Move Your DNA with Katy Bowman
Move Your DNA with Katy Bowman
Katy Bowman
Ep 34 - Thoughts on Incontinence
1 hour 4 minutes Posted Nov 3, 2015 at 12:30 am.
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Over 25 million Americans suffer from some form of incontinence. Most sufferers don’t like to talk about it. For those that do, they are offered few solutions aside from adult diapers, pharmaceuticals or surgery. But incontinence is a symptom of greater movement and lifestyle issues, and there are steps—LITERALLY!—that you can take to begin improving the health of your pelvis and the functions housed within.

Listener Discretion Advised: there is no profanity in this episode, but it does contain (sometimes silly) discussions about sex, poop, and penises, so choose your listening company and environment accordingly.