alcohol and sometimes things get weird. Relaunching on our 4th PodBirthday (Oct 22, 2021), the structure changed a lot. Every episode is different and every episode is entertaining! We will delve into whether we think nature made the criminals commit these heinous acts, or if it's simply their narcissism getting the best of them. Keep in mind, this podcast is strictly for entertainment purposes and is in no way a professional diagnosis of the subjects discussed.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 36 days
Latest episode
a day ago
April 26
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