The Intercept
via Podcasts
Plays like an over extended episode of Maury Povich. Impoverished and (frankly) stupid people running head-long into our lazy and inept legal system. This isn’t interesting. This isn’t entertaining. This is just sad on a dozen different levels. Pointless waste of time.
No evidence
This podcast is highlighting a story based on feelings and presenting no evidence. Then attempting to through in another suspect, again with no evidence. There seems to be no thorough investigation just interviews with victims family. You can’t complete an investigative true crime based on interviews only. This host is attempting to jump on the investigative true crime band wagon, this is not for everyone. Horrible job wasn’t convincing. Please stop allowing anyone to make a podcast.
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Terrible narration
Just say the last names without trying to same them in such an annoying culturally appropriate way really ruins the entire series. Obviously not from TX
Love the in depth reporting
So many true crime shows seem to gloss over some pieces of a case to, perhaps, create more sympathy for the subject of the podcast. Not here! They tell it all- the good, bad and even incriminating. Being a prior Harris County resident and TDCJ inmate advocate, I remember several of the investigations such as the crime lab failures. Looking forward to the next case.
Just curious what does Joe Biden being elected have to do with your declining revenue? I find myself so annoyed with that intro statement that I can’t even listen to the podcast.
It Sukarno!!!!!!!
Hard to Listen To
Literally. I made it through season 1 with some trouble based on the delivery and voices of the hosts. I really like Intercepted (though they do tend to skew toward male-centered points of view) and also listen to a lot of true crime podcasts. I have never been a fan of NPR-style delivery/reporting, and unfortunately, one of the hosts falls really badly into this category. The other has a voice that is fairly grating. If this were a visual documentary, it probably wouldn't bother me, but as this is audio-only I just can't. I did make it though season 1, and it's a shame I can't get through season 2 - although reading some of the comments about how dismissive the hosts/journalists are about domestic violence I'm probably glad. I heard a little bit about that in one of the first episodes, and grumbled, but if there's more to come - I'm glad I quit listening. It's kind of a shame because the stories are important, but my ears just can't take it.
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I have enjoyed your podcasts, but the more you complete, the worse you get at including your own political overtones. It diminishes your story and belittles your work, which is otherwise good. In addition, episode 3, and your dismissive attitude about domestic violence and rape of his young girlfriend is horrible. You call her “not an expert.” Who else is an expert on his violent actions? Disappointing and shame on you. I hope you look at this. In addition, I find the fact that you refer to the victim just with her last name is terribly disrespectful. I hope you realize how your ratings have dropped during this season.
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A well done piece showing how our legal system can fall short on justice
This is a thoughtful, detailed and (yes) entertaining podcast that shines a light on the sham and shame that is our justice system — where preserving the the process and system is oftentimes more important than justice itself. Keep up the good work, we need more of this
Miguel from Gloucester
Good job
Great podcast. But Linda. The daughter. Her comment toward the beginning of episode 6……. She’s trash.
scrote mcgoat
I’ve listened to all seasons, 1 and 2 are good. EPISODE 3 S2 SHOULD BE REMOVED. Victim shaming a survivor of domestic violence—disgusting. This is all disjointed, the victim himself repeatedly admits the crime…..journalists should do a better job of proving why confession was coerced before doubting the entire process of this case. AND TREATING THAT POOR VICTIM OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SO HORRIBLY. Podcasters lost all credibility episode 3. Maybe the story evolves and you end up seeing things from a different angle, but so far not much evidence to suggest he is innocent. Do a better job of laying out why he is innocent before discrediting the witness, victim family, cops, court, and the accused himself.
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I stopped listening during episode three. I cannot keep supporting a podcast that negates a woman’s testimony of abuse as lies because the guy “just slapped her around a little and never used his fists.” What an absolutely disgusting way to treat a victim of domestic violence who had enough courage to stand up to her abuser in court.
Good job..
What’s up with all the haters? I thought they did a great job.. Interesting, compelling and a conclusion.. Previous reviewer didn’t have patience, stopped after 3 episodes..Hhmmmm they are introducing characters and setting up story.. Great podcast.
Clearly Biased
I was looking for more balanced journalism. Unsubscribing.
Gravitating / Addicting
I anticipate the new episode and intrigued by their dedication to these cases and criminal justice work.
I listen to a LOT of true crime podcasts and I thought the first season was fantastic. So, when I saw there was finally a second season, I was thrilled! These ladies know what they’re doing!
Thank you!
Thank you for covering this story. I live in Adel and know several of the people involved in this case. The hosts delivered this story perfectly.
Your average biased piece
I was hoping for a new investigative journalist listen, but this is just your run of the mill cop-hating podcasters who read from scripts dripping with bias. When will they ever learn that if they want to convince “the other side” of anything, you need to start by at least pretending to be fair and balanced. They may have some good points to make, but their inability to keep their political agenda to themselves lost me right away.
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Great story!
If the tone of a person’s voice affects changes the way you perceive what they are saying, then YOU are the biased one and YOU are hoping the reporter matches how YOU feel!
Beats women.
Before he’s 18, hes already beaten two different girls! & his alibi, HE WAS BEATING ANOTHER WOMEN. Crazy to think he could murder someone. He’s just a single father trying to make it in a racist world….
This is my ❤️
I’ve been here since day one I can remember where I was when I started this podcast. I have always told ANYONE WHO WILL LISTEN MURDER OF DONNNA BROWN . THANK U FOR THE UPDATE
Could be a great story, narrators are awful
These podcasters are some of the most biased people I’ve ever heard. They go out of their way to make Abell seem like the most backward place on the planet. It may actually be but the country music and fake Southern accents when they ridicule different people in the story make it hard to listen and give the podcast a real “we’re better than these people feel”. Just tell the story. Listeners will be bright enough to figure out who to believe without the overdone antics of the narrators.
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Matthew W smith
Could be better
This is a very compelling case. Overall they do a good job of telling the story. The narrators lose some credibility with what comes across as a snarky attitude in my opinion however.
Loved the reporting!!! I wold listen to any podcast th
Podcast they did. I’m not finished with this podcast. But I’m so mad and want t know , what can I do?!
Gayle Kassul
Seems racist
A lot of covert racism that I’m sure the hosts aren’t even aware of, one example is Hercules being described as ‘well spoken’ which is really racially charged because a white kid would never be described that way
Extremely Biased
The story is compelling, but the delivery falls flat. They present their biases into the story instead of telling it and letting you decide. Do that in an episode, and no problem, but they inject their opinion into every piece. I tried, but I could not finish the series.
Art 34
Pretty good
This podcast is definitely more of a journalistic piece than an investigative piece, so don’t expect them to go around diggin up new evidence. Overall, it’s a compelling story and a nice, quick listen.
Worth Your Time
This is a wonderful podcast, it’s so brave of these women to tell their stories. They’re so strong- it sets an amazing example for other victims to come forward.
Too biased
Such a biased presentation it distracts from a good story
Great job!!
Thank you to both ladies for doing an excellent job!! This was a great “detective job” on your part, and a compelling story. Keep bringing us great content. Cheers!
Paul Omey
I want true Crime!
I want true crime vs opinions and emotions. Give us the facts and what you find throughout your “investigation.” Difficult to listen to without getting irritated by the lack of evidence and facts and the smoker’s voice. Too bad I couldn’t finish after the start of Hercules.
Tragic story
I admit the hosts have a decided agenda but who can blame them, based on the presentation. I can’t believe, even in rural Georgia, that the likes of Jimmy Hall are still in existence. I believe he and the GBI investigator will reap all they have sowed and am sure their miserable existence in this planet will follow them. Karma will have its way with these backwoods filthy handed “cops”.
It was okay but her voice is horrible!!
One of the hosts has a voice that’s almost too annoying to listen to. They are too repetitive and I don’t care to hear your opinion. Just tell true story. And to that one host with the terrible voice....STOP SMOKING!!!
Shocking behavior by local and state officials
This story is well told, but it is an infuriating look into a justice system that could care less about true justice. From the judge to prosecutors to local cops who couldn’t be bothered, man does this make me depressed for our country.
It’s difficult to listen to a podcast with such a negative slant, and so much weight given to someone’s feelings. They infer a lack of physical evidence in the car means that the convicted was not guilty.... These hosts should do themselves a favor and present the facts of the case. The facts of their investigation. Show the holes they find, but don’t disparage people saying “the DA later went on to become a BOAT SALESMAN” as if that’s an unnoble profession. Podcasts done in this vane are so much better crafted when it’s done with no bias and professionalism.
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On the case were you mentioned Hercules and Rebecca mr. Bennet that is all true. Rebecca was my husbands mother and he had an accomplice. Wesley mason was the other involved with the deaths both are in prison
Just alright
This is far from a “True Crime” podcast. I was blinded with the allure of the title “Murderville,” only to be disappointing by listening to a podcast probably produced by a bunch of snowflakes. I’m not saying there are no injustices here, but the podcast is mainly about feelings; interviews about how they felt about the investigation.
Well done
Worth a listen.
Super good
Really good. Definitely worth the listen!
Well done!
This was very well done/ completely infuriating
Murderville ga
Not well written. They repeat the same FEW audio clips in every episode. I suffered through several episodes but couldn’t finish.
Well produced podcast
Well done. And although I can imagine which voice some people don’t like, I think she sounds fine. Well spoken and good enunciation, no monotone talking like some podcasts. Decide for yourself. Well done, ladies.
Gary zenker
As soon as the sister of the ex girlfriend said she lied about where the suspect was that night I was out.
SSB 2008
Interesting but had to stop bc that voice!
Story is so interesting but one of the host’s voices isn’t for podcasts. It grates on you. I tried to listen months later but nope still couldn’t listen. Sad because I wanted to hear the rest of the story.
Great podcast
First, this great coverage of a terribly botched case. It is frightening how hard it is to get an innocent person out of prison. Second, I can’t believe how critical people can be about someone’s voice! Don’t like the content, fine. Don’t like the reporting fine. But to post a review based on the voice?! The downfall of our society is the ability for people to anonymously insult another person and not think twice about it. The hate that is spewed through social media (and now podcast reviews) will bring us all down.
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Couldn’t get through 5 min..
I love true crime and I live in Georgia, but the voice of one of the hosts was NOT for me. The way that she talks just doesn’t project intelligence, it was like listening to a high schooler. I’m sure she’s a great person, but not a voice for podcasts!!
Having dated someone that sounds like this guy, I couldn’t get passed the first 10 minutes. Bad guy. Hard to find sympathy. Cleary, I didn’t listen to the podcast..I listen to a lot of podcast regarding innocent men in the system. I hope, whatever the case may be, he has his justice. If innocent, I hope he’s freed..if guilty served justice. If you have a past of dating a violent person, this isn’t the podcast for you.
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Very interesting, sad story
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this story, although it is very sad and frustrating. I disagree with the review regarding Jordan’s voice, I actually enjoyed the podcast more because of her voice. She sounds like home to me.
Put together by people with an agenda
These crime podcasts are so much more interesting when the story is just told without the slant of negativity toward the investigators. It's a miracle that anyone spoke to these "journalists". After this podcast no one else in their right mind would try to help them. Real amateurs with an agenda that made me not care about the real story.
Are they journalists?
The hosts do not explore anything new. The worst is I CAN NOT STAND how BIAS these so called journalists are. Let’s the information and crappy investigation speak for itself. Too much attitude, not enough actual story.
“So he’s a woman beater, but he’s awesome!”
I loved how the “reporters” try to dismiss all the crap he did to women. He’s obviously a lying jerk who can’t be trusted. I wonder what he tells his riding buddies about these silly women who are patting themselves in the back trying to be good social justice warriors. 😅
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