Move Your DNA with Katy Bowman
Move Your DNA with Katy Bowman
Katy Bowman
Ep 35 - Diastasis Recti—The Book!
52 minutes Posted Nov 17, 2015 at 12:30 am.
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Katy Bowman’s 6th book is out—and looks like it might be the biggest yet. Why? Because so many people deal with diastasis recti but have little success with traditional methods. Katy talks about why her book: Diastasis Recti-The Whole-Body Solution To Abdominal Weakness And Separation is going to make a difference.

Go to to preorder your guidebook to a movement-rich life will help you analyze your current “movement diet” and make changes to how you move, how you think about movement, and how you fit more of it into your life.