Mormon and the Meth-Head
Mormon and the Meth-Head
Aaron Woodall Jessa Reed
Mormon and the Meth-Head
Aaron Woodall Jessa Reed
If the little angel and devil from your shoulders ever hung out without you and made a podcast, this is probably what it would sound like. Equal parts wholesome and horrific, Mormon and the Meth-head is about one unlikely friendship. Jessa and Aaron have led two completely different lives. While Aaron was stopping strangers on the streets of Milan to teach them about Joseph Smith, Jessa was teaching dudes how to keister meth while blowing them in Arby's bathrooms across Portland. But as Aaron lets go of his strict Mormon lifestyle and begins his descent into the depravity of the secular world, Jessa acts as his ferryman, telling him about disgusting, hedonistic things he never could have imagined, like "butt stuff" and "coffee." And Aaron returns the favor, helping Jessa navigate new and foreign social situations like "accepting hugs from loved ones" and "having loved ones." In their respective routines, they each tackle the topics of love, sex, drugs, and alcohol, but with polar opposite perspectives. Audiences get to see their world through Aaron's naive, innocent eyes as well as through Jessa's bleary, bloodshot ones.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 212 days
Latest episode
a year ago
December 10, 2022
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